Outside, Tang San and the others who were anxiously waiting for the energy cocoon to change had already exited the black mud-like viscous demon power fluctuation range.

The other blue silver grasses that couldn't move bent their branches and leaves one by one, it was Tang San who gritted his teeth and expanded the blue silver field in this terrifying negative energy to maintain the vitality of those blue silver grasses.


While waiting anxiously, the pitch-black energy cocoon began to spread blood-like red from the bottom.

Against its pitch-black appearance, it seems unlucky.

"This is."

"She's about to wake up." Lanyin Wang's calm voice interrupted Tang Hao's words.

They watched without blinking as the light of the energy cocoon slowly dimmed, starting from the round and closed top, making a crackling sound.

The fallen cocoon flakes dissipate into black-red spirit particles, disappearing into the air.

The girl wearing the light purple knee-length skirt familiar to Tang San and Tang Hao folded her arms in front of her, her eyebrows were tightly frowned, and she seemed very unsteady.

"Sui Sui!"

The father and son stepped forward one by one, and landed in front of Tang Sui, whose cocoons were all gone.

From a closer look, Tang Sui's height has grown by a few points. Although it is not as great as Tang San's, it is still more than 1.6 meters five.

Today, the childishness of her appearance has faded, and she has become more refined. She has changed from a porcelain doll to a porcelain doll with an adult body, and her fair face is slightly red.

But unlike Tang San, whose hair color turned azure blue after the second awakening, Tang Sui was still deep and pitch black, but one-third of his long hair began to gradually turn into a dull red, showing no tendency to turn blue, and also Not pure black.

Hearing his father and brother's call, Tang Sui's curled eyelashes trembled, and he slowly opened his usual clear blue eyes, but his eyes were full of bewilderment.

She failed to awaken her demon power?
Tang Sui, whose brain was still in chaos, even forgot why the other Clear Sky Hammer didn't respond when the martial soul was awakened, and finally turned into a demon power awakening.

She looked down at her slender fingers, opened her mouth, and looked at her father and brother blankly: "I failed to awaken."

Tang San and Tang Hao's expression darkened for a moment when they heard the words, and just about to say something, the voice of the Blue Silver King came from behind Tang Sui.

"Miss, is there another blood in your body?"

Tang Sui paused, turned his head slightly, and looked at the imitated Lanyin King. His Chenglan eyes were suddenly deep for a moment, and against the complicated gaze around him, he said softly, "This has something to do with my childhood. But I Still a child of parents."

The last sentence seems to be emphasizing something.

Tang San frowned, and looked at his sister puzzled: "Sui Sui, why don't I know?"

"Brother, you went to the mountains one day to pick wild vegetables and didn't come back for a long time. I was worried, so I quietly went to the mountains to find you."

When a lie is told, countless lies must be used to cover it up.

But the hardest thing to expose is the true lie.

Hearing this, Tang San's expression changed slightly, and he remembered the day when he wanted to squat the hare in the hare hole, but he came home a bit late, and when he got home, he found that his sister was actually later than him.

Tang Sui lowered his eyes, speaking half-truth.

"But at that time, I was not familiar with the mountains, and I got lost not long after entering, and my physical strength reached the limit."

All of the above are true.

"Just when I was dying, I heard a voice asking me if I would like to live. I answered the voice yes, and when I woke up again, I was already lying at the entrance of the mountain, exhausted. I don't know why, but it seems to be a little sore after exercising for a long time."

This is fake.

She was indeed lost at the time, tired and thirsty, but it was the fox face who told her where there was water and how to go out of the mountain.

But after listening to Tang Sui's story, Tang Hao and Tang San looked at Tang Sui silently and sadly, especially Tang Hao, with remorse and guilt almost overflowing in their eyes.

"Maybe. At that time, a change happened to me that I didn't even know about."

The final word.

Lan Yinwang fell into deep thought, following Tang Sui's words, he thought that it should be the other blood that was injected at that time.

But listen to her.
Lan Yinwang looked at the silent father and son, and sighed inwardly.

Does this human male emperor know this?

This "Emperor" refers to the former Blue Silver Emperor, that is, A Yin, the mother of Tang San and Tang Sui.

Tang Sui pursed his lips, but did not gnaw any more, allowing the silence to spread.

[Do you want to see your current personal panel? 】

The system sounded lukewarm.

Tang Sui was stunned for a second, and with a thought, her personal panel was brought up.

【Name: Tang Sui】

[Race: Mixed race (the blood of the European Emperor will also have some troubles)]

[Soul power level: 66 (oh, you took off)]

[Demon Power Level: Unknown (You who have the blessing of the soul, are now a mature cub)]

[Health volume: 20500/20500 (Wow, what about new diamonds)]

[Spiritual power: 34000/34000 (As expected of you, the effect of imperial soul is wet with rain and dew)]

[① Martial Soul: Spirit Face

The first soul ring: Millennium soul ring (purple)
Soul Skill: Spirit Infusion (group increase of 25% defense, 40% mental power, 8% speed, 15% crit)


Second Soul Ring: Millennium Soul Ring (Purple)
Soul Skill: Good Face (one target is completely healed, and 70% of the soul power is restored, and all negative buffs are cleared)

(Restrictions: Each cast is limited to a single person, cooldown time: 90 seconds)
Third Soul Ring: Millennium Soul Ring (Purple)
Soul Skill: Face of Nothingness (ignore all physical attacks, and cause a mental impact to stun the enemy for 3 seconds, reducing its mental power by 18%, time limit: 10 minutes)
Fourth Soul Ring: Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring (Black)
Soul skill: Existence (the soul skill is locked and must hit. The hit person will receive 4 times the critical damage of their own total soul power)
(Additional condition: the multiplier of critical strike damage increases according to the number of monster power masks awakened)

The Fifth Soul Ring: Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring (Black)
Soul Skill: Face of Reincarnation (Add 25% speed, 20% crit damage, 30% defense, and the surrounding white mask can absorb 13% damage;)

(Restrictions: After use, the time is valid until the third soul skill is released.)
Sixth soul ring: 10-year soul ring (red)

Soul Skill: Forbidden Face (designate a single attack target, on the basis of the automatic enhancement of each mask's boost attribute, each mask's attack will be increased by 30%)

② Martial Soul: Haotian Hammer (No soul ring, net weight 500 catties. Pick up the hammer, cub.)
[Demon power development degree:
Realm—Twin Realm (Darkness and shadows paved the steps of glory, thorn birds sing your sinful poems in the ruins, chaotic world, you are the only truth.)
Fox face (it is said that the fox face symbolizes wisdom)

Ape face (it is said that the ape face brings fear to people)

Big fly out (It is said that big fly out shows anger)
Fukujin (It is said that Fukujin brings good luck)]

[Equipment: Amethyst Jade Bracelet (now it is a storage place for sundries), Yuhun·Sea Moon Fire Jade (Congratulations, one Sea Moon Fire Jade is the effect of the entire four-piece set)]

[Soul Coin: * (Your wealth will not be displayed, because the whole city is yours)]

Dear parentheses, perhaps because the system has gained enough energy, all the contents of the parentheses are displayed, even if there is some inexplicable yin and yang.

—— Digression——

See you tomorrow~

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