Tang San shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't wake it up."


"When I carried him here, I checked the pulse and found that this person's pulse is very strange, it doesn't look like poisoning, but it's vain and unstable." Tang San said the result of his pulse detection.

"I don't know if it's because of the departure of the Yaozu senior or what, all in all, if this person wants to wake up, I'm afraid he needs a lot of energy injection, so that he can absorb enough to wake up, otherwise he may continue to sleep like this. "

keep sleeping?

Isn't that a vegetable?
Tang Sui swallowed the words "he is actually our great-grandfather", lowered his eyes and fell into deep thought.

In terms of the premise that energy does not harm other human beings and living beings, besides the treasures of heaven and earth, only the underground energy core of the killing capital is the most suitable
So, Tang Chen can only go back to the killing capital now?

She felt a little tricky.

But Bat Wing's words still seemed to be lingering in her ears, standing on the avenue of fate, she could no longer retreat.

Tang Sui closed his eyes, exhaled a turbid breath, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes had calmed down, "After hunting the sixth spirit ring, brother, you have absorbed the spirit bone. Then I will use the domain to transport you, Miss Wu Go to the Eye of Ice and Fire Yinyi, and then you go back to Shrek Academy temporarily to see the other two cases, brother, I will bring the King of Slaughter back to the capital of Slaughter, and we will split into two groups."

"it is good."

Tang San and Xiao Wu both nodded, no objection.

Stepping into the range of the forest again, and coming to the place where Tang San and Xiao Wu fought the man-faced spider, Tang Sui looked at the venom left on the tree trunk and hanging on the branches, and that piece of corrosive poison had already been destroyed. A spider's web, with little ripples in his eyes.

'system. '

【I am here. 】

'Lock the position of the man-faced demon spider. '

With Tang Sui's solid monster power, coupled with the system's precise positioning like a sky net, the man-faced spider, which was preying on other spirit beasts to recover from its injuries a thousand meters away, didn't even realize that it was being targeted and was not alarmed at all.

"Brother, I found it, about 500 meters to the southeast." Tang Sui looked sideways at the majestic Tang San.

The latter nodded, and didn't even need to chase after him, a cold murderous aura permeated the air, even though the white light representing the domain of the killing god did not appear, the air around him became icy cold and murderous.

Tang San raised his hand, facing the southeast position, the icy breath spread out, and at the same time released a circle of clear and deep blue light.

The feeling of this blue halo is different from the one full of life in the past, but contains endless murderous intentions. It has suddenly changed from a hotbed that nourished life to a deadly ice cellar.

The same Blue Silver Domain produces different effects under different moods.

When the killing intent in Tang San's heart reached a certain concentration, the affected Blue Silver Grass was no longer full of humility and reverence.

At this time, it was as if they were ordered by the worm emperor, and their thinking was filled with killing intent, full of attack power, like soldiers surmounting thorns and thorns, one pass ten, ten pass one hundred, one hundred pass thousands, see the body All the information gathered and conveyed to Tang San's brain.

At the other end, the Man-faced Demon Spider, which managed to capture a ten thousand-year-old soul beast, raised its two front legs covered with tiny barbs. Just as it was about to enjoy this long-lost meal, a dangerous signal suddenly appeared on its side. Cranial nerves rang.

The hard carapace covering its body is harder than armor made of fine iron, and each spider leg is its best weapon.

Coupled with its own poison and some special skills, it is definitely the top predator in this spirit beast forest.

The premise of this top predator is as long as it doesn't provoke a super soul beast of the level of the titan great ape.

Of course, even if it can't beat it, it can still run.

In terms of speed, the Man Faced Demon Spider is never inferior to any spirit beast, especially in places with complex terrain like forests.

Its current cultivation base is 7 years old, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a small local snake.

But now, the sudden explosion of the alarm made its eight eyes start to twitch uncomfortably, feeling the slightest threat.

Once the soul beasts have been cultivated for more than ten thousand years, they already have a very high level of intelligence. Coupled with their own sensitivity to the environment and fighting, this man-faced demon spider, which opened its delicious food, jumped away without hesitation. He got up, abandoned the prey he managed to get, and used all eight spider legs, one of which was broken in half, but also quickly fled towards a further distance.

Locking on the position of the Man Faced Demon Spider, Tang San immediately moved, jumped up, stepped on the ghostly shadow, and walked through the woods like walking on flat ground.

Relying on the Blue Silver Domain that locked onto the opponent, Tang San precisely chased in the direction where the Man Faced Demon Spider was fleeing, quickly closing the distance between them.

Tang Sui didn't use his legs to walk, but directly chased after Tang San with flying.

However, living in this spirit beast forest all the year round, every path, even where the tunnel leads to, is thoroughly understood by this old fritter's human-faced demon spider, even if Tang San used the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg. Gu's flying soul skills, combined with ghost shadow fascination, his body skills are so fast that his eyes can only catch afterimages, but he is still far behind by the cunning man-faced demon spider.

The distance of 500 meters is not far, but it is close. In this complex terrain of the soul beast forest, it is not easy to block the Man-faced Demon Spider.

Once again confused by the complex and similar terrain of the huge spirit beast forest, Tang San, who was tricked by the other party, was as heavy as iron.

After the man-faced spider led them here, it folded back from the ground and fled in another direction!
Just in case, Xiao Wu, the huge titan giant ape, and the sky blue bull python stayed in the valley, so the only ones who came to hunt the sixth spirit ring were their brother and sister.

"Brother, there's no need to chase it anymore, just drive it over."

Tired of the chasing game, Tang Sui's dark blue eyes flashed a little black and red broken light, and the next second, an aura more terrifying than Tang San's condensed chill and coldness swayed around her, even Tang San's heartbeat couldn't help but stagnate.

That kind of feeling is like seeing a killing god who really walked up to the throne stepping on the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. Even the Blue Silver Emperor can feel a trace of the coercion of the level from the bloodline inconceivably!

Of course, this level of coercion is not soul power, but an indescribable fear that is different from race.

The other end just broke through the ground with its huge spider legs, and the man-faced spider that drilled out of the ground used the huge spider legs as scuds, and ran towards the distance at an extremely fast speed to escape.

However, before it opened a greater distance, a sense of fear of being targeted by a more powerful overlord-level soul beast swept over.

The oppression from the bloodline level made its eight spider legs no longer obey, and stopped running, as if the terrifying overlord-level spirit beast was right in front of its eyes, making its legs lose strength unconsciously, so soft Falling there, there were bursts of low growls mixed with panic from the ferocious mouthparts, as if begging for mercy.

—— Digression——

There are so few comments in the past two days, I am not happy o(^`)o

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