The red mist covering Tang Sui's body dissipated, and the smart and considerate Fushen withdrew his power and at the same time used his demon power to make a monotonous but practical long dress for Tang Sui, so as not to lose everything.

The reborn Tang Sui opened his clear blue eyes, and slowly stood up straight in the hot molten lava.

The high temperature around her that made her uncomfortable seemed to have changed from a lion with its teeth and claws into a well-behaved kitten, no longer stinging people.

"Sea Moon Fire Jade. I've merged into one with me." Tang Sui's eyes still had undiminished joy. She raised her hand, and a miniature imperial soul condensed with demonic power appeared in her palm.

"Originally, I thought that there is no more to ask for in this continent, but I didn't expect that after I absorbed the sea moon fire jade, the effects she possessed turned out to be a set of four! And the soul itself The attributes are also top match!"

This unexpected joy, Tang Sui really did not expect.

The Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake shook its head, "Just as long as you are happy." It won't reveal that it doesn't understand.

The King of Slaughter raised his brows slightly, and looked at the little cub's complacent appearance. Even though he was like the ten-headed blazing sun snake, he wondered what the little cub meant by "spiritual control" and what the four-piece suit was, but he Also just laugh without saying a word.

Anyway, he knew that this thing was an excellent "soul bone" for the Yaozu.

"Besides, thanks to the mask and Yuhun, my soul power has also broken through the 63th level in one fell swoop, and I'm already level [-]." Tang Sui put down his hands and looked at the newly-appeared masked God of Fortune with soft eyes.

Fushen shook up and down happily, but didn't make a sound.

Tang Sui:?
Fox face: "Hee hee hee——"

Ape face: 'Quack quack——'

Da Feichu: 'Hahaha——'

Three different voices of ridicule sounded in his head, Tang Sui frowned slightly, 'What are you laughing at?Also, why didn't Fushen speak? '

Fox face: "Little master, you have never devoured other human beings. It has no choice as a substitute now, so naturally it can't speak." '

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Tang Sui's eyes. Seeing that the God of Fortune seemed to be in a low mood, with his mask and head drooping, he said softly, "Then next time when you meet someone with the right conditions, if you like it, I will devour it with demonic power." The other party is fine. '

Fushen changed his downcast appearance and happily circled in the void.

The other three masks: "."

Especially Yuanmian and Da Feichu, they couldn't laugh for a moment.

The two masks changed from internal to external, and began to unanimously external.

Ape face: 'You are shameless! '

Da Feichu: "Looking at your bushy eyebrows and big eyes, you are an old guy. Could it be that you still want to choose a young man?" '

Fukujin, who can't speak, looks at his colleagues with that perpetual smile.

Fukami: I can't speak.

Ape face and Da Feichu:!Fork out!
The masks started to be noisy in Tang Sui's mind, a smile flashed in Tang Sui's eyes, thinking of something, she concentrated her energy and clicked on the one that was activated even though the system was not in her concentrated energy. Personal panel status.

【Name: Tang Sui】

[Race: Mixed race]

[Soul Power Level: 63]

[Demon Power Level: Unknown]

[Health Volume: 17000/17000]

[Mental Power: 28000/28000]

[① Martial Soul: Spirit Face

The first soul ring: Millennium soul ring (purple)
Soul Skill: Spirit Infusion (group increase of 25% defense, 40% mental power, 8% speed, 15% crit)


Second Soul Ring: Millennium Soul Ring (Purple)
Soul Skill: Good Face (one target is completely healed, and 70% of the soul power is restored, and all negative buffs are cleared)

(Restrictions: Each cast is limited to a single person, cooldown time: 90 seconds)
Third Soul Ring: Millennium Soul Ring (Purple)
Soul Skill: Face of Nothingness (ignore all physical attacks, and cause a mental impact to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, reducing its mental power by 18%, time limit: 10 minutes)
Fourth Soul Ring: Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring (Black)
Soul skill: Existence (the soul skill is locked and must hit. The hit person will receive 3 times the critical damage of their own total soul power)
(Additional condition: the multiplier of critical strike damage increases according to the number of monster power masks awakened)

The Fifth Soul Ring: Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring (Black)
Soul Skill: Face of Reincarnation (Add 25% speed, 20% crit damage, 30% defense, and the surrounding white mask can absorb 13% damage;)

(Restrictions: After use, the time is valid until the third soul skill is released.)
Sixth soul ring: 10-year soul ring (red)

Soul Skill: Forbidden Face (designate a single attack target, on the basis of the automatic enhancement of each mask's boost attribute, each mask's attack will be increased by 30%)

② Martial Soul: Haotian Hammer

[Demon power development level: fox face (it is said that the fox face symbolizes wisdom)

Ape face (it is said that the ape face brings fear to people)

Big fly out (It is said that big fly out shows anger)
Fukujin (It is said that Fukujin brings good luck)]

[Equipment: Amethyst Jade Bracelet, Royal Soul·Sea Moon Fire Jade]

[Soul Coin: *]

Without those laughing parentheses, only the cold subtitles reflected in the void, like a sleeping system, she still couldn't feel complete after all, even though the attributes of Haiyuehuoyu's soul enhancement were vividly reflected in her current character attributes , but Tang Sui always felt that something was missing.

Tang Sui let out a sigh of relief, made seals with both hands, the demon power surged, and a black-red crystal of demon power slowly condensed.

"Grandpa, Uncle Snake."

She pushed the demon power crystal towards the King of Slaughter, her clear blue eyes reflected the appearance of a man and a snake, and a gentle smile curled up on her lips: "The demon power crystal will be handed over to you, I am leaving now."

—— Digression——

hhh Fushen doesn't have a "substitute" now, and he can't speak yet.

PS: It is a private setting that one Yuhun is equal to the effect of a four-piece suit.

See you tomorrow~

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