Tang San naturally saw his aunt Tang Yuehua at a glance, but he was still attracted by the burly figure behind the table.

The man was two meters tall, with a hulking back, a chiseled face, and short gray hair.Although he was also dressed in simple gray clothes, when he stood there, his whole body was like the core of the castle, which could not be ignored.

A height of two meters may not be considered particularly tall, but if Tang San had to use one word to describe the person in front of him, then he could only think of the word majestic.

As he went deeper, Tang Sui also saw clearly the man in front of him who was seven or eight points like his father, but looked a bit younger than his father.

The other party's gaze was like a torch. When they stood under the light and shadow, Tang Sui felt the burning stare.

The majestic, undisguised wild aura came overwhelmingly, and under the tremendous pressure, Tang Sui's expression did not change. She knew that this was another soul master's unique "greeting" method, but in her heart, if there was a Haotianzong's score column, the score column added by Tang Yuehua has already started to go crazy - 1-1.

This pressure bypassed Tang Long, and had no effect on him at all, and fell on Tang Sui and Tang San.

Tang Sui's gaze didn't waver for a moment, he just circulated his demon power, forming a circle of enchantment around the two of them silently.

Of course, in order to keep a low profile, Tang Sui specially incorporated soul power this time.

Although he didn't target Tang Long, Tang Long was not weak either. Sensing the change in the air, he hurriedly stepped aside, looking at Tang San and Tang Sui with a little more anxiety.

But what surprised him was that in the face of Haoran's pressure, no matter whether it was Tang San or Tang Sui, the brother and sister did not change their faces. What surprised him even more was that Tang Sui, who was developing towards the auxiliary system, not only did not receive What kind of influence, under the pressure of this terror, he calmly raised his hand, clasped his fists, and bowed to the suzerain behind the table, his voice was neither humble nor overbearing, and it was impossible to find fault.

"Tang Sui has met the suzerain."

Tang San who originally wanted to kneel down: "."

If he knelt down again at this moment, wouldn't it make my sister very impolite?

So Tang San could only bite the bullet and follow Tang Sui, bowing respectfully, "Tang San, I have met the suzerain."

Tang Sui stared at the ground without squinting, as if he could spot a flower.

Clear and coherent pronunciation, no longer any reluctance and support.

Tang Long's pupils shrank, and he looked at Tang San and Tang Sui with strange eyes.

Well, are these two brothers and sisters really human?

Faced with such a strong coercion from the suzerain, they were actually able to move, raised their hands to keep the composition in mid-air, and even spoke.

Could it be that their strength is really stronger than mine?

However, the second aunt said that although Tang San is an older brother, he is only 20 years old, Tang Sui is only a few minutes younger than Tang San, and the siblings are the same age.

Tang Long couldn't help doubting his life.

The atmosphere is a little stiff.

Tang San, who didn't wait for a reply for more than ten seconds, pursed his lips, and was about to transmit the sound to Tang Sui, or else he would be subdued first, when Tang Yuehua sighed and called Tang Xiao: "Brother."

Hearing his sister's voice, the man behind the table narrowed his eyes, stared at the little girl who always paid respects to him in a humble posture without raising his head, and his eyes fell on Tang San's dark blue long hair. On the top, the lips moved slightly, and a complicated look appeared in the eyes, all the pressure disappeared instantly, and he still let go:

"Get up."

Resoluteness flashed in Tang San's eyes after receiving the pardon, he knelt down on both knees suddenly, and gave Tang Xiao three straight bangs.

"Little San, what are you doing!"

Tang Yuehua was startled, and the muscles on Tang Xiao's cheekbones twitched, as if she wanted to say something, but she held back.

The only standing Tang Sui struggled for a moment, but still didn't kneel, and stood next to Tang San with his head down, with an unpredictable expression.

And Tang San stood up half straight after buttoning his head three times standardly, and said to Tang Xiao:

"Father's debt should be paid by son, it's only right and proper. Suzerain, I, Tang San, am willing to bear all the responsibilities of father on my behalf."

He didn't bring Tang Sui in.

Tang Sui's expression changed slightly, he pursed his lips, exhaled inaudibly, and the crisp voice followed Tang San's last sound of winding beams: "Tang Sui is the same."

Responsibility can be taken, but kneeling is impossible.

Tang Xiao's expression changed instantly when he heard this, his expression was a little cloudy, "Can you afford it?"

Tang San lowered his eyes and said respectfully: "We don't know if we can afford it, but my sister and I are willing to do our best."

This time Tang San took Tang Sui with him, because he also understood that although his sister was stubborn, it was impossible for her to just stand by.

Tang Xiao looked at the sincere Tang San, fell silent for a moment, and said to the two of them, "Get up first."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tang Long and Tang Tian again: "You guys go out first."

"Yes, Sect Master."

The two did not question, and respectfully exited the room.

"Is he alright?" Tang Xiao asked with a sigh.

Tang San nodded silently, with a flash of light, Tang San already had a long black box in his hand, he held it up with both hands, "Sect Master, this is what father asked us to bring. He said, this is the only thing he can A little thing for the sect."

Tang Xiao raised his hand and made a gesture of shooting from a distance.

The heavy black box fell into his palm as if it were nothing.

Tang Xiao flicked his finger, and the black box opened. When the huge energy filled the room, the Huaguang instantly illuminated the darkness in the room. After the two soul bones in the box completely appeared in Tang Xiao's field of vision, his expression changed suddenly. , the shoulders trembled.

"This, this is!"

Tang San only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Tang Xiao had already come in front of him, grabbed Tang San by the front of his chest, pulled him in front of him, and said in a trembling voice, "Tang Hao, Brother Hao, he."

Tang Sui who was pushed away in an instant: "."

"What's the matter?" Tang Yuehua also stepped forward curiously, but when she saw the two bright soul bones in the black box, she felt as if struck by lightning, her mind went blank, and the sour tears burst out instantly. out.

Tang San took a deep breath, and said: "Father said that if he didn't do this, he wouldn't be able to spend the rest of his life with his mother at ease. Father's old injury crisis was also relieved by amputating my limbs. At the beginning, after he sent me to my aunt, I was already did this. Sovereign, you."

"Call me uncle!"

Tang Xiao yelled angrily, and Tang San's ears tingled for a while, even Tang Sui was stunned by this shout mixed with soul power, which seemed to be venting.


Tang San subconsciously shouted following Tang Xiao's words.

"Big Brother, Second Brother."

Tang Yuehua, who came back to his senses, had tears all over his face at this moment, looking at the two soul bones, his whole body trembled violently, and his heart ached.


Tang Xiao closed the black box, and at the same time let go of Tang San's front, "Xiao San, Sui Sui, that's what your father called you."

The siblings nodded.

Tang Xiao's trembling eyes gradually became calm, looking at Tang San's blue hair, as if looking at another person through him.

"Do you know, in fact, I never thought he did anything wrong. If Ah Yin chooses me, maybe I will do the same thing as him, even more violently than him. So, no matter what others say in the future , I don't even want Tang Hao's matter to become a burden for you."

"Do your best for the sect, you must do it, but not because of your father, but because you are a part of the sect."

Strange and warm emotions fermented in his chest, Tang San's lips moved slightly, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Thank you, uncle."

Tang Sui silently added a few more points to the deductions in his heart.

Well, it's still a negative number though.

—— Digression——

How can someone work overtime on Friday orz

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