Chapter 383
Like a daytime world, the bright light keeps receding, but it is still covered by the blackness that is approaching every step of the way.


The clear and bright world was cracked, and Tang Sui, who had closed his eyes, sensed something was wrong, and opened his eyes quickly.

The goal of entering is not a clear and bright world, but a long and deep corridor with no end in sight.

On both sides of the aisle, about ten meters away, there will be a hole lamp placed on the ground.

However, in the quiet darkness, the orange light can only illuminate a small corner, and nothing else can be seen at all.

"La la la la."

The old-fashioned nursery rhymes played by the record player reached Tang Sui's ears.

But it seems that due to the long time, or the aging of the equipment, the sound of the nursery rhymes flickered one after another, making her feel chilly and cold.

Humming this ethereal nursery rhyme, it was as if someone had stabbed a needle into her brain abruptly, and it hurt so badly.

Tang Sui held his throbbing temple in pain, trying to relieve the pain.

Time is blurred here, and the deep and boundless darkness is like an inextricable night. The strong smell of blood seeps into the screen along with the light of the red moon hanging high, pours into the room, and spreads in this dim space.

Suddenly, Tang Sui stopped his movements, turned around as if feeling something, and looked behind him vigilantly.



In the dark corridor, a dark figure stood quietly in the shadows that could not be penetrated by the faint light.

The darkness blurred the man's face, and only the outline of the man could be seen faintly.

He obviously couldn't see the shape and didn't know what it was, but at the moment that black shadow appeared, Tang Sui's heart stopped subconsciously, and the beating sound of "thumping" was amplified in his ears, as if he was about to fall from the shadow in the next second. Jumping out of her chest, the deep sense of fear haunted her, and even the pupils trembled and shrank in shock.

In the long, seemingly endless corridor, the atmosphere became oppressive and deep, as if there was some terrifying existence hiding in the darkness, just about to move.

The figure gradually enlarged in Tang Sui's eyes, realizing that the other party was approaching her, Tang Sui took a step back abruptly, and said in a hurried voice:

"do not come"

But what changed Tang Sui's face suddenly was that the footsteps of that figure did not stop at all, and walked towards her slowly but firmly step by step.

Tang Sui wanted to escape subconsciously, but the moment she had this idea, a biting coldness spread densely from the soles of her feet to her whole body.


The ground under her feet suddenly cracked into several wide chasms, like a huge mouth of an abyss that opened, swallowing her into it unexpectedly.


The feeling of weightlessness that followed by stepping on the air made Tang Sui subconsciously exclaim, wanting to use the demon power to stabilize herself, but found that all the power in her body, whether it was demon power or soul power, was as still as stagnant water, without any response .

what happened?

Tang Sui's face showed a hint of surprise, but in the next second——


Tang Sui, who had stopped falling, slammed on the solid wooden door in embarrassment, his body made a dull sound, and the pain hit. His body, which had been strengthened, seemed to have returned to its original fragility and sensitivity.



Before she could recover, she only had time to let out a muffled groan, and the wooden door under her body cracked again in the middle, Tang Sui's eyes widened slightly, and she fell down again.


Tang Sui, who tried to adjust herself in mid-air, failed to adjust, and hurriedly bumped into the next wooden door. Before she could recover, she repeated the same mistakes.


Ruouowu sneers came to his ears, and Tang Sui, who was lying on the wooden door in a panic, raised his head with difficulty, and a strong and pungent smell of blood rushed into his nose.

She didn't know if it was the smell in the air or her own blood.




After hitting the wooden door six times repeatedly, Tang Sui fell to the bottom.

There was no time to react during the whole process, so he slammed into the door.

His whole body was in severe pain like a broken bone, but Tang Sui still clenched his teeth and stood up with difficulty, limping.

However, when she stood firm and raised her head, what caught her eyes was another scene——

Like a jigsaw puzzle that has been broken and reassembled, countless retro corridors and buildings are interspersed, absurdly displayed in this dark and infinite space.

The abstract and distorted scenes like oil paintings are layered in Tang Sui's eyes, and finally distorted into dark light and shadow, sinking in the bottom of the eyes, only the occasional flash of scarlet lines become the only bright color in her pupils.

The flowing red fills the entire field of vision, and the frantic and depressing sound is like a hazy experience in a dream. The noisy ravings sway the sound waves, forming a tumbling vortex, connecting into one piece, riddled with holes, forming a more chaotic and terrifying space.

But Tang Sui felt a sense of long-lost familiarity from this chaotic space.

As if she had been here before.

I have been here countless times, so deep that even if the brain forgets, the feelings are engraved in her soul, and after being triggered, she begins to strongly suggest that she——

【Move forward. 】

The voice of the system resounds faintly in this chaotic world.

She wanted to take a step forward, but another unknown force stopped her.

Tang Sui, unable to move, could not see that her snow-white ankles had been entangled in the black-red mist, and her shrinking pupils reflected the horrifying and chaotic scene in front of her.


The icy temperature wrapped in a cold breath came up from behind, Tang Sui's breathing became rapid, but another soft and cool breath suddenly sounded in his ears.

"I found you."

——But I don't want to be found by you.

This idea came to mind almost instantly.

Tang Sui's hands clenched into fists, and all her fear turned into the power to break through the shackles. While regaining control of her body, she quickly turned around, a sharp light shot out from her clear blue eyes, and she put her five fingers together, turning her palms into sharp weapons , at the moment of turning around, he stabbed vigorously into the body of another existence.


The bright red blood splashed, and a few drops landed on the cheeks.

Tang Sui's eyes widened in disbelief, and another face was reflected in her pupils, which she was very familiar with, a face that she saw every day.

——That is, her own appearance.

The unnoticed black color soaked the pupils, and the two pairs of similar but different eyes faced each other. One pair slowly raised water mist, while the other pair was extremely calm, and even clearly reflected her crying appearance.


Only after recovering the sound of her first character, those dizzy deep bloods were consciously pulled away from the long skirt, and stretched into red threads, entwining their wrists together.

——This is her crime.

When she was completely wrapped in scarlet lines and covered her body, such words appeared in Tang Sui's mind.

[Beep—the demon power awakening failed. 】

—— Digression——

Maybe this chapter will make you feel better when you read it at night?
Then, cuties, please go to Pinpin Q to read the picture of Sui Sui's character in the comment area on the top of the comment area.

(End of this chapter)

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