Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 427 Tang 3: After all, one person bears everything

"Brother, congratulations."

Tang Sui clapped his palms.

Tang San exhaled a breath of turbid air, the Mysterious Heaven Kung started to work, and one-third of the lost soul power began to recover.

The sixth spirit ring of 3000 years allowed him to jump three levels in a row, and now his spirit power has broken through to level 63.

But just that change
"Sui Sui, did you see the change of the Eight Spider Lances just now?" Tang San turned to look at his sister.

Tang Sui nodded: "I see, it looks like armor."

Tang San suddenly remembered the phrase "Mobile Gundam" that Tang Sui blurted out just now, and asked with some expectation: "Sui Sui, do you know the reason for this change? Now I feel that my strength is like a big tree. Like a tree, all soul skills are branches of this big tree. Now to use them, even the Blue Silver Overlord Spear, does not need any buffering time. But after the Eight Spider Lances become armor, The spirit bone energy in my body suddenly clashed, which was very uncoordinated."

Even though the effects of these skills increased by ten percent overall after obtaining the sixth spirit ring, and the required spirit power was also reduced by ten percent, he still felt a threat.

Because the energy of the soul bone in the body seems to collapse at any time, there is still a burning sensation on the back, and the soul power was burned just after the armor was turned into armor, but within a few seconds, one-third of the soul power evaporated, which is comparable to the martial soul fusion technique. Even more soul power is needed.

Tang Sui shook his head: "I don't know either, Gundam. It's just a bedtime story that my grandpa gave me in the capital of killing. Maybe only the teacher knows about it."

Tang Sui began to speak flickeringly, Tang San didn't doubt it, he believed it.

On this point, my sister would not lie to herself.

Just now when he heard Sui Sui say "Mobile Gundam", he thought Sui Sui would understand, but he didn't expect it to be just a bedtime story.

Huh. Wait, bedtime story?
Tang San's focus suddenly shifted, and after he realized it, the expression on his face also froze.

That terrifying King of Killers, who could almost become a child's shadow, still tells bedtime stories? !

Tang San, who had lost his focus, didn't even realize that Tang Sui's title of "King of Slaughter" directly changed his gender.

Seeing that Tang San seems to be in a life of doubt, Tang Sui coughed lightly and said: "Then brother, let's go back to find Miss Xiaowu first, and then you can absorb the left arm spirit bone of Fifteen Jun Douluo by the way. , when you finish absorbing it, we will set off."

Tang San came back to his senses.

Soul bone
He frowned and said, "By the way, Sui Sui, what are you going to do with that soul bone in your hand?"

Tang Sui's eyes were calm: "I will go back to the capital of killing and see Uncle Snake before absorbing it. I will not let go of this spirit bone, because this is an agreement between me and her."

Heianjing. That is something that can only be achieved by Shattering the Void.

And this prerequisite is - to become a god.

Thinking of this, Tang Sui's eyes widened, and his hands half hidden under the tulle sleeves were clenched tightly.

Thinking that "she" was "he", Tang San nodded and didn't ask Tang Sui again.

The brother and sister turned around and returned to the valley, Tang San absorbed the left arm spirit bone while the iron was hot, and his spirit power jumped four levels again, reaching level 67, which shows that the power of that spirit bone is indeed impressive. …

To some extent, maybe it is also his compensation?

Tang Sui's gaze was deep for a moment, his eyelashes blinked, and the bottom of his eyes became clear again.

The Azure Bull Python, the Titan Giant Ape, and a Xiao Wu were all stuffed into the domain by Tang Sui, and he and Tang San were preparing to "smuggle" from under the nose of the Spirit Hall to the Sunset Forest.

After all, it is impossible for them not to stay in the town at all.

But maybe there is Wuhundian's eyeliner in the town?

Call it smuggling or cat cake.

After spending two and a half days, Tang San and Tang Sui finally came to the familiar range of poisonous miasma.

After taking the special detoxification pill, Tang San and Tang Sui jumped into the medicine valley, and Ah Yin, who sensed the breath of the blood of the two brothers and sisters, was already looking forward to it, excitedly swaying the branches and leaves that jumped more than ten centimeters higher.

"Sui Sui, Xiao San."

Seeing familiar people, the plain look on Tang Hao's face was also broken, and he was excited to see the two brothers and sisters whose strength had grown stronger and their whole aura had increased a lot.

"Dad, Mom."

The siblings fell to the ground and shouted in unison.

The three father and son, plus Ah Yin in the form of the Blue Silver Emperor, hugged each other and hugged each other quietly for two seconds before separating.

Tang Hao immediately looked at his eldest son Tang San, and asked: "Little San, your mother sensed the life crisis of your brother and sister before, what happened? Did the people from Wuhundian find you?"

Speaking of the latter, Tang Hao's voice carried a trace of hostility.

Tang Sui and Tang San looked at each other, then Tang Sui took two steps back, and said to Tang Hao: "Father, let Xiaowu and brother explain this to you and mother, I still have something to do, brother, the rest is up to you." Please add more explanation."

She blinked, and very unconscionably left the second trial to Tang San alone.

Tang San:"."

This is Sui Sui, let him carry everything alone!

He alone can't withstand the double emotional card offensive of his father and mother!
His eyelids twitched, and before he had time to call Tang Sui to stop, Tang Sui waved his hand, and two huge monsters appeared out of thin air, plus a Xiao Wu who was suddenly shifted and hadn't recovered. Among the branches and leaves where he and Ah Yin were stunned, Tang Sui's aura changed, his eyes burst into black light, his hands were covered with a layer of black and red demon power, and he tore open the space directly in front of them, and burrowed in like a loach. .

"Brother, let me go first!"

Tang San was also surprised, but soon felt very reasonable.

Sui Sui's method should be related to the blood talent, otherwise, the Slaughter King would not be able to find them accurately in a very short time and save them.

Well, it's quite reasonable.

Tang San looked at his father's gradually darkening face and dark eyes that were brewing with danger, silently held Xiao Wu who was close to him, interlocked his fingers, and stared at Tang Hao's examining eyes, as if the air before the storm was After a while, some sweet pink bubbles were intertwined.

"Dad, Mom, it's a long story."

On the other side, relying on the crystallization of demonic power left behind in the underground energy core of the capital of killing as an anchor point, Tang Sui, who had consumed a lot of demonic power and ran directly across the road, had just appeared and alarmed the ten blazing sun snakes in the lava.

It propped up a huge snake head, and its slender and huge body was swimming in the lava. When it found the Tang Sui that appeared around the energy core deep in the lava, a thread emerged from the huge snake eyes, "You are back!" .”

After being away for more than a year, even if the years passed by it was just a moment, the ten headed blazing sun snake still felt a kind of excitement and nostalgia.

Tang Sui looked at the tail of the snake that couldn't help shaking, and smiled: "Well, I'm back, Uncle Snake."

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