Chapter 381

By the pool, Tang Hao stood there quietly.

But there was only one leg supporting his body, and the entire left leg was broken at the root, very flat.

Looking from the front, the black robe could no longer cover his right arm, which was also severed from the shoulder.

But after a year of separation, Tang Hao has become a disabled old man.

Tang Sui's eyes fell on Tang Hao's scattered eyes, and he couldn't hide the strands of snow whiteness that emerged one after another. His lips moved, and tears welled up uncontrollably, blurring his eyes instantly.


Tang San cried out almost tremblingly, his figure flashed, his jaw trembling and he knelt down in front of Tang Hao.

The broken part of Tang Hao's wound is too flat, it doesn't seem to be caused by accident, but it is cut off artificially.

But who can move a strong person at the title Douluo level!

"The son is unfilial. Who is it, who let you do it."

Tang San's self-cultivation in the past year was completely shattered in front of Tang Hao, and the terrifying and chilling evil spirit burst out from his body, and the sharp killing intent shot straight into the sky.

"Little San, who else can there be besides myself?"

Having lost an arm and a leg, Tang Hao looked very calm, and the expression on his face was not as serious and stiff as before. Instead, he looked at the pair of children he was proud of with a faint smile.

Soul power surged, forming literally phantom limbs in front of the siblings.

Tang Sui stepped forward, helped up his broken-hearted brother, and looked at Tang Hao in silence.

Tang Hao looked at his youngest daughter whose temperament had become more tranquil, and nostalgia flashed in his eyes, thinking of his wife A Yin.

He smiled lightly and said, "It's strange why I did this, isn't it? Don't you always want to know about my past? Come with me, and I'll take you to a place."

While talking, Tang Hao used his soul power to transform his right leg, where the blood vessels with energy surges were clearly visible. The black light flashed, and the soul power burst forth, and the whole figure seemed to be springing up with springs under his feet.

Even though only one arm and one leg were lost, Tang Hao's speed was still astonishingly flying directly towards the waterfall.

Tang San took a deep breath, asked Tang Sui to let him go, and then chased in the direction Tang Hao left.

Tang Sui stepped forward and followed.

As expected by the siblings, Tang Hao came to their mother, Ah Yin's side.

A family of four gathered in this small valley, Tang Hao casually sat beside the two-foot-long Blue Silver Emperor, and patted the grass beside him.

"Come and sit, I will tell you what you want to know."

Tang Sui and Tang San sat on the ground, and after the Blue Silver Emperor next to Tang Hao sensed the breath of his children, the blue-gold leaf veins flowed with delicate light, and the two-foot-long vines grew, rushing towards the lost and found little daughter, kindly Wrapped the little girl's wrist with the tip of the vine.

"Mom, I'm fine."

Tang Sui softly responded to the excited Blue Silver Emperor Vine.

The branches and leaves of the other branch of Blue Silver Emperor trembled slightly, nodded towards Tang Sui's position, then slowly swam towards Tang San and Tang Hao, trying to surround the three of them with himself.

Tang Hao watched this scene tenderly, and waited until the Blue Silver Emperor vines surrounded them all, and then slowly opened his mouth, telling about his past.

Tang San listened silently, until Tang Hao took out a pitch-black agarwood box from the soul guide, his expression changed.

"I owe a lot to the Zongmen, and now I am stripping these two soul bones, just hoping that you can send them back to the Zongmen for me." Tang Hao looked at the two spirit bones in the wooden box, and said in a deep voice.

"These are the two soul bones I obtained from the sect. Now that you brothers and sisters have returned them on my behalf, it can be regarded as an explanation. As for the impact I have caused on the sect, father is very sorry, but I can only rely on you Came to save it."

Speaking of this, Tang Hao showed apology.

Obviously he caused it, but his children have to pay for it.

"Although I am disabled now, since I lost my arms and legs, I have become much more relaxed. Because, I can finally leave everything behind to accompany your mother. Even though I only have three points of soul power left One, but still has the strength of level [-]. Self-protection is enough, and you don't have to worry about me."

Tang Sui didn't go to pick him up. To be honest, she didn't like Haotianzong at all.

Whether it was before or now.

Tang San didn't notice Tang Sui's strangeness, he took the initiative to stretch out his hands, took the wooden box solemnly, and took a deep breath: "Father, don't worry, Sui Sui and I will set off immediately, and we will definitely complete the task."

Tang Hao nodded, and his eyes fell on Tang Sui, "No hurry. Sui Sui, Xiao San has completed the second awakening of the Blue Silver Emperor four years ago."

He paused, with a cautious tone in his tone, and said, "Although Xiaosan is now the new king of the Blue Silver Emperor, you can also undergo a second awakening. When both of you brothers and sisters are back, you want to Didn't you wake up first?"

The second awakening of the Blue Silver Emperor?

Tang Sui's eyes rippled, and at the same time, a voice from the system that was more excited than her sounded in her head——

[Promise him. 】

Tang Sui complied.

The three of them set off immediately without further delay, heading towards another forest.

This forest looks a little different from other spirit beast forests.

There are not all kinds of plants here, and there are no soul beasts stationed here, but the blue silver grass is the most abundant here.

At a glance, there are blue and silver grasses fluttering in the wind, like a blue ocean, beautiful, dreamy and full of vitality.

All the blue silver grass lowered their leaves slightly towards the direction Tang San and the others walked, this is the blue silver grass saluting their new emperor.

—— Digression——

See you tomorrow, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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