Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 425 Man-faced Demon Spider: You Don't Talk About Wu Mori!

"This is deterrence?" Sensing the fear and retreat from the Blue Silver Emperor, Tang San's eyes showed surprise.

"Almost. Brother, I've already caught it, let's finish it now." Tang Sui lowered his eyes and replied with a smirk.

Tang San nodded, kicking hard on the ground with his feet, using his body to fly up while spreading the Blue Silver Domain.

"The Clear Sky Hammer, come out!"

The black light in his left hand surged, and he firmly held the Clear Sky Hammer wrapped in traces of electric light.

Tang Sui, who was slightly behind, lit up six spirit rings under his feet, the first spirit ring and the fifth spirit ring moved, and two auxiliary lights fell on Tang San one after another.

The Man Faced Demon Spider, who was intimidated and fixed in place, could only watch Tang San rush towards him, getting closer and closer to it.

It didn't understand how it offended the overlord soul beast, but what it knew was that the human being who had fought before had already set its sights on it, and the unknown overlord soul beast was obviously helping the opponent.

If he wanted to survive, he had to destroy the enemy who was chasing him.

It still doesn't want to die.

Give it another 3 years, and it will be able to step into the realm of true overlord strength and become a 10-year-old soul beast!
The strong desire to survive soared, even surpassing Tang Sui's bloodline threat to it.

Tang Sui said "Huh", and looked at the Man-faced Demon Spider in front of him. The six grunting spider eyes suddenly condensed a golden-red light, his eyes froze, and he quickly reminded Tang San: "Brother, be careful!"

A thick layer of gray light suddenly erupted from the Man Faced Demon Spider, Tang San who was approaching had to lift his hammer and was knocked back more than ten meters.

Next, a strange scene happened.

The layer of gray light covering its body is like a layer of chrysalis. The body is constantly wriggling, expanding the already huge body again. The trunk of the body instantly expands to a diameter of seven meters, like a huge grinding disc. There are countless sharp barbs growing on each of the thick spider legs, like thorns, which can easily scrape through hard rocks.


The man-faced demon spider let out a shriek full of mental shock, layers of gray air circling around its body, the thickness of the carapace on the whole body at least doubled, it directly broke through the suppression of the blood, Tang Sui's deterrence was all shaken off.

Under the extreme desire for survival and the threat of life, the Man-faced Demon Spider activated its special ability - Spider God Possession.

The spider god possession is like the real body of a human soul master, but the powerful power it erupts at this moment must be displayed at the cost of burning cultivation base.

Every second that this state is maintained, its own cultivation will be burned for a year.

Even if it has lived for 7 years, if it keeps fighting in this posture, it won't take too long for it to collapse and die first due to exhaustion of energy.

And there is another point, that is, it is one step further away from its goal of supremacy.

Hatred and desire for survival turned into nutrient solution to water the seeds called "Revenge", and the Man-faced Demon Spider, who broke through Tang Sui's deterrence, took the lead in attacking Tang San, whose strength felt weaker to it.

"elder brother!"

Tang Sui, who was overwhelmed by a spirit beast for the first time, came back to his senses. The man-faced demon spider in front of him was as fast as lightning, and it came to Tang San in the blink of an eye. Raised the spider legs high, swung left and right crosswise, drawing a cross cut to crush Tang San!
"The first soul skill, Coil!"

A Blue Silver Emperor flew from the side, wrapped around Tang San's waist, forcibly pulled him out horizontally, avoiding the cross slash from the front.

At the same time, in order to delay time, many Blue Silver Emperors surged from the ground in an instant, entangled around the giant body of the Man-faced Demon Spider, but immediately emitted thick smoke of corrosion.

The strength of the man-faced demon spider possessed by the spider god has become very terrifying. In addition, its original cultivation base is not low. Under the rhythm of the spider legs, the rapidly corroded Blue Silver Emperor was killed in less than two seconds. Just tear it off.


Happiness flashed in the eyes of the six spiders that shone with golden red light, and in the next second, its hind legs shook the ground vigorously, as if equipped with springs, its huge body was already heading straight for Tang San in the air, dripping with stench The mouthparts of the saliva squirmed, making a hissing sound that made the brain dizzy.

Another mental shock!

The strong pressure made Tang San look solemn.

After using the Spider God Possession, although the strength of the man-faced demon spider in front of him can't compare with the titan giant ape and the azure bull python, the aura it releases is already very close to the aura of a 10-year-old soul beast.

"Bang bang bang-!"

The four masks galloping rushed out from Tang San's side, brushed past him, slammed into the Man Faced Demon Spider heavily, and collided with its incomparably hard body, making four dull bangs.

Under the heavy blow, the man-faced demon spider, whose armor-piercing attribute of the mask broke through the soul power of the body, stopped the mental harassment, let out a scream of resentment in pain, and then spit out a "pop" from its mouth. A huge gray spider web is more than enough to catch ten people, but it is used extravagantly to deal with four masks.

Of course the spider webs cannot touch them.

The moment before the spider web was about to touch the edge of the mask, the four masks disappeared in the distorted air ripples, and Tang San behind them also quickly shifted positions in the three seconds of the previous collision, and began to charge the fifth spirit ability— —Blue Silver Overlord Spear!

"The third soul skill, the face of nothingness."

The dark purple soul ring lit up, and the Man-faced Demon Spider, whose mental strength was backlashed, let out a cry of pain, and retreated a few meters like stepping on a fire stick, already intending to retreat.

"Want to run?"

Tang Sui's figure swayed, and suddenly disappeared into the void, blocking the way of the Man-faced Demon Spider. Four masks emerged at the same time, with faint light shining in their eyes. Launched a violent high-speed combo.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

You are fast, so what if you hide a lot?

If you can't hold you, then take another kind of high-speed impact, and hit A in the middle!

In the form of nothingness and continuous impact, the spider's web was useless because it couldn't touch the mask and Tang Sui, and even its proud spider legs couldn't hit Tang Sui.

Amidst the muffled repeated noises and sounds like hard metal colliding, it could not help but let out an angry and sharp cry, cursing this overlord spirit beast in human skin for not practicing martial ethics.

Tang Sui, who couldn't understand the other party's cursing, attacked without hesitation, buying time for Tang San to recharge the Blue Silver Overlord Spear, while the four masks who understood the man-faced spider's cursing smashed harder and more ruthlessly!


The scarlet golden light suddenly erupted in the forest, on Tang San's side, the Blue Silver Overlord Spear was fully charged!

"Fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Overlord Spear!"

Breaking through to the soul emperor level, even if he has not obtained the sixth soul ring, this fifth soul skill, the Blue Silver Overlord Spear, is also the one with the strongest attack power among all the abilities he currently possesses.

To a certain extent, it is even stronger in destructive power and impact than the Clear Sky Hammer without a spirit ring!

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