Tang Xiao looked at Gao Lengsui who hadn't said much after entering the door, and sighed a little more in his eyes:

"Suisui, with your temperament, you must have followed your father." Both father and daughter seemed equally stubborn.

Tang Sui:?
Tang Sui didn't expect that Tang Xiao had already automatically made up the reason why she refused to kneel for her, and was even talking to her: "Your eyes are very similar to your mother, but your mother's eyes are always Gentle."

Tang Sui: "."

There was a hint of entanglement and subtlety in her blue eyes. Tang Xiao's warning to them before was overthrown by his blah blah.

Tang Sui silently put a label on Tang Xiao as "love". Of course, from different perspectives, this word can be used in derogatory or commendatory terms.

"Yuehua, don't cry too. Perhaps Brother Hao will feel better if you do this. Tomorrow, we will hold an ancestor recognition ceremony for Xiao San and Sui Sui. You can arrange it." After chatting with Tang Sui one-sidedly, Tang Xiao turned his head to look at Tang Yuehua again.

Tang Yuehua, who had calmed down a lot, wiped away tears. After hearing Tang Xiao's words, she frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "Brother, don't you need to say hello to the elders of the sect? After all, they"

Tang Xiao waved his hand, "You can arrange it anyway, I have a sense of proportion. Instead of notifying this matter privately, it's better to put it on the table."

"Oh yes, by the way, take Xiao San and Sui Sui to rest first, and prepare well for tomorrow's ancestor recognition ceremony." Speaking of this, Tang Xiao turned his attention back to the two brothers and sisters, and said meaningfully:
"Little San, Sui Sui, please remember that the Clear Sky School is different from the outside world, let alone the etiquette you have learned from your aunt will be able to gain a firm foothold in the sect."

"I give you two words: Tough."

"Here, strength is all the right to speak. If you want to replace your father and do more things for the sect, you must first prove yourself to the sect with your own strength. Otherwise, you will not be able to do anything."

He said earnestly.

Tang San's heart moved slightly, and Tang Sui's gaze also changed a little, and asked softly: "Uncle, do you mean that you don't need to keep your hands?"

After getting along for more than a year, Tang San, who has regained his confidence in understanding his sister, twitched his right eyelid when he heard this, and had a bad feeling.

"Sui Sui." He was a little helpless.

Sure enough, on the way from Haotianzong, Suisui's inexplicable resistance to Haotianzong was not his illusion.

Tang Sui, who was cueed, turned her head and looked at her brother innocently.

Why call her?She was just asking honestly.

Tang Xiao was a little surprised, because he thought Tang Sui would ask him if he meant to go all out, but he didn't expect it to be a question of not keeping your hands.
Tang Xiao nodded his head, but looked at Tang Sui with a more thoughtful gaze.

This girl has already placed herself on the side of the strong, she is very confident
He was looking forward to what kind of surprise Sui Sui and Xiao San would bring them tomorrow.

Thinking of Tang Sui and Tang San being able to withstand the aura and coercion of his titled Douluo, the corners of Tang Xiao's mouth could not help but curl up a little.

No sleep for one night.

Even though Tang Yuehua prepared two guest rooms for Tang San and Tang Sui, the two still had a tacit understanding, neither of them slept, but passed the time by practicing to ensure that they had sufficient physical and soul power.

At dawn, Tang Sui, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, let out a breath, ending the double cultivation of demon power and soul power.


There was a knock on the door, Tang Sui looked up, and Tang San's voice sounded outside the door: "Sui Sui, are you awake? Brother Tang Long brought us breakfast."

"I'm awake, come right away."

Tang Sui tidied himself up and opened the door. Tang San and Tang Long, who was carrying a vegetable basket, were chatting. Seeing Tang Sui coming out, Tang Long smiled, "Sister, you're here. Let's eat in your brother's room first. There's something else I want to tell you."

Although he called Tang San first, it is reasonable to say that the principle of proximity is the principle, but even if it is a guest room, it is also a girl's room, he is a little embarrassed, so this lucky spot fell to Tang San.

Tang San naturally had no objection, anyway, his and his sister's rooms were not far apart.

The three of them came to Tang San's room, chatting one after another, after breakfast was almost finished, Tang Long looked at Tang Sui who was still drinking soy milk, and Tang San who had put down his chopsticks, and said seriously: " Tang San, Tang Sui, I'm afraid you will be in trouble today. I heard from other brothers that the elders attach great importance to your return and are very angry. The suzerain asked me to tell you to be careful. When necessary, you can refuse others challenge."

Can you really refuse?

But if that's the case, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me and Sui Sui to gain a foothold in the sect, let alone do anything for the sect.

Tang San, who was like a bright mirror in his heart, sighed secretly, and thanked Tang Long who advised them: "Thank you for reminding me, brother."

"Thank you, brother, for reminding me." Tang Sui also thanked him.

After breakfast, Tang Long didn't leave, he waited until the sun was high and the fog dispelled, then he led Tang San and Tang Sui out, and went straight to the front yard of the Clear Sky School.

The front yard of Haotianzong.

It was completely different from the cleanliness when the siblings came yesterday.

Now there are at least 150 people concentrated in the yard.

Most of them stood around, and in the middle of the courtyard, Tang Xiao, who was the suzerain, stood there with five other people with extraordinary bearing.

Among the five people, there is a gray-haired old man, and there is also a middle-aged man who looks about 50 or [-] years old at a glance.

But in the Douluo Continent, everyone knows that appearance does not mean that a person's age is just this number, because with the increase of strength, the physical fitness and appearance of the soul master will change accordingly, and some people even become title fighters. Empress Luo's appearance and physique were directly fixed at the prime of life.

They stood in the middle energetically, and the white-haired old man was talking to Tang Xiao solemnly.

Seeing those five people, Tang Long took a deep breath in his heart, and explained to his brothers and sisters in a low voice: "Except for those who are out shopping and doing business outside, the direct descendants of the Zongmen are basically here. The five in the middle are the Zongmen Five elders of the first generation. Even the suzerain has to give them some points. And in terms of seniority, they are all suzerain's uncles."

Tang Sui knew it well, and when she glanced at it, the value that hadn't been used for a long time was activated, and the basic information of the six Title Douluo including Tang Xiao was presented in her eyes.

Although he doesn't know soul skills, knowing the level, blood volume, and spiritual power is enough.

Of the six titled Douluo, five of them except Tang Xiao, three of them had mental strength above hers, but
Tang Sui's eyes fell on one of the middle-aged men who put his robe on his shoulders and folded his hands, as if someone owed him money. He squinted his eyes and probably knew it.

She withdrew her gaze, and together with Tang San, accompanied by Tang Long, came to the courtyard.

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