Chapter 379 The Gradually Revealed Nature

As night fell, people kept passing invitations at the gate of Yuexuan to enter.

Because today is Yuexuan's annual graduation ceremony, most of the people invited are the parents and elders of the graduates.

The graduation ceremony was held on the third floor of Yuexuan, and many dignitaries were already seated on the third floor.

As the owner of Yuexuan, Tang Yuehua was still wearing a silver palace attire, standing at the side of the hall with a smile on her face. She didn't nod her head until her subordinates told her that everyone was here, and then she nodded to signal that the graduation ceremony officially began.

A group of young people dressed in silver and luxurious costumes filed in from both sides. At a glance, there were more than a hundred people.

But they didn't make any noise when they walked around, and everyone had an elegant and calm smile on their faces.

The steps are harmonious, and the gestures are a little noble without showing pride, which is eye-catching.

At this moment, one person walked out from each side.

Under the dense light, the silver harp seems to be sparkling on the surface of the water.

On the gorgeous tulle, flower embroidery blooms on the edge of the fluffy skirt that is layered and spread like waves. The light golden light above the head falls on the raven-black long hair, and the two smooth long hair at the ear temples are combed back. Behind a bunch of blue, gold, blue and silver grass vine hair ornaments worn in the hair.

The girl's appearance is exquisite, her skin is creamy, and the cluster of vines in her hair is like a crown of thorns. She is born to be the focus of everyone, a noble princess standing at the top of the stage.

The other students did not show dissatisfaction, but looked at the girl with admiration, as if she should be so different.

The young man who came out from the other side also held a harp in his arms.

The young man's blue eyes were clear, and his dark blue hair was scattered on his shoulders, but he didn't feel disrespectful.

The most attractive thing is the tranquil aura on his body, which makes people unconsciously focus on him.

When they walked out of the side door, they became the focus of the audience almost instantly.

Even those graduated students who walked into the hall with elegant smiles on their faces, most of them couldn't help but stare at the two of them.

The young man put the harp on the prepared table and sat on the special low stool. He smiled and nodded at the many guests, then slowly raised his slender hands and started to play gently.

The elegant, pure, crystal-clear, dew-like timbre flowed from the delicate golden harp, and the hall fell silent.

The wonderful sound of the piano is refreshing, just like the beauty of the wonders gushing out of the fountain under the moonlight, filled with a poetic atmosphere.

Suddenly, another ethereal music joined in, adding a little quiet and distant atmosphere to this poetic atmosphere.

Tang Yuehua stood there quietly, listening to the wonderful sound of the piano. To her ears, the sound of the piano was of course different from others.

She was listening to whether the sound of the piano was really as peaceful as they appeared on the surface.

A whole year has passed, and Tang San has indeed changed a lot.

Perhaps, this is his nature.

As for Tang Sui, she had an indescribable feeling.

She was surprised by the results of the competition that the two siblings set up in front of her on the day they came.

The one who won was not Tang Sui, but Tang San.

During the year, she discovered that sometimes Tang Sui didn't need to read books or learn from the basics at all. Those small details of movements seemed to be born with a sense of dignity.

But it is this kind of dignity mixed with a kind of arrogance.

It was a kind of arrogance that was born to put himself in the position of playing chess, and calculated everyone's mind with a different kind of vision.

In front of the rich and powerful, sometimes due to the situation, you have to show a weak side, that is, be calm and restrained enough.

This is easy for Tang San, but for his younger sister Tang Sui.
She didn't know what happened to the two brothers and sisters to cause the current changes.

In one year, Tang Sui absorbed all the etiquette and details in just three months. However, in terms of character, Tang San, as an older brother, developed toward calmness and introversion, while his younger sister was
Tang Sui's disposition may be calm, but he has never been able to achieve true indifference, the essence is the temperament of revenge.

Specifically. How should I put it? Tang Sui gave her a very subtle feeling.

Although some people are smiling on their faces, they have hundreds of eyes in their hearts to calculate the enemy. When they judge that the enemy is the most lax, they will show their fangs without hesitation and launch a swift and fierce attack on the enemy. .

Afterwards, she might casually wipe the blood on her hands with a handkerchief, with a smile on her lips, not caring at all, and continue to arrange the next operation in an orderly manner.

This kind of character is dangerous to a certain extent, because once she encounters a life-threatening situation, she will not back down, and she may rather die on the battlefield with all the enemies.

She doesn't know what that child went through to develop such a habit of mind, but... I just hope that if she is really in danger in the future, she can also save the day.

Thinking of this, Tang Yuehua sighed worriedly.

On the stage, Tang San, who finished his graduation performance, felt calm.

Maybe he still doubted his father's decision at first, but when he gradually calmed down here and recalled everything that happened in the past four years and his entire growth process, he found that his spirit was so tired.

But during this year, his body and mind got the best rest.

Although he didn't deliberately cultivate, everything he had learned over the years gradually became integrated in this tranquility, and even the Du Meridian, the last line of defense of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, began to loosen gradually.

Level 57, this is Tang San's current spirit power level.

Tang Sui only improved one level in her studies in Yuexuan this year, but she was not unbalanced in her heart. On the contrary, she was unusually calm and even a little happy.

Because the system that had been dormant two months ago came back.

—— Digression——

A lot of cuties are saying that if you don’t update it at noon, then you can update it at noon~
Then it's time to go back to Haotianzong, hey!Excited to rub hands.

see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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