Chapter 398

Noticing the familiar mask that suddenly appeared under Tang San's feet, the Seventh Elder focused his eyes, and looked at Tang Sui who was in mid-air and spoiled his good deeds. Sure enough, there were only three of Tang Sui's four masks now.

"Since you can't wait so long, let's start with you!"

Originally, he planned to catch Tang San and lure Tang Sui down to rescue him, and then the Seventh Elder, who took the opportunity to hammer the two of them, saw that Tang Sui's mask could still move silently and left her side, and immediately gave up the original plan.

"The third soul skill, Haori Lieyang!"

The majestic orange-red soul power is like a cutting blade, spreading out from the center of the Seventh Elder, instantly melting the snow on another small mountain peak, turning it back to the original brown and bare rock, like cutting vegetables, The small mountain peak that was completely exposed split into several pieces of blasting stones that had rolled layers of lava.

The rocks rolled with a layer of lava changed from a beautified meteor shower to a fatal meteorite natural disaster, completely covering the specified range between the two cliffs from above, and falling densely!

Tang San, who had stabilized his figure, changed slightly, countless falling sparks reflected in his blue eyes, and the sixth pitch-black spirit ring lit up again from the Seventh Elder!
"The sixth soul skill, Martial Soul Clone!"

Relying on the powerful soul power, the Seventh Elder stood in the air with one hand, the five fingers stretched hard, and then clasped back like claws, as if they were holding something.

The Clear Sky Hammer chasing Tang San in mid-air suddenly split into two, the split one collided with the handle of the first Clear Sky Hammer, like a symmetrical reflection, the other sank rapidly, carrying a terrifying The momentum, like a broken bamboo, smashed towards Tang San's next foothold, and the other handle rolled up a scorching air flow, as if to ignite the air, and went straight to Tang Sui who was in the air!
The corner of Tang Sui's mouth twitched, this old guy is really greedy, he said he was dealing with her, but both of them wanted to touch her.

However, he might be disappointed, neither she nor her elder brother can be chased so easily.

Like a fish swimming back into the water, the sky has become the ocean, and Tang Sui is the fish swimming back into the sea, even though the space occupied by the Clear Sky Hammer swells into a small mountain that can almost catch up to the top of a hill under the use of soul skills. Under the support of the Seventh Elder's gravitational pressure, Tang Sui still dodged the blow lightly, and dexterously dodged in the falling rock pile.

Her brother is not stupid, although he didn't intend to use the flying ability of Lan Yinhuang's right leg bone, but with the imprint of demon power she left on her brother, every moving point in the air can be clearly perceived by Da Fei , to be his helper.

Selectively ignoring Da Fei's cursing voice in his head, Tang Sui watched as her brother took advantage of Da Fei's frontal step and rushed directly to the body of another huge Clear Sky Hammer, with extremely fast steps. In turn, he used the opponent's martial soul to become a bridge for him to approach.

Just when Tang San had come to the end of the Clear Sky Hammer, he kicked his feet suddenly and jumped into the air without any fulcrum, Tang Yuehua's expression changed slightly, "Not good!"

Seeing Tang San fall into the trap first, the Seventh Elder hooked his mouth, raised his hands, the second spirit ring lit up, and a lightning bolt appeared between his palms, linking them together.

"Second Soul Skill, Hammer Soul Control!"

With a pull of both hands, he controlled the other Clear Sky Hammer that had passed by Tang Sui to fall at an accelerated rate, while the Clear Sky Hammer that was originally flying towards Tang San was quickly rolled back, one up and one down, facing Tang San in the air. An unavoidable pincer attack!

Tang San and Tang Sui's eyes froze at the same time. Under Tang Yuehua's and Tang Xiao's suddenly changed faces and worried gazes, Tang Sui did not go to support Tang San, but recalled Da Feichu who was originally following Tang San, and looked Moved away from Tang San, stared at the two spirit clones and used them, at this moment it was the "unarmed" Seventh Elder.

Her figure distorted in the void for a moment, and in the next second, she disappeared in place, and quietly appeared five meters behind the Seventh Elder, her expression pretending to be flustered, as if she was being forced by the Seventh Elder to force her brother to attack him. Panicked by the shock, he threw himself into a trap in a hurry, intending to interfere with the other party, so that he could take back a hammer.

So fast!

The Presbyterian Hall, Tang Xiao, and Tang Yuehua, who were watching the battle, sighed in their hearts at the same time, and then saw the fourth soul ring on the flustered girl's body light up.

"Huh? Support at this time? Could it be a support soul skill like interference?"

The second elder was slightly stunned, guessing Tang Sui's fourth soul skill.

Tang San, who was pinched by two Haotian hammers that weighed three thousand catties, adding up to at least six thousand catties, had already launched the Death God Domain and the Blue Silver Domain at the same time.

Before the Blue Silver Emperor's vines soared, completely blocking the view to the outside world, Tang San also saw Tang Sui's dangerous situation.

But he wasn't worried at all, even when the Hammer Soul was about to close completely and break through the two domains, Tang San, who was stepping on the ghost fan's amazingly fast track, even twitched a smile.

The other elder, who was watching the more dangerous situation on Tang San's side, was taken aback for a moment.

Just now, he seemed to see that kid and smiled?
From the corner of the eye, the Seventh Elder, who had a panoramic view of Tang Sui's movements, also snorted lightly, and did not withdraw the martial soul avatar at the moment when the double hammers were approaching Tang San, but turned around confidently, enveloping himself with Gang Qi, and at the same time Soul power was poured into both palms, and he slapped fiercely on the auxiliary soul master who was boldly approaching him.

Then, he saw the panic on the girl's face fade away like a tide, and turned into a sly smile, her cherry lips parted slightly, and she uttered the words with a smile:

"Existence evolution skill - black oblivion."

When he was unprepared, he beat him to death.

Even if the attack form is not turned on, each mask quadruples the power of critical strike damage in addition to the boost effect of the auxiliary soul skills, which is enough for him to drink a pot.

A wave of mental power landed on him, seeming to lock him in.

The Seventh Elder's right eyelid twitched violently, thinking that he might be wrong.


Black and red monster power and soul power blend together, and the 100% hit four masks with armor-piercing properties roll up a violent airflow, distorting and melting the air, spinning at high speed, like a lawn mower ruthlessly mowing straw , the Seventh Elder is the wheat that is about to be reaped!

"It even has attacking soul skills!" The fifth elder's eyes suddenly lit up.

The Second Elder and the others looked at Tang Sui who suddenly showed a tyrannical aggressiveness in great surprise.

Tang Xiao also showed joy in his eyes, but was soon overwhelmed by worry, and looked at the position of Tang San who was pinched by the double hammers.

Xiao San used his body as bait, and under the heavy hammer of the Seventh Elder, he might not escape serious injury!


The terrifying spiral storm is close at hand, directly approaching the Seventh Elder.

This girl is not a pure auxiliary soul master! !
The Seventh Elder looked at the terrifying spiral storm and realized what it was like to have a sudden cardiac arrest.

However, it was too late to recall the Clear Sky Hammer avatar at this time, he had no doubt that if the blow of this girl who was holding black water in her heart really hit, she could directly seriously injure him!
After all, the surface of the Haotian Hammer over there has been completely attached to the cage, that kid will be seriously injured even if he is not dead, he will definitely not stop and let him go.

I have no choice but to——

(End of this chapter)

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