The location map of Haotian School given by Tang Hao is not far from Tiandou City, the capital of Tiandou Empire, and it is located three hundred miles east of Tiandou City.

In the middle surrounded by mountains, Tang San and Tang Sui presented only a small village that looked not too different from the Holy Soul Village where they stayed at the beginning.

Curls of smoke rise from the chimneys of the houses in the village, and it seems that the population is relatively large.

Now it was approaching noon, at the entrance of the village, a few urchins were playing, and in the nearby fields, many people were packing up farm tools and preparing to go back to their homes for dinner.

And the two brothers and sisters, who are different from the gray linen shirts around them, have won the attention of many villagers passing by them.

Sensing the scrutiny that he thought was relatively obscure, Tang Sui pulled the map in Tang San's hand, compared it with pretending to be suspicious, and said, "Brother, we shouldn't have come to the wrong place?"

Tang San struggled to rescue the sheepskin map from his younger sister, compared it carefully, he was sure that they didn't look for the wrong place, it was here.

But... Haotianzong turned out to be this small village in front of him?

Has the former No. [-] sect in the world been reduced to what it is now?
Tang Hao, who has never been back to the sect, gave his brother and sister an old map. Naturally, he didn't know that the Haotian School had moved after the closure was announced, and this was an outpost.

Tang San looked at these linen-clothed people who were planning to go home for dinner after plowing the fields, a slight sadness flashed in his eyes.

The two hesitated at the entrance of the village, but finally decided to go in.

But when they were about to walk towards the village, several middle-aged villagers who had just returned from farming unexpectedly blocked their way.

"Please get out of here. Outsiders are not welcome here."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a strong figure.

Even a coarse linen shirt can't hide the bulging muscles of his arms.

Tang Sui and Tang San, who have practiced the Clear Sky Hammer, both know that such muscle lines cannot be cultivated by farming.

Ah, speaking of contacting the Clear Sky Hammer.
Tang Sui was deep in thought. It seems that she hasn't swung a hammer for a long time?
Tang Sui's pupils lost focus, and Tang San looked at the middle-aged man who stopped them with a bit of doubt in his eyes, sighed in his heart, clasped his fists towards the middle-aged man and said:

"We're not outsiders. We're just coming home."

The middle-aged villagers froze for a moment, looked suspiciously at the brothers and sisters whose temperament was incompatible with their rough guys, and frowned: "Go home? We don't have noble young masters and daughters like you here, they are all country people, you come back what house?"

Tang San didn't need to look with his eyes, he could also feel that after his voice fell, the surrounding villagers began to become tense.

Their hands holding the farm tools were visibly tightened, and their footsteps moved slightly in an arc, with the vague intention of surrounding them and rushing up if there was any movement.

Tang Sui, who came back to his senses, blinked, thought for a while, and raised his left hand. Under the eyes of everyone, a black light surged, and a miniature hammer with fine lines of blue and silver grass appeared on the palm of his hand.

Seeing this, Tang San raised his hand comprehendingly.

It was the same as Tang Sui's pocket-sized little black hammer, but full of deep power, the jet-black hammer was floating in his palm.

Although the two of them didn't have a single soul ring in their Haotian Hammer, Tang Sui could clearly feel that after seeing the small hammer in their hands, their tense muscles relaxed a little bit, and the look of guard in their eyes also relaxed. It faded a lot.

"So, can you prove it?"

Tang San enlarged the Clear Sky Hammer, held the handle of the hammer with one hand, and swung it lightly.

Seeing the enlarged version of the Clear Sky Hammer, several middle-aged people were stunned for a moment, and when they looked at Tang San again, there was only respect left in their eyes.

Even this young man didn't absorb a soul ring for the Clear Sky Hammer, but judging by the fact that the opponent is holding the Clear Sky Hammer with a net weight of five hundred catties so easily, he is not an ordinary person.

The middle-aged man who talked to Tang San before asked tentatively: "Dare to ask which family you belong to? I don't seem to have seen you."

Tang San didn't want to get too entangled here, "Our brother and sister's aunt is called Tang Yuehua, she asked us to come back."

As soon as this remark came out, the villagers did not dare to be negligent, and hurriedly let Tang San and Tang Sui enter the village.

What is Tang Yuehua's identity?In the entire Haotian School, besides the suzerain, she has the highest status and is also the suzerain's direct younger sister.

Those of them who are the outposts of the Clear Sky School are mostly affiliated branches of the Clear Sky School. The Wuhun is not necessarily the Clear Sky Hammer, but it belongs to the Clear Sky School, which has played a certain role in confusing outsiders.

However, these collateral outposts are also quite cautious. Although the Clear Sky Hammer that the brothers and sisters took out gained some of their trust, they still didn't take Tang San and Tang Sui to meet the people of the sect, but invited them into the village Arranged to rest in an empty room, and sent someone to the Zongmen to inform the news.

Tang Sui looked at the furnishings in the empty room, touched the table curiously, knocked on the bed board, and said suddenly: "Brother, I am suddenly lucky that Dad took us to the Holy Soul Village and didn't run away by himself, and then left us in Hao Tianzong."

As far as this condition is concerned, it is not much better than when they lived in Holy Soul Village.

But if you add the relationship between their old father and the Clear Sky School, if they really stay in the Clear Sky School, their brothers and sisters are afraid that they will not be at peace, and they will even be several times more miserable. Whether she can survive successfully is a question mark.

Tang San felt the same way, and agreed with this very much.

After waiting for about half an hour, hurried footsteps came from outside.

Tang Sui and Tang San heard the sound and looked, the door of the room opened, and several men in gray clothes appeared at the door.

The leader, with broad shoulders, broad back, straight nose and square mouth, has short hair and neat and clean hair. He looks about 30 years old, and the muscles hidden under the gray gown are bulging, like a lion ready to go, strong and powerful.

"You are Tang San and Tang Sui?"

The burly man in gray asked straight to the point, scrutinizing the two siblings up and down, his eyes were sharp, and the expression on his face was not only curiosity and doubt, but also a bit of hostility.

Tang San paused slightly, but he was sure that he didn't know this person, and he didn't understand where his hostility came from.

Then Tang San turned his head to look around and also felt the strong man's hostility, but there was no reaction, and it didn't look like a sister who had a grudge, he nodded slightly, "Exactly."

The burly man in gray waved to the other two companions, "Then come with us."

The conversation was concise and there were no unnecessary greetings. After finishing speaking, he turned around and went out first.

Tang Sui and Tang San looked at each other, the former blinked, and whispered to Tang San: "The visitor is not kind, brother." '

Tang San's brows and eyes were stained with a touch of helplessness, and he also used voice transmission to reply secretly: "After all, my father was back then. But it's okay, let's take a step and see." '

Tang Sui nodded, but his heart was not as easy-going as his face.

Although it is true that Dad owed the sect, but...
A coldness flashed in Tang Sui's eyes, if they really care about it, it's just their self-deception.

—— Digression——

Come to Haotianzong!Duck!

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