Chapter 407 Enemy Attack 2
"Kill that girl first!"

Realizing that Tang Sui's soul skills were supported by the group, the faces of the four titled Douluo changed suddenly, and they watched Chen Xin's aura rise again under the boost of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and the other multi-attribute.

Even if he was alone, Ke Chenxin's aura seemed to overwhelm the four of them.Not to mention that none of the four of them passed the level 95 barrier, but Jian Dao Chenxin is a level 96 assault system titled Douluo!
"Leave that girl to me!"

With a deep shout, another tall and burly figure stomped heavily on the ground with its hind feet, causing cobweb-like marks on the blue brick floor.

"The third soul skill, crush!"

Amidst the terrifying crackling of the bones, Hu Yanzhen's body was covered with a layer of purple light, and his already tall and strong body began to swell, becoming as majestic as a hill, with an aura like a rainbow, the giant hand that could crush a person to death with that slap He slapped Tang Sui in the air!
"The sky is shaking!"

Ning Fengzhi's complexion changed suddenly, and Gu Rong's eyes were also fixed.

"Sui Sui be careful!"

Amidst Ning Rongrong's coquettish shouts, Tang Sui's eyes flashed coldness, a bit of jet blackness bloomed instantly, and the four jade-white masks turned jet black.

Attack form, open!


The four masks surrounding them were like skyrocketing cannons flying into the sky, rushing out without any intention of helping their masters block them.

Seeing this, Hu Yanzhen, who had absolute confidence in his defense and soul power, let out a sneer, very disdainful, and there was a hint of certainty in his eyes.

"go to hell!"

A jet-black light emerged from his left hand, and a three-meter-high Clear Sky Hammer with its own electric arc was firmly held by Tang Sui. He raised up the Clear Sky Hammer embossed with blue and silver grass, and swung it down heavily.


Tang Sui's fourth ten-thousand-year soul ring lit up, and the masks that flew out like celestial maidens scattered flowers all turned around, and each mask with its own armor-piercing attribute was covered with a layer of black-red demonic light. Like a meteorite falling straight down from outer space, its target is directly at Huyanzhen!

In Hu Yanzhen's suddenly constricted pupils, the four masks captured by the turning and the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Sui's hand were enlarged simultaneously!

A huge buzzing sound exploded, as if someone had hit the golden bell with a hammer, causing a heavy sound.

Under the collision of two huge forces, Hu Yanzhen was actually knocked back by Tang Sui's force, with a ferocious and unbelievable expression on his face, he was smashed straight down from the air by that terrifying force!

Hu Yanzhen's eyes, whose body was deeply embedded in the blue brick floor, showed horror, jealousy and a strong sense of absurdity filled his heart in an instant, even the pain of his arms being folded was not as good as the shock at this time, and those eyes the size of copper bells were dead. He stared at the Haotian Hammer firmly held in the hands of Tang Sui whose momentum had changed drastically.

"The Clear Sky Hammer?! How is this possible?!"

He looked back and forth between the four masks of different shapes and the Clear Sky Hammer that had returned to Tang Sui's side, he was heartbroken, he just felt that all his emotions had turned into venom, corroding his heart.

How can she and Tang San's boy He De have such outstanding talents! ! !

"Her spirits are obvious. Damn it, this girl is the same as Tang San's kid, she has twin spirits!"

One of them had a golden snake print on his forehead, and the Title Douluo, who was holding a golden spear in his hand, immediately reacted.

The expressions of the other three Title Douluo were also dark and ugly.

Even if the chance of the twins being twin martial souls is very small, it is not impossible!

Not to mention the children of Tang Hao, who is extremely talented, and another 10-year-old soul beast!
At the beginning, none of them took Tang Sui seriously, thinking that a level 86 astronomical phenomenon Hu Yanzhen was enough to solve a mere support system soul emperor.

Even in the soul master elite competition five years ago, the opponent's methods were weird, but after all, he was just an auxiliary soul master with weak attack power.

but now.
They looked at the mighty Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Sui's hands, and all their wishful thinking was shattered invisibly.

Tang Sui's current weakness in attack power has been made up for by the mainland's number one powerful attack weapon, the Wuhun Haotian Hammer.

Today's Tang Sui can be said to be a combination of offense and defense in another sense!
"Tang Sui is also a twin martial soul?!"

Gu Rong, who also saw Tang Sui's Haotian Hammer for the first time, opened his eyes slightly, while Ning Fengzhi looked at Ning Rongrong with the same shocked expression after being stunned.

Sui Sui, I never said that.

Ning Rongrong was a little sad, but also a little proud, because no matter what, Tang Sui was her companion, her half-sister.

Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong exhaled a foul breath, brilliant light bloomed under his feet, and six soul rings flew out slowly.

"Nine Treasures turn out with Liuli!"

The precious light of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda flickered, Ning Rongrong's auxiliary light instantly fell on Tang Sui, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Nine treasures are famous, and one is called strength."

The four Tang Sui's bodies bloomed with brilliance.

"The second is speed!"

The second auxiliary light fell on Zhu Zhuqing alone.

"The third is the soul, the sixth is the increase!"

The former lit up on Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, the last one lit up on Tang Sui.

Tang Sui glanced at Hu Yanzhen, whose arms were broken by the force just now, and the meridians in his body were also shattered. He didn't get entangled with him, but turned around, and the next moment suddenly appeared on the back of another Chi Jinpeng. In front of that Titled Douluo, he swung the Haotian Hammer and slammed it down!
"What?! You actually want to confront me head-on!"

Golden Hook Douluo, one of the elders enshrined in the Hall of Spirits, shrank his pupils, his hands suddenly turned into sharp peng feathers of a golden roc, and when they collided with the Haotian Hammer, there was a hard metal collision sound!

When the Clear Sky Hammer touched her changing metal peng feather, the scene she imagined that the other party was being thrown flying did not appear, but she was knocked back two steps before she could stand still.

After the first hammer fell, Tang Sui did not stop, but quickly and accurately swung one hammer after another, meeting and flashing away from the hardened pair of peng feathers of Golden Hook Douluo, each time with more force, like It was the thunder that exploded in the sky, and it continued to roar.

Clear Sky Hammer!Chaotic cloak wind hammer method!
"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of collision continued to explode.

Golden Hook Douluo felt like a piece of pig iron, being continuously tempered and beaten by the opponent's Clear Sky Hammer, undergoing a qualitative change.

But it is changing in the direction of weakness.

What annoyed her even more was that she actually felt a coercion from the soul emperor girl in front of her, like a class suppression from her blood. Even her prairie flames couldn't hurt the other party in the slightest, it was nothing at all!
"A mere soul emperor, how is it possible?!"

The moment she made the unbelievable sound, there were whistling winds in two directions behind her and in front of her respectively.

The four masks were so powerful that they blocked all the directions where she dodged. Cooperating with the constant swinging of the front, the Haotian Hammer, which was almost about to leave an afterimage, attacked fiercely and swiftly, smashing down menacingly!

"Sixth soul skill, Golden Roc in Fire!"

The fifth pitch-black soul ring buzzed, and the crisp sound of the roc mixed with mental shock sang in the ears. The disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect with low soul power were dazzled in front of their eyes. The man in black took his life.

Countless flaming feathers shook off the huge roc bird, as if being drawn, they were connected together by a force, twisted into one strand, and turned into a flame feather armor to wear on Golden Hook Douluo.

And her hands are still in the shape of birds' feathers, with pieces of golden feathers as sharp as knives, cutting through the air, piercing the air with the high-speed rotation of the owner's body, and blocking the external force coming from the ground in the way of high-speed rotation!

(End of this chapter)

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