Chapter 399 You Lose

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the tool soul!"

The Seventh Elder held his breath, a majestic crimson star energy spread out, a circle of soul seals engraved with the Clear Sky Hammer pattern rose up, the twin hammers that had already closed in mid-air buzzed and trembled, and amidst the violent roar, they were struck by the majestic star energy. The trembling iron chain bridge broke inch by inch, and circles of black ripples rippling on the huge Haotian Hammer that had been endowed with a soul avatar.


The black and red hammer shadow shook, Tang Sui's pupils shrank slightly, and the third soul skill burst out instantly, switching from a solid form to an illusion.

"The third soul skill, the face of nothingness."

The sky is a place where shadows cannot touch, and Tang Sui cannot hide in the shadows.

Even though the form of nothingness was turned on, the unleashed soul power seemed to overwhelm the sea. Under the huge waves, her spiritual consciousness was shaken violently. The whole person seemed to have touched the elastic net, and was shaken tens of meters away. Far away, the four masks moved wittily behind Tang Sui, and used their demon power to stabilize Tang Sui before passing through the solid peak.

Otherwise, she is afraid that it is not impossible for her to fly directly for several hundred meters.


Tang Yuehua and the others were also affected by the sudden momentum shock.

She subconsciously raised her hand to block the blizzard blown by the storm of soul power, so as not to lose her eyesight, but she was very anxious in her heart.

The Seventh Elder used up all his soul power out of instinctive precautions. Sui Sui was so close that he probably suffered the most serious shock injuries.
"Sui Sui!"

Breaking through the pincer attack with the two hammers unscathed originally, Tang San, who was standing slanted on the cliff, also changed his face suddenly, stepped down, and rushed out worriedly, no longer hiding his flying ability.

"Cough cough!"

The billowing dust dissipated, and Tang Sui, who had been traumatized even though he had activated the third soul skill, covered his mouth and coughed, with crimson blood overflowing from his fingers, he had been forced back from the illusion to the reality, as if he had been injured by the shock. Not light.

"Sui Sui, are you alright?" Tang San supported Tang Sui, the hand that fell on her back quietly channeled his internal energy, even if he himself consumed a lot.

Seeing this scene, the Second Elder was startled for a moment, then frowned and looked at the Seventh Elder who seemed to be a little dazed that Tang San could fly, with a sense of blame.

"Seventh brother."

The second elder spoke out, and the facial muscles of the seventh elder twitched, but still stubbornly did not take back his weapon soul avatar, and shouted at Tang San: "Boy, since you can fly, why didn't you start from the beginning?" Just use it? You won’t want to plot against me again!?”

Tang San:"."

He took a deep breath, and said in a calm voice: "It was useless at first, because this competition was proposed by our brother and sister. If all of us can fly, but you still have to fight against the premise that we can only use [-]% of our strength." You used an air combat strategy, which is regarded as ineffective, and you did not win the victory openly."

As he spoke, Tang San exerted a little force on Tang Sui's hand. Tang Sui raised his eyes and squinted at her brother who was not very good-looking, and coughed, indicating that he was still a patient. With Tang Sui.

Tang Sui put down his hand, and the second deep purple thousand-year-old soul ring lit up, speaking with a strong smell of rust and a slight hoarseness:
"The second soul skill, good face."

The black and red light flickered, and Tang Sui's pale face returned to its original health and rosyness. Because of the severe pain, his half-bowed body also slowly straightened up. It is not difficult to guess that Tang Sui's soul skill is healing .

The Seventh Elder didn't expect Tang Sui to hide his hand, his face was dark, he held the double hammers that had returned to his hands, and just raised his arms when his big brother's displeased voice came over.

"Seventh Brother," the Second Elder's majestic eyes swept over the Seventh Elder, "If you continue to fight, I'm afraid you will be the one who suffers."

Then when he looked at Tang San and Tang Sui's brothers and sisters, he looked more kindly: "Everyone, come down, this competition, the old seven lost."

Seventh Elder: "?"

He was not convinced: "Who said I lost! The two of them have a soul emperor and a soul king, why can't I beat a Titled Douluo? I didn't give my best!"

The second elder saw it very clearly, and looked meaningfully at Tang San and Tang Sui, who were falling one after the other, and said: "Not to mention that you said you only used [-]% of your strength at the beginning, but now you have used all of it." Soul power. From the time you agreed to let their brothers and sisters do it together, I think you have already been tricked by their brothers and sisters."


"And don't forget, girl Tang Sui's 10-year soul ability hasn't been used yet. I think your sixth soul ability is not a support, right?" The second elder interrupted the seventh elder, and his sharp eyes fell on Tang Sui. body.

Tang Sui slightly tilted his head, neither admitting nor denying it.

We don't know each other well, who will tell you.

The Seventh Elder's expression changed a few times, and finally he exhaled, turned his head and said, "All right, I'm willing to admit defeat. What I said before was too much, I take it back."

He upheld the last stubbornness and did not apologize.

The gazes of Tang Sui and Tang San swept across the Seventh Elder at the same time, and the former's eyes deepened. Even though he was still not satisfied with this "victory", they still didn't have enough strength to allow themselves to have a sufficient right to speak. This is the only way to go.

The Second Elder nodded, turned to look at Tang Yuehua who was beside Tang Xiao, and said, "Yuehua, you can go prepare for the ceremony of recognizing your ancestors and returning to your clan. Everyone else should leave and go to practice."

The presence of a few elders and suzerain is enough for the ceremony of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan. Moreover, he still has something to say to Tang Xiao.

The other direct disciples took orders. Although they still wanted to stay and watch more, they still left in awe of the elders.

Hearing the Second Elder's words, Tang Yuehua showed joy, and bowed to the Second Elder and the others with a smile on his lips: "Thank you, Yuehua, for your fulfillment."

The second elder shook his head, "It's not us who made it perfect, but they made themselves perfect. I have never seen such outstanding young people as their brothers and sisters. I just hope that they will not go astray in the future, don't Wasted their talents like their father did."

Tang Xiao nodded, and then asked another question: "Elders, the Haotian School has been closed for many years. Now, is it time to lift the ban?"

The second elder paused, looked at Tang Xiao deeply, and met his gaze.

"Sovereign, what do you mean?"

Tang Xiao turned around and looked at the steep mountains covered by the vast sea of ​​clouds with far-reaching eyes.

"It has been 20 years since Haotianzong retreated from the world. In the 20 years, the mainland has long forgotten the Jiaojiao Battle Soul Hammer, the majestic Haotianzong. Didn't the elders ask me to release the seal many times before? I see, Now the time is ripe."

Whenever an elder worked so hard to be promoted to the Title Douluo level, Tang Xiao would get their suggestion to unseat the Clear Sky School.

But he did not agree.

As the suzerain, the first thing he has to consider is the inheritance of the sect, and he must not ruin the sect because of his impulsiveness.

Today, although the Clear Sky School lost Tang Hao, with the addition of five elders, they already had six Titled Douluo.

The original second-generation disciples have also matured.

20 years of forbearance training, in Tang Xiao's view, the accumulated strength is enough.

But who knows, the elders who have been calling for the release of the ban all fell into deep thought. Then, the second elder shook his head slowly: "No, it's not the time yet."

—— Digression——

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we will be updating temporarily~ Save up some manuscripts for the consecutive small pluses of the National Day~
(End of this chapter)

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