Chapter 380 The Return
Yuexuan's graduation ceremony ended successfully, and every student received the graduation certificate from Tang Yuehua, and threw themselves into the arms of their relatives happily.

The elegant and calm siblings stood in front of Tang Yuehua who was still smiling, and bowed to her, "Auntie, thank you for your teaching this year."

Tang Yuehua looked at the two brothers and sisters with satisfaction: "It is thanks to your own hard work that you are today, and your parents will be proud of you."

"Aunt Yuehua, don't you want to introduce me?" A clear voice sounded, Tang Sui and Tang San turned their heads to look, and the Tiandou Prince Xue Qinghe in casual clothes walked slowly.

Tang Yuehua angrily said, "Don't always call me auntie, am I very old?"

"Aunt Yuehua." Xue Qinghe smiled helplessly, looking at Tang Sui and Tang San standing behind Tang Yuehua, his gaze was slightly deep.

Tang Sui, who also looked over, also had a slight glint in his eyes, and a circle of ripples appeared in his eyes.

this person.
Tang Yuehua introduced Xue Qinghe sideways: "Let me introduce you, these two are my nephew and niece."

She cleverly didn't say her name, and Tang San didn't let Xue Qinghe take the opportunity to ask, so he naturally took the conversation: "Hi, I'm Tang Yin, this is my sister."

"Tang Mo."

Tang Sui spat out two clear and crisp sounds from her cherry lips, unhurriedly, just after Tang San's last consonant, very natural.

Xue Qinghe looked at Tang Sui's exquisite face, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said half-jokingly: "Sister Tang Mo looks so familiar, as if she has seen it somewhere."

But unlike the little girl he had seen before, the girl in front of him was slim and graceful, even though she had an elegant temperament, she still couldn't hide a unique aura that could only be tasted by a powerful person like him - that kind of person who also holds great power and comes from a family background. Extraordinary noble atmosphere.

According to his investigation, that person seems to have gone to an unknown small earthen village with anonymity after retiring from the world.

He once met Tang San and Tang Sui brothers and sisters in the Grand Canyon of Death. Tang Sui gave him the impression that he was a bit naive, especially when he confronted the titled Douluo Yueguan later, he didn't seem to have the sense of sight of a successor who was pampered .

Facing Xue Qinghe's temptation, Tang Sui's expression remained unchanged, with a smile still on the corner of his lips: "You are joking, my brother and I have only come out of the sect not long ago, and have never seen you before. If you feel similar, maybe Is it the child of a brother who has met his father?"

As soon as these words came out, Tang San looked at his sister calmly.

Sui Sui is deliberately avoiding Xue Qinghe, why?
"So that's it." Xue Qinghe nodded in understanding, exchanged a few words with Tang Yuehua, and then went to pick up his half-sister.

And Tang Sui and Tang San also prepared to ask Tang Yuehua to resign.

Tang Yuehua's face showed a daze and a trace of reluctance, but she quickly restrained herself and nodded, "Okay, then you all go back to your room and change your clothes before leaving."

"Good aunt."

The two brothers and sisters nodded obediently, turned around and went upstairs to tidy themselves up.

【Xue Qinghe has already noticed you. 】

The moment he stepped into the room, the system sounded faintly.

Tang Sui's steps were smooth, without the slightest pause.

'I know. '

'This year's graduation ceremony has the youngest princess of the Tiandou imperial family present, Xue Qinghe, as the elder brother, is also the crown prince, so of course he will come. '

【Would you like to send a message to Master and the others to be alert to Xue Qinghe first?After all, you also know that Xue Qinghe is]

The system made a persuasive sound.

Tang Sui understands the unfinished words, but Tang Sui doesn't intend to expose Xue Qinghe now, who is also the disguise of Qian Renxue, the young master of Wuhun Palace.

'There is no impenetrable wall in the world.No one can guarantee that the news will not spread to let Xue Qinghe know.Therefore, it is better to stand still and make the best use of everything first, so that one's own side can fully develop. '

Tang Sui changed into another light purple knee-length skirt.

The skirt of this set is light and beautiful, and it is also a culottes version. It is a must-have set for female soul masters to fight.

'What's more, my body's congenital deficiencies have recovered to a certain extent with the arrival of Yuhun, which is only one line away from full health. '

'This time, I'm not going to put myself in a crisis again. '

Tang Sui looked calm.

After packing up the rendezvous, Tang Sui and Tang San set off on their way home together.

Tang Yuehua stood in front of the window sill on the top floor, watching the backs of Tang Sui and Tang San walking away, a faint smile appeared on his face: "Sui Sui, Xiao San, I will wait for you at the sect."

Tang Sui and Tang San traveled day and night according to the parchment map Tang Hao left them a year ago, heading for the valley marked on the map.

The valley is just as it was before the two left, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the years are quiet and beautiful.

The great waterfall that had been with Tang San for a year crashed down from above, Tang San who leapt up could already see the figure standing quietly by the lake.


Tang San shouted a little excitedly, Tang Sui, who was closely behind Tang San, paused slightly, looked at the person on the bank who was still wearing the black robe, thinking of something, her eyes dimmed.

The figure who heard Tang San's shout also turned around, looking at the two who jumped forward.

"You are back."

The deep voice seemed to ring in his ears, but when he saw Tang Hao's face clearly, Tang San almost fell off the branch with his feet unsteady.

His whole body seemed to be like a frozen statue, his originally excited gaze was completely dull at this moment, his breath and heart froze and trembled in an instant.

Tang Sui landed lightly, looking at Tang Hao sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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