The Seventh Elder was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed angrily: "Everyone knows that Tang Hao disappeared after the battle between Tang Hao and Pope Chihiro Ji, and Qian Xun Ji died soon after! With just a few words, you can serve Tang Hao well." Justify and get rid of?!"

"Then why, obviously the whereabouts of father and mother were so hidden back then, except for Wuhundian's own people and father and mother, no one else watched the battle, and even father has disappeared since then, it stands to reason No one should know."

"Furthermore, the news that the Pope in the Palace of the Pope was defeated by hammers, which boosts other people's aspirations and destroys his prestige, the Wuhun Palace should keep it a secret, and not let others know and criticize."

"But why is my father's reputation still being spread? Even everyone on the mainland knows about the battle between Haotian Douluo and the former Pope Chihiro Ji, but no one really said what happened. At the highest point, Chihiro died from illness?" Tang Sui looked up at him.

The Seventh Elder was stunned for a moment, his brain covered in anger regained a bit of clarity, and the eyes of the other elders, including Tang Xiao, also sharpened.

"It's because my father was pushed by the culprit and became his knife to 'kill' Chihiro Ji."

Tang San suddenly looked at Tang Sui who spoke surprisingly, Tang Sui kept his eyes fixed, and then threw the bomb:

"Clear Sky School, it's just their first cut of the cake."

Tang Sui glanced over the serious-looking direct disciples, and said again: "Of course, I didn't say so much to excuse my father from all responsibilities. Father still has responsibilities, but not all of them."

"Tang Sui just analyzed it from an objective point of view. I want everyone to be vigilant and stop being a knife in the hands of others. It's better to be rational."

Silence spread, Tang San looked at the strategizing, and in just a few words, he analyzed the scheming and scheming clearly, pointing out the key sister, and sighed a little, but he still has more important things to do.

Thinking of this, Tang San took a step forward, clasped his fists at the ugly-looking Seventh Elder and said, "Seventh Elder, my sister's words are a little offending, as an older brother, I'm here to apologize for my younger sister. Also, Tang San is also sorry for the death of your eldest son." I apologize on behalf of my father."

"However, like my sister, I believe that father cannot be entirely blamed for what happened to the sect back then, but after all, father was at fault and implicated the sect, so I apologize to you and all the elders. However, your previous words insulted my late mother, and I But justice must be sought. Therefore, Seventh Elder, I challenge you, even if you die, you will have no complaints."

The Seventh Elder who was once again ignited by Tang San's words came back to his senses. Hearing Tang San's words behind him, his wild laughter resounded with strong soul power, which seemed to make the entire Clear Sky School tremble.

"You are a junior, and you are worthy of challenging me. If Tang Hao said this, it would be more or less the same!"

Tang Yuehua at the side slandered inwardly, if the second elder brother was here, would you dare to fight?

However, she saw that the elder brother beside her kept silent and let Xiaosan handle it on her own. She should also be giving Xiaosan and Suisui a chance to test their brother and sister's abilities.

Tang San looked at the Seventh Elder quietly, and said indifferently: "Don't you dare?"

Those four simple words seemed to have been slapped on the Seventh Elder's face.

His laughter stopped abruptly. As one of the five elders of the Haotian School, the seventh elder has been proud for so many years, and now he is repeatedly provoked by two juniors from different generations. This is simply an intolerable provocation for him!
Even if you are aggressive, I will teach you, this scoundrel of the Tang Hao family, how to behave with your tail between your legs today!

Thinking of this, the seventh elder just opened his mouth, but the white-browed elder beside him with his hands behind his back, looked at Tang San and said indifferently: "Young people can be proud, but they can't be arrogant. You have never returned to the sect, and you can't do it now." If you are not a member of the sect, I will not punish you according to the sect's rules. However, if you despise the sect, the sect will not stop there. Where is Tang Hu?"

"Second uncle."

A sturdy man who looked about 40 years old walked out from the middle of the crowd where three generations of disciples made way, which showed his status in the sect.

Elder Baimei said lightly: "You just have to compete with him. Although the Clear Sky School has retired, it is not anyone who can provoke it."

That said, obviously, he never admitted that Tang San was a member of the Clear Sky School.

Settling his mind, Tang San looked at Elder Baimei, "Elder, if I win, am I qualified to challenge the Seventh Elder?"

Elder Baimei glanced at him, his eyes were as calm as the ocean.

This elder didn't show any aura on the surface, but Tang San vaguely felt that he seemed to be more dangerous than his uncle Tang Xiao.


These two words are a nod.

Tang San was about to stand up, when Tang Sui said again: "Please wait."

Everyone looked at Tang Sui, but saw that the other party bowed his hands towards the elders in a dignified manner, and said, "I initiated the confrontation speech just now, and it can be regarded as contempt for the sect. This challenge to the seventh elder is to ask for my mother's favor. Returning to the fair quota also has my share as a daughter, so can I complete this challenge?"

"Sui Sui." Tang San frowned slightly, and just about to speak out, Tang Sui's eyes fell on him, and the sound transmission also sounded in his heart.

'Brother, we are brothers and sisters, connected by blood. '

'Don't underestimate me, brother.Although I didn't participate in any battles in the killing field in the capital of killing, I'm not lazy at all. '

'What's more, they are the ones who need someone to get off their horses now. '

Tang San paused, and after thinking for a few seconds, he still took back the steps he took.

The seventh elder who heard Tang Sui's words laughed strangely: "Even if you brothers and sisters go up together, you are not qualified to challenge me! Tang Hu, if you lose to this little girl, I will imprison you for a year !"

The Seventh Elder's words directly changed Tang San, who was originally going to fight, into Tang Sui. It can be seen that among the two brothers and sisters, Tang Sui's hatred was even greater.

Tang Hu nodded calmly to the Seventh Elder, then looked at Tang Sui, who was considered petite compared to the big men like them, stood in the open space in the middle of the yard, and made a gesture of invitation to Tang Sui.

"Tang Hu, level 64 Assault Department Soul Emperor, please."

Tang Sui and Tang San looked at each other, the latter nodded, took two steps back, and passed Tang Sui who was walking forward.

Tang Sui sighed inwardly as he looked at the middle-aged man who was facing her far away.

She's quite polite, she doesn't want to be too arrogant.

After a little bit of regret, Tang Sui opened his mouth and made a gesture of invitation:

"Tang Sui, Soul Emperor, a level 66 auxiliary device, please advise."

Six, level 66? !
When Tang Sui said his soul power level, all the Haotianzong disciples were in an uproar.

Because Tang Sui is Tang San's younger sister, she must be younger than Tang San, but Tang San looks much younger than Tang Hu.

Even Tang Long only broke through to level 30 at the age of [-].

A little girl is already level 66.
and many more
"Auxiliary, the auxiliary soul emperor?!"

Someone discovered Huadian.

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