Chapter 406 Enemy Attack 1
Using his maximum lung capacity, a cry mixed with soul power spewed out from his throat, but the next moment, the icy chill had penetrated from his vest, directly passed through his chest, and shattered every piece of internal organs in his body.


A red light soared into the sky, and a dazzling flower of light exploded in the night sky in the blink of an eye.

Red, representing blood, is also dangerous.

It is the simplest warning color,
Xiao Jia's body slipped from the hands of a man in black who fell to the ground without a sound. His eyes were wide open, and he was dying.

And the man in black who made the shot was obviously a little at a loss, feeling worried that something bad happened to him.


Behind him, more men in black fell on the forest like fine raindrops, densely packed with tree branches of different heights.

"what happened?"

A slightly aged voice lowered the volume and asked angrily, "What were the fireworks just now?"

"Elder, it might be a signal. We are now." The man in black, who knew something bad happened, turned around and asked uneasily.

"If you don't do anything at this time, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will only be more prepared! Idiot, do you know that this will increase our losses a lot? Everyone, attack!"

Following the order of the old voice, countless black shadows rushed out like a tide, heading straight for the castle of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect Master.

On the other side, the castle of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, which had received the alarm signal, was already in full bloom.

Tang Sui, who was sitting cross-legged in the main hall and practicing, opened his eyes suddenly, a cold light flashed through his clear blue pupils, and looked at Ning Rongrong who was anxiously entering the main hall. After finishing his training, he stood up and asked, "Rongrong, how do you gone?"

Ning Rongrong let out a breath, and said: "Currently the weaker disciples and unarmed women and children in the sect have all taken refuge in the underground secret passage, but there are still more than ten disciples who are patrolling outside and have not returned. I am afraid of them. .”

Ning Rongrong didn't say the following words, but there was a layer of sadness on her face.

Dai Mubai and the others who also stood up beside him also knew what this meant.

However, patrolling outside is the first job to face danger, and all disciples of the sect, no matter inside or outside, are ready to sacrifice.

Dai Mubai pinched his finger bones, and said with a solemn expression: "If we meet later, we will save as much as we can, but before that, we still have a tough battle to fight! Friends, are you all ready? "

His eyes swept to the crowd.

This time, including Ning Rongrong, they also nodded with a broken face.


A strong tremor came from the ground beneath his feet.

In the main hall, which had been standing for many years and had not been shaken, all kinds of expensive ornaments were knocked to the ground, and the smell of gunpowder smoke drifted in from the door of the hall, as if the battle had already begun.

Several people's expressions froze, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun jumped out first, while Tang Sui wrapped his arms around Ning Rongrong's waist, with a single step, he flew into the air, turned into lightning and flew towards the outside of the hall.

Most of the splendid buildings in the sect collapsed under the brutal damage of the soul skills.

There are smoke and flames of war everywhere.

The disciples in the sect who are still capable of fighting get close together, forming a small lineup one after another, back to back with other companions, launching the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in their hands, and cooperating with the soul skills of the fighting soul master, to resist the attack. The people in black who besieged them.


A huge explosion exploded in the night sky, Tang Sui and Ning Rongrong looked up, the latter showed an anxious look: "Grandpa Jian has already met the opponent's Title Douluo!"

And it turned out to be four Title Douluo!
Wuhundian, really ruthless!

A few streaks of blood appeared in Ning Rongrong's eye sockets, and his whole voice was trembling.

Dai Mubai and the others had already gone to support those sect disciples who were besieged by several Soul Sect-level powerhouses, and Bone Douluo and Ning Fengzhi were also sharing the battle power, with several Soul Sages and above Soul Sages. Those who face the dangers of other sect disciples are at a loss.

The situation is not optimistic!

Tang Sui's eyes sank, and he looked at Luo Chenxin, a sword fighter with one against four, his figure twisted in the void, and shallow ripples appeared in the space, but in the blink of an eye, he was close to the besieged Gurong He Ning Fengzhi.



Ning Rongrong, who was brought to the protection zone of the ancient banyan tree, went straight to Ning Fengzhi as soon as he landed.

Gu Rong frowned, the soul skills in his hands kept on passively defending against the attacks of the men in black from different directions.

Tang Sui glanced at the besieged posture of the crowd, and took a deep breath, "Senior Bone Douluo, can I leave it to you alone?"

Gu Rong, who manipulated the bone spurs rising from the ground like a string of gourds to kill several men in black who had sneaked up on other disciples, nodded calmly: "Of course, you can do whatever you want. I'm here!"

Although he is not a soul master of the assault department, he is still a titled Douluo!

Even the control system can beat them!
"Suisui!" Ning Fengzhi, who was dragging the brilliantly blooming Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, stopped Tang Sui, and said worriedly, "You must be careful!"

Tang Sui nodded, looking at the sect disciples and the man in black who kept dying, a ray of black light spread from the bottom of his eyes, and he jumped into the sky again, the air current around him rippled layer by layer, and circles of halos floated from his feet .

Purple, purple, purple, black, black, red!
The sixth circle of crimson light was so obvious in the night filled with flames of war, even Chen Xin and the other four titled Douluo who fought against him couldn't help but be attracted by the red halo blooming in the night.

"10 year soul ring!"

"How is it possible?! That little girl seems to be able to withstand 10 years at a young age?!"

"Three thousand years, wait! She is Tang Sui!"

"That humanoid 10-year-old soul beast that His Majesty the Pope mentioned?!"

"This girl is already level [-], tsk!"

As soon as the scarlet 10-year soul ring came out, Tang Sui became the most eye-catching one on the battlefield in an instant.

"10 years" Ning Fengzhi and the others also had blank expressions on their faces.

Ning Rongrong who came to his senses the fastest was first happy for Tang Sui, and then worried.

Because she saw that the number of Tang Sui's mask spirits had increased again!

Four gold-rimmed masks with white backgrounds floated around Tang Sui, and in the next second, black and red lights flickered on all the members of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and Dai Mubai and the others.

"The first soul skill, spirit injection!"

The deep purple thousand-year-old soul ring shone brightly, and his mental power jumped several hundred immediately.

The light of group amplification flickered on their people.

Including Chen Xin, who was walking with a sword at high altitude, also felt the increase in his complex attributes.

All attributes are 25% defense, 40% mental power, 8% speed, and 15% crit!

"The fifth soul skill, the face of reincarnation."

The ten-thousand-year soul ring moved, and on the first layer of complex attribute increase, 25% speed, 20% critical strike damage, and 30% defense again!

Miniature white faces wrap around their feet, out of the way and life-saving.

The battle has officially kicked off!

—— Digression——

Today's small addition is over~ Happy National Day, cuties!The ink carp will also play happily today, touch the fish~
(End of this chapter)

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