Chapter 397

The Seventh Elder let out a low cry, and he swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, turning it three-dimensionally like the blades of a boat oar, but every turn brought a terrifying temperament and impact, like a rolling wheel pressing on Tang San.

Tang San's expression changed slightly, he quickly stabilized his figure and leaped up, passing the terrifyingly crushed Clear Sky Hammer.

The Seventh Elder hooked his mouth, put his index finger and middle finger together to form a sword finger, concentrated his energy, and controlled the Haotian Hammer that turned into a hot wheel to run straight towards Tang Sui at the back!
It turned out that his target was Sui Sui!
Tang San came to his senses, but he didn't go to rescue, but stepped on the ghost shadow, his body turned into a jumping arc and rushed towards the opponent, directly launching a fierce attack on the seventh elder.

Just like the Seventh Elder's attack on him was a feint, and the target was Sui Sui, the Clear Sky Hammer he dropped was also a feint!
As for Sui Sui——

Facing the terrifying Haotian Hammer, Tang Sui didn't show any panic at all, and sighed softly, "I thought at least I could count the Seventh Elder."

If he rushed towards her in person, then she could give the Seventh Elder an illusion on the spot, and then let the opponent sprint along the inertia, directly rushing out of the agreed range of the competition.

The Seventh Elder who heard this said, while receiving Tang San's attack, he still turned his head and glared fiercely at Tang Sui: "You stinky girl, is this old man so easy to calculate?!"

Tang Sui replied with a false smile: "I thought, Seventh Elder, you have experienced battles for a long time, and you also understand the principle of killing assistants first."

What kind of assistant are you? !

The Seventh Elder almost wanted to reply, but he couldn't, because Tang San's attacks were dense and precise, and his movements were treacherous, even he had to be vigilant.

Under the eyes of many eyes intertwined with good intentions and malice, Tang Sui's body center of gravity suddenly moved forward, he stepped forward with his right leg, and with a little step, the whole person leaped out of thin air, and before the menacing Haotian Hammer arrived, he flew away In the middle of the air, facing everyone's surprised eyes, the corners of her lips slightly raised a little, and her clear voice rang out along with the light of the soul ring rippling in the void——

"The first soul skill, spirit injection."

Black and red light flashed on Tang San and herself.

But when Tang Sui's auxiliary light fell, whether it was the Seventh Elder who was still fighting Tang San, or other people watching the battle from the other side, including Tang Xiao, the suzerain uncle, and Tang Yuehua, the aunt, were all stunned there. .

The first, second and third rings of thousands of years, and the fourth ring of ten thousand years, can't compare to Tang Sui's last one, the dazzling scarlet sixth soul ring, which shocked them more!
This bright red color.
"10 year soul ring!!!"

The Second Elder's breathing stopped for a moment, and his voice became hoarse at some point, but his eyes looking at Tang Sui became incomparably hot.

The sixth soul ring of 10 years!

And since her first soul ring, it's been a thousand years!

This is more than a genius!What a genius!The talent has far surpassed her father Tang Hao!

"How is it possible, how old is she?!"

Another elder let out a low cry, and his eyes were hurt by the red light.

Even Tang Long and his three brothers, who knew that Tang Sui could fly, couldn't help but look dull.

Never expected that the one who hides the deepest is Tang Sui's sister!
"Seventh Elder, you will regret that you didn't defeat me first. My first soul skill can increase the group's defense by 25%, mental power by 40%, speed by 8%, and critical strike by 15%."

Four white gold-rimmed masks of different shapes surrounded her, guarding Tang Sui like a knight.

She smiled and looked at the Seventh Elder who was so shocked by him that her brother sneaked him twice, and she was very happy to base her happiness on the pain of others.

I don't know if Tang Sui's "Speaking Spirit" buff took effect, the Seventh Elder immediately felt that Tang San's attack was much heavier, and even the place where he was hit on the shoulder when he succeeded in a surprise attack felt bursts of pain.

"The fifth soul skill, the face of reincarnation."

The jet-black fifth spirit ring flashed with light, and Tang San and Tang Sui once again obtained superimposed boosting effects.

This time, Tang Sui, who looked down at the Seventh Elder from above, also kindly informed the effect of the soul skill: "My fifth soul skill is also a group boost, which can be added to my first level of soul skills to increase the speed by 25%, and the speed of 20." % crit damage, 30% defense."

As for the small white surface around her brother's feet that can absorb 13% of the damage?
She was wicked and didn't say it.

After there is no limit on the number of times of three soul skills, Tang Sui simply can't be too happy to use the auxiliary booster soul skills.

"Although it still can't compare with the increase of the mainland's number one auxiliary weapon, the Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Tower, I think it's enough."

It was the first time Tang Sui had such a bright smile since embarking on the road to find Haotianzong.

But the Seventh Elder, who was stung by the superimposed multi-attribute boost effect, was very unhappy.

A wave of regret rose in his heart, regretting that the Seventh Elder who kicked Tang Sui out of the battle platform in the first place had not clenched the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

No wonder this girl will develop into an auxiliary soul master!
Taking advantage of the opportunity of turning around in mid-air, the Seventh Elder gloomyly swept over the shy girl, and within a few seconds, he had a new plan.

Sensing the aura aimed at him, Tang Sui's lips curled up slightly in mid-air, not panicking at all.

Ping-pong clangs continued, and explosions exploded in the air.

Tang Sui's eyes kept following the battle situation in the direction.

The Seventh Elder standing on the iron chain bridge waved his right hand towards the void, and the Clear Sky Hammer that was about to retract was swung directly, and under his volley control, it ruthlessly smashed towards Tang San who was soaring into the sky.

"Fifth soul skill, gravity suppression!"

The black fifth soul ring flashed with light, and the whole space suddenly became solidified and heavy, as if there was a suction force coming from the bottomless abyss under the chain bridge, even Tang Sui, who was also flying in the air, felt this force as if on his body. A heavy pressure like a mountain was pressed.

And Tang San, who flew up in the air entwined by the Blue Silver Emperor vines, only felt his body become heavier in an instant, and the body that was originally vacated to chase the Seventh Elder turned into a falling spider web that flew towards the air from his wrists The restraint also lagged for a bit, and the speed was greatly reduced, and it might even fall if it could not be thrown.

But none of this is more dangerous than Tang San who seems to have no way out, suppressed by gravity and can only fall into the abyss.

Tang Sui, who noticed that Tang San's landing point was far away from his current falling trajectory, focused his eyes slightly, and with a thought, the figure flying out of Da Fei disappeared from Tang Sui's side quietly, and appeared in Tang San's the next second. feet.

Tang San's eyes lit up when he sensed the sudden appearance of Da Fei Chu, he quickly adjusted his center of gravity, and precisely stepped on Da Fei Chu's hideous masked face with the sole of his shoe.

Dafei, who was directly stepped on the face: "."

Its ferocious ghost-like face immediately became even more distorted, and if there was any substantial black energy flashing away from it, it was almost an illusion.

—— Digression——

Sui Sui said hehe on purpose.

It's so fun to slap in the face, I really like to imitate the shocked appearance of other people Wuhu!

(End of this chapter)

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