This time, even Tang Xiao was stunned.

Auxiliary, auxiliary department? !

How could it be an auxiliary system? !
He turned his head to look at Tang Yuehua, only to hear that Tang Hao said that one of Tang Sui's martial souls was a mask, and Tang Yuehua was also shocked.

The second brother didn't tell her that Sui Sui was developing towards the auxiliary department!

The same shock also fermented in the hearts of other Haotian School disciples.

They don't understand, they're shocked.

There is actually someone in this world who takes the number one offensive martial soul and develops towards the auxiliary system? !

This is too much of a waste of talent!We must know that there are many people in this world who dream of possessing a powerful martial soul!What's more, it's the strongest weapon, the Clear Sky Hammer!

For a moment, the others looked at Tang Sui with subtle and weird eyes, even mixed with malice.

Tang Sui ignored everything, the old god stood there, and said softly: "Then I'm going to start?"

"Wait a moment."

This time it was the Seventh Elder who called to stop.

Tang Sui turned to look at him, as if asking "what's the matter".

The Seventh Elder looked at Tang Sui heavily, and asked, "How old are you and your brother this year?"

"My brother and I just turned 21 not long ago, and the imaginary age is [-]."

The surroundings fell silent, especially Tang Hu, who was standing opposite Tang Sui, his facial muscles twitched slightly.

Just turned twenty.

A few simple words moved the expressions of the five elders at the same time. The five of them looked at each other and made some judgments in their hearts.

Although I don't know the level of my brother, but if my younger sister is so strong and talented, my brother must not be far behind, not to mention that boy named Tang San also has the Death God Domain.

"Why did you study in the auxiliary department?" Elder Baimei frowned at Tang Sui.

Tang Sui glanced at him, "Of course it's because it fits."

Seeing this, Elder Baimei's beard and hair trembled, as if he still wanted to ask more questions, but thinking that Tang Sui is not yet a member of their Clear Sky School, and he has no right to interfere in other people's cultivation path, he immediately waved his hand and announced the start :
"Okay, let's start the competition."

As soon as the words were finished, Tang Hu, who was opposite Tang Sui, let out a low shout, with black light shining on his body, and his aura became more concentrated.

In the dense black light, the hammer handle was about three meters long.The black Clear Sky Hammer with a head as big as a bucket appeared in his right hand with a thick black light.

Two yellows, two purples, two blacks.The six spirit rings are neatly and orderly arranged on the Clear Sky Hammer.

As soon as the Haotian Hammer was released, Tang Hu's temperament immediately changed.

Compared with the previous Shen Lian, the current him is like a solid granite, standing there without any flaws.

But is it really flawless?
Tang Sui, who didn't release the soul ring, nor even released the martial soul, raised a smile on his lips, Tang Hu's eyelids twitched, and Tang Sui disappeared in front of his eyes at an extremely fast speed. Elder Tang and others who were titled Douluo's strength, as well as Tang Xiao, couldn't help but widen their eyes slightly, and only caught a few ghosts that remained and passed by.

"you lose."

The three fluttering words flew into his ears, and Tang Hu was stunned. The neck, especially the throat, came from the neck, especially the throat, which could not be ignored, and he couldn't break free.

He lowered his head and stared stiffly at the slender, white hand that looked like it could be smashed into mud with a single hammer.

Tang Sui pinched into the skin of his neck with healthy pink fingertips. Although no blood was seen, Tang Hu knew that as long as he moved, the other party would also move.

Moreover, what made him even more horrified was that even though he had already displayed his martial soul, the other party was able to defeat the aura around him in an instant, approaching to suppress him!

This, is this the strength that an auxiliary system soul master should have? !
Tang Hu's eyes showed horror, and the others were not moving shocked emojis!

No soul ring was released!Just caught the lifeline directly!
The other disciples of the Haotian School were completely silent. This time even the Seventh Elder didn't scold Tang Hu for being useless, but looked at this little girl who claimed to be an auxiliary department with some seriousness.

What a terrifying speed!

Although he could still see the girl's movement trajectory with his eyesight, but before he fully reacted, she was already close to Tang Hu, and even broke through the majestic aura around Tang Hu, directly strangling Tang Hu's lifeline !

There is no hesitation, no fancy moves, the shot is a lore that takes the lifeblood directly, here is Tang Sui in the capital of killing, and every now and then he will be dragged out of the city by the king of killing to have a life-or-death fight with the law enforcement team Fighting, the agility and speed honed.

Elder Baimei and the others looked at each other, and their evaluation of Tang Sui changed again.

Rao Tang San couldn't help but be shocked by Tang Sui's physical skills and speed in actual combat. Seeing his younger sister's smiling gaze, he came back to his senses, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, sincerely happy for Tang Sui's strengthening.

There is no way, he is used to being hit by his sister, and now he has learned to accept it well.

Tang Sui blinked his eyes as a response, and then he didn't let go of the hand that was condensing the monster force, pinching the opponent's neck, and asked again: "You lost, do you want to admit defeat now?"

Grandpa told her that when fighting, unless the opponent admits defeat, she must never relax. Of course, after winning, she must not relax her vigilance to prevent a counterattack.

Tang Hu tried to break free again, but the result was that the hand holding his neck became tighter and tighter, and even breathing began to be difficult.

He was unwilling, but he had no choice but to nod his head with difficulty, and the oxygen flowed into his chest again, away from suffocation.

After releasing Tang Hu, Tang Sui looked at the Seventh Elder, and said with a smile, "Seventh Elder, now, do my brother and I have the qualifications to challenge you?"

The facial muscles of the Seventh Elder twitched. Looking at Tang Sui, who was aggressive, he sneered: "Yes. But since you are in the auxiliary department, you brothers and sisters should go up together, so as not to spread the word that I am not ashamed to be big." Bullying. And no matter what soul skills I use, I will only use [-]% of my strength, as long as you beat me, you will win!"

Even though his figure is weird and his speed is extremely fast, he is still the soul emperor after all.

Not to mention the auxiliary system.

You must know that Soul Emperor and Title Douluo are insurmountable ravines!

Feeling underestimated, Tang San and Tang Sui looked at each other, Tang Sui blinked quickly, Tang San understood, stepped forward and said: "Please just use [-]% more force. If Sui Sui and I join forces, You can fight more than you imagined, not to mention, in the battle, I will also use the spirit bone skills, with Sui Sui's support, it is not fair to you."

Soul, soul bone? !
The elders of the Elder Hall stared intently, especially the Seventh Elder, their eyes instantly fell on Tang San who was smiling like a gentleman.

The other direct disciples also widened their eyes, whispering to their acquaintances.

"Soul bone. My God, he is only so old that he can have a soul bone!"

"Being able to possess a soul bone must have strength."

"It's hard to say, what if it's just a fake?"

"But it's a soul bone!"

Listening to the surrounding discussions, Tang Sui also put on a fake smile and fanned the flames: "Yes, Seventh Elder, please use [-]% or [-]% of your strength. My brother and I both use spirit bone skills."

She indirectly revealed the information that she also possesses a soul bone.

The others suddenly gasped again.

These two brothers and sisters actually have soul bones? !
Are they still human? !
—— Digression——

Third Brother and Sui Sui: Not exactly dear.

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