In the blink of an eye, Tang San had already left the Slaughter City for seven whole days.

Due to the fact that he couldn't control the murderous aura all over his body, Tang San thought for a while, and decided to wait for him and Tang Hao to return to the valley before telling the other party Tang Sui's news.

Who knew that after following Tang Hao for hundreds of kilometers, Tang San suddenly realized something was wrong, this was not the way back to the valley!
"Father, where are you taking me?" Tang San was not calm anymore, he stopped, looked at a Tang Hao who jumped out tens of meters without paying attention, and refused to leave no matter what.

Tang Hao, who lightly landed on a tree branch, paused, turned his head, and said lightly: "Naturally, I will take you to complete the last assessment I set for you."

Tang San showed astonishment on his face: "So this is not the way back to the valley?!"

Tang Hao frowned slightly, "Of course not, you can't control your murderous aura right now, it's like a moving target outside, so naturally you have to wash away all the lead in your body. What's wrong?"

Tang San was secretly annoyed that he didn't tell Tang Hao at the beginning, but if he told his father from the beginning, what if his father just stood at the exit and refused to leave?
What would a father who loves his daughter suddenly know about his missing daughter? Tang San didn't dare to predict such a possibility.

In the suspicious eyes of the other party, Tang San bit the bullet and told about Tang Sui.

The calmness on Tang Hao's face cracked, and he disappeared 50 meters away in an instant. He pressed Tang San's shoulders with both hands, and looked at him with red eyes: "Why didn't you tell me earlier! No, I'll go back to Scion now! "

Tang San felt the trembling strength on his shoulders, and grabbed Tang Hao before the other party pulled his hand away: "Father, calm down. I made an appointment with Sui Sui, and she said that she would give her two days to deal with the killing. If you have any business, go back to the valley where your mother is and come to us."

"Two days. Then today. Isn't it the second day!" Tang Hao's face changed suddenly, and he went to complete the last experience without mentioning anything. Nine eye-catching soul rings emerged from under his feet. As soon as his field of vision changed, Tang Hao grabbed his whole body and moved in another direction at a terrifying speed.

Is this the speed at which Titled Douluo goes at full strength?
Being carried by Tang Hao indistinctly, and the wind blowing on his face, Tang San, who almost couldn't open his eyes, thought in his heart.

The father and son, to be precise, Tang Hao carried Tang San to the valley without stopping overnight.Finally at noon on the third day, when the sun rose to its highest point, we rushed back.

Tang San's uncontrollable icy cold aura was particularly conspicuous in this quiet and beautiful valley, almost as soon as they arrived, the birds and insects in the forest stopped, not daring to disturb this sudden evil star.

As soon as the father and son arrived, they went straight to the place where A Yin was. A Yin, who was influenced by the elder son, felt a little uncomfortable, because the Blue Silver Emperor himself was pure, but Tang San was now full of evil spirits that seemed to be real.

But after Tang San told A Yin the reason, A Yin was overjoyed at first, and then shook his head sadly.

"According to Xiao San, Sui Sui should have arrived yesterday or today, but the Lanyincao people stationed near the valley told me that they haven't seen anyone else coming in the past two days."

Tang San frowned, and told Tang Hao the news.

Tang Hao also frowned tightly, "How could it be? Could it be because the city of killing refused to let people go?"

Tang San shook his head: "Probably not. Since Sui Sui said that, she should be sure to leave the Slaughter City. Maybe Sui Sui just set off from the Slaughter City yesterday? Now she is on her way back, it still needs some time."

Ah Yin and Tang Hao also felt that what Tang San said was reasonable.

So the panicked hearts of the two calmed down a lot, and they rushed towards Taniguchi, watching for anyone coming at any time.

This wait is five days.

Tang Hao and Tang San's patience is getting worse day by day, if Tang San didn't stop him, saying what if one of them just left and Tang Sui came back and just missed it, Tang Hao would have rushed back to the exit of the Slaughter City to intercept people .

Relying on the noble and holy aura possessed by the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, Tang San also spent a lot of time meditating while waiting, restraining his murderous aura.

On the ninth day, with the light of dawn, Tang Hao, whose eyes were bloodshot, stood up silently from the ground. Tang San, who was meditating beside him, opened his eyes suddenly, looked at his father who had been sleepless for days and nights, and sighed , also stood up from the ground.

"Father, you haven't slept well for several days. Why don't you stay in the valley and stay with Mom, and I will go to the capital of killing again. What if I meet Sui Sui along the way?"

To be honest, he couldn't wait any longer.

Tang Hao opened his mouth, and just as he was about to speak, a sharp light suddenly shot out from his wooden eyes, he suddenly turned his head to look at the lush forest, a terrifying aura exploded from his body, his voice pierced the void like a sword: "Who? !"

The moment Tang Hao's expression changed, Tang San's eyes were also focused. The evil spirit and blood energy that had been suppressed for the past few days also broke through the suppression while his aura became fierce, making him cold again. .

However, in the next second, when the father and son's horrific aura and frozen eyes touched the exquisite and petite figure, the frozen ice and snow froze, and in the sun, they collapsed like scattered sand, crumbling into an army and melting into water vapor.

The beautiful figure leaping out from the dark forest stood under the bright and hot sun, no longer sickly and pale, but as white as jade, with a bright and joyful smile on the familiar delicate face of the girl exuding health:
"Father, brother, I'm back."

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