
Tang Sui murmured subconsciously when he saw the extra content on the panel except for the brackets. At the same time, something in his mind was being faded until he forgot.

Tang Hao and Tang San looked over immediately, their eyes bright.

"Sui Sui, have you obtained the domain?"

The father and son spoke in unison, and Tang Sui realized that he had said it.

However, there was really no need to hide this, so he simply nodded.

"I just found out."

Tang Hao was thoughtful: "Although the awakening failed, but the domain was obtained by accident, it is considered a success. Sui Sui, what is the effect of your domain?"

Tang Sui paused, felt it for a while before saying: "My domain is called the twin domain, which is a bit like the effect after my brother and I used the martial soul fusion technique. Wherever the shadow is, I can come and go freely, even One is drawn into the mirror world of another shadow."

This field is the same as the process she used to deal with the group of people in the law enforcement team.

But compared to the half-baked one before, it is now more complete and has become a real field.

"Within the scope of the domain, my attack power and critical strike damage will increase, and even as long as my spiritual power is greater than that of the person I pull into the domain, I can completely control the other person's thinking and drag them into a nightmare of fear. Spirit Those whose power is higher than mine, although they will not be able to control their thinking, will be restrained, and the degree of weakening of all attribute abilities will be determined by the percentage difference in the level of soul power."

"If the mental power is higher than mine, and the soul power is 20 levels higher than mine, it can only be weakened by 30%."

"If the soul power is high, but the mental power is lower than mine, the difference between level 5 is 80%, and level 10 is 70%, decreasing by 10% one by one. That is to say, even if you face a Titled Douluo, even if the enemy's soul power is 30% higher than mine. I can weaken him by at least 20%-30% at multiple levels or even level [-]."

"As for double lows, it's even more unfounded."

Tang Sui's lips curved into a smile.

As stated in that line of brackets, she is the only truth in the domain, and she is also the master.

Although the awakening of demon power failed, it was not without gains.

At least, the current field is her biggest harvest.

But why did the awakening fail?
Tang Sui poked the system in his heart.

The system was silent for a few seconds and replied: [Of course it is because of insufficient conditions.As for the conditions, you need to understand it yourself. 】

Insufficient conditions?

Tang Sui was stunned, thinking of his four masks now, hesitantly said: "Is it because the number of masks is not complete yet?" '

The system didn't respond, and Tang Sui didn't know whether he was right or not.

But now that I said it, the heavy atmosphere lingering between them was relaxed a lot with the smile flowing from the corners of Tang Sui's lips.

Tang Hao and Tang San looked at Tang Sui's innocent smile, and heaved a sigh of relief. Then Tang Hao paused, then took out a pitch-black black iron lead box from the soul guide, and handed it to Tang Sui.

"Sui Sui, you should absorb this too." Tang Hao said softly.

Something flashed through Tang Sui's mind, and he saw that the lead box didn't move.

Seeing this, Tang Hao sighed lightly, and opened the heavy iron buckle of the lead box with his other hand, which was emptied of strength.

Huaguang, which could no longer be concealed, radiated from the box. It was a right leg spirit bone.

The whole body of the soul bone is crystal clear blue gold, as if a little bit of starlight is shining inside, the most peculiar thing is that what it brings to Tang Sui and Tang San is a feeling of life, as if this right leg bone is actually possessed Like life.

Although any spirit bone can give people such a feeling, but this crystal blue spirit bone is particularly obvious.

The extremely friendly breath seemed to be pulling the hearts of the two brothers and sisters. The hearts in the chest were beating too fast, as if there was a special pulling force.

"Dad, this"

"This is left to you by your mother." Tang Hao looked at the right leg soul bone with gentle eyes, mixed with a little bit of heartache.

"Originally, I wanted to leave this right leg bone to Xiaosan, thinking that you would be the one who could awaken as the Blue Silver Emperor, but I didn't expect that you two, brother and sister, would turn around." He said, looking at the eldest son, " Xiao San, I plan to give this soul bone to Sui Sui, you"

Everyone understands the unfinished words behind, and Tang San, who came back to his senses, looked solemn, and said first: "Father, distribute it according to your wishes. I already have a skull of wisdom with spiritual concentration, but Sui Sui Not yet, not to mention it’s mother’s. It should be given to Sui Sui.”

When it came to the end, Tang San regained his correct words.

This time it was Tang Sui who was silent.

She is extremely aware of how important this piece of Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone is in the original trajectory of fate, but now, her father and brother both plan to leave it to her.
Sour and warm emotions rose from her heart, diluting the last trace of indifference lingering on her body.

She took a deep breath and said, "Father, give this spirit bone to brother."

Tang Hao paused, and Tang San hurriedly said after a brief astonishment:
"Sui Sui, brother don't need it"

"Brother, this spirit bone can exert its greatest effect on you. To me, it's useless." Tang Sui interrupted Tang San, explaining to them clearly.

"The attributes of the spirit bone I need are a bit special. Mom's spirit bone is not suitable for me. Brother, you absorb it." She looked at Tang San seriously, and launched the final blow:
"Brother, don't you always say that only when you become stronger can you protect me better? You must know that my soul power has far surpassed yours. And father and brother, don't worry, I now have more life-saving means than you It’s more than you can imagine.”

"It's still the same sentence, I'm not who I used to be."

Tang Sui's brows and eyes showed a confident smile, which made Tang San's words choke on his lips, and his heart was sour and warm.


Tang San's expression flickered on and off, and finally turned into a touch of determination and determination.

He will definitely grow up faster and strive to grow into a big tree that protects those he cares about, an unshakable existence that no one can shake.

So in the end, Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone was absorbed by Tang San as the original fate track.

Three days later, Tang San, whose spirit power had broken through to level 59, and Tang Sui, who had tidied up, bid farewell to Tang Hao together.

They are going to start from the current Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, and go to Haotianzong according to the map Tang Hao gave them.

You want to ask why you are suddenly in the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi now?
That's because after Tang San absorbed the spirit bones, he suddenly thought of the Binghuo Liangyiyan. After explaining that the environment of the Binghuo Liangyiyan is beneficial to the accelerated growth and recovery of plants, Tang Hao made a decision, and the family of four started non-stop Moved to Binghuo Liangyiyan.

Before leaving, Tang San also gave Tang Hao a small wooden box containing nine Longzhi leaves, besides Tang Hao saying to let his brother and sister kneel in front of their grandfather's grave for three days.

Longzhi leaves can strengthen the foundation and cultivate vitality, Tang San gave Tang Hao the remaining longzhi leaves, let him eat one piece every month, and his body would be back to a healthy state after a year.

Tang Hao's price for stripping off the soul bone is not just broken limbs and disability, every time a soul bone is stripped, the soul power will be permanently reduced by 10 levels.

Even though Tang Hao said that he could protect himself, and that if he wanted to kill him, he would at least have to be a Douluo, but his body was left with serious wounds after all.

Watching the backs of the siblings who leaped tens of meters away in the blink of an eye, Tang Hao looked disappointed.

More than 20 years have passed, brother, how are you?

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