Chapter 405 Gathering at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School

Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

As soon as Ning Rongrong came back, he took Tang Sui and the others straight to the main hall, and with Ning Fengzhi's gradually solemn expression, he told Ning Fengzhi about the soul hunting actions of the Wuhun Hall against the three sects, and also explained Tang Sui's reason for coming. .

Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong standing on one left and one on the right frowned at the same time, looked at each other calmly, exchanged glances, and the eyes that fell on Tang Sui carried some scrutiny.

Although Tang Sui is Rongrong's life-and-death partner, who is not related by blood but is still as close as a brother and sister, but since the farewell in front of the Pope's palace five years ago, they don't know what Tang Sui has experienced in the past five years. Whether such heavy news from them is true or false.

Thinking of this, Gu Rong held his smiling expression and asked casually: "Girl Tang Sui, although it is true that Wuhundian is eyeing the seven major sects, especially the upper three sects, but in recent years Wuhundian is very safe, what information channel did you rely on to get the news?"

Even the news channel of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School didn't know about it, but Tang Sui did.

Relying on the Clear Sky School or the Power Clan that he belonged to back then?
This is obviously impossible.

Ning Rongrong's eyes showed some worry.

When she was talking to her father and the others just now, she didn't say that Sui Sui's news channel was from the capital of killing.

Although everyone is a partner, and those who stand in the main hall are not outsiders, they are trustworthy people, but in this matter, she thinks it is better for Sui Sui to decide whether to speak out or not.

After all, the capital of killing is a very special place.

Even though it was chaotic, bloody and cruel, it still attracted the attention of countless people.

Because as long as you have been to the killing capital and successfully walked out, you will be able to obtain a magical realm.

At this time, if suddenly there is a related household who takes the title of the second owner, although she is still a little worried about what will happen.

Noticing Ning Rongrong's worried gaze, Tang Sui gave her a comforting look, and said frankly: "Uncle Ning, my news channel comes from the capital of killing, but you don't have to worry about the authenticity of the news. I guarantee it on my own, Absolutely believable."

"Murder City?"

Ning Fengzhi and the three were startled, looking at Tang Sui's calm appearance, what else did Gu Rong want to ask, but he observed Ning Fengzhi's pensive expression, after thinking about it, he swallowed the words and handed over the home game. From Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"It seems that you have a lot of opportunities in the past five years. But just like what Rongrong said just now, it is too late to transfer the disciples of the sect at this time, so we can only send the fireworks as soon as possible, and secretly order the nearby disciples to emit fireworks carefully. Pass ten, ten pass one hundred, avoid the blocking of Wuhun Hall as soon as possible. And "thinking of something, Ning Fengzhi's eyes darkened, and he has nine points of confidence in Tang Sui's information, "To tell you the truth, now [-]% of the Zongmen The disciples are all out on errands, and the interior is empty. If the Spirit Hall launches an attack at this time, we must have no defenses!"

Tang Sui and the others looked solemn, "It's not too late, Uncle Ning, you should act quickly."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, and then began to summon the direct disciples in the sect, and quickly delivered a series of orders.

Dark clouds drifted, covering most of the moon.

Today's night is as quiet and beautiful as the previous night, it seems that there is only a slight breeze blowing, bringing a touch of coolness.

Outside the castle of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the two disciples in charge of patrolling were marching outside along the previous route.

There was a trace of nervousness on their faces, which was different from the relaxed and comfortable pace in the past. After receiving the secret order from the suzerain during the day, those who were in charge of patrolling them these two nights were all very vigilant.

As one of the seven major sects today, the Haotian Sect has lived in seclusion for many years, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has vaguely become the head of the sects other than the Wuhun Palace, and it is also the richest soul master sect, with an extremely high status in the soul master world , even if it is Wuhundian, it cannot be shaken.

Because of this, the castle where the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is located has been quiet for too long.

The piercing cold wind drilled into the neck along the collar, making people shiver involuntarily.

The patrolling disciple on the left touched his neck that was feeling cold, and said to the patrolling disciple on the right, "Xiao Jia, why do I feel a little cold?"

"Maybe it's because it's almost autumn now?"

Xiaojia said with some uncertainty.

They also don't know when the Wuhundian will launch an attack, and now their nerves are tense every minute and every second, and they dare not slack off.

The patrolling disciple on the left shook his head, "Maybe I'm too sensitive. Well, wait for me, I'll go first for convenience."

As he said that, he walked towards the bushes not far away.

Xiao Jia, who was left behind, kept an eye out. Although he was a little disgusted, he still stood in the position about five meters away from his partner and waited.

The place they are currently patrolling is one kilometer away from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School Castle, which means that they are most likely to be attacked.

He yawned. Although he tried his best to suppress it, people are most likely to relax when they are in a quiet atmosphere. In addition, he was practicing during the day, but he suddenly received an order and didn't take much rest. This sleepiness also started upwelling.

I don't know if the companion is a big or a small one. It seems that it took a long time to go this time, and his eyelids closed uncontrollably.

"Swish, swish,"

Suddenly, Xiao Jia's eyes, which were about to close because of Xiao Mei, caught a faint light.

Then, his ears moved.

As a patrol disciple, his own strength is not strong, and he still relied on the shadow of his ancestors to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

However, his martial spirit is related to detecting birds. At night, his hearing and dynamic vision are excellent, so he was also sent to patrol the periphery.

With his ears moving slightly, he suddenly heard a slight drop.

With years of experience, he can clearly distinguish that this is the sound of a human body falling.

Xiao Jia's drowsiness disappeared, and she didn't dare to neglect her in the slightest. She called her companion's name softly and vigilantly, and at the same time improved her hearing to the extreme.

Immediately, a series of rustling sounds fell into my ears.

It was like the rubbing sound of cloth and branches and leaves.

Although the voice was very soft, it felt like the owner was restraining himself intentionally, but under the hearing that was strengthened several times, these voices came from all directions like a sea tide.


Xiao Jia, who didn't get a response, suddenly understood something, turned around without hesitation, and at the same time his legs started to run, he also stretched out his hand to pull the fuse of the fireworks message, and at the same time, a shrill voice accompanied The fire that rose from the sky resounded so clearly in this peaceful night——


(End of this chapter)

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