The ten-headed blazing sun snake looked at the cubs that had grown a lot, and was very satisfied, "It seems that the outside world is indeed more conducive to your growth."

Tang Sui smiled: "After all, pressure makes people grow."

"By the way, where's the old bat? I sensed his breath before disappearing in the killing capital. Did he go out to find you?" The ten-headed blazing sun snake guessed.

Because it is very clear about the situation of the Slaughter King, if it is not necessary, the other party will never step out of the Slaughter Capital against the backlash.

Speaking of the King of Slaughter, the smile in Tang Sui's eyes dissipated, and a layer of sadness covered his delicate white face. He closed his eyes, and with a thought, Tang Chen, wrapped in a demonic enchantment, appeared in this scorching hot spot. in the magma.

Appearing at the same time, Tang Sui held the royal soul in the palm of his hand, with a dark blue brilliance all over his body - Bat Wing.

Sensing the familiar aura from that small object, the ten headed blazing sun snakes were shocked, and the terrifying murderous intent and anger erupted instantly, and the molten lava flowing quietly around was like boiling water, because the ten blazing sun snakes were angry. Feelings are bubbling hotly.

"who is it!!!"

The murderous intent emerging from the Ten Heads Lieyang Snake accurately avoided Tang Sui, Tang Sui who didn't feel the slightest pressure opened his eyes, and told the Ten Heads Lieyang Snake the whole story in a calm tone.

Now the bat wing has returned to the original form of the soul, and the only "container eye" was sealed by her with a demon power barrier, and she lost all senses of the surroundings. Even "he" can no longer restrict and monitor this place. There is nothing to say.

Well, of course, the matter of faith should be kept secret.

From furious to sad, followed by murderous intent, and finally attributed to the solemn ten-headed blazing sun snake's huge eyes, the light flickered on and off, and after a long while, he raised his snout, stood up and looked at the churning surrounding The magma, exhaled a mouthful of foul air, blowing the magma into a turbulent flow.

"No matter in the past or in the future, the Yaozu has never been chosen by fate." Its voice was full of grief and indignation.

For a long time, Yaozu has been abandoned and suppressed.

Tang Sui closed his eyes, acquiescing to the words of the ten blazing sun snakes.

The blood-colored liquid flashed in its eyes, and the ten-headed blazing sun snake lowered its head, looked at the cub holding Yuhun, and said in a deep voice, "Old bat. It can be regarded as indestructible. But since she said so, then It means that she probably expected such a day long ago, at her own expense, to pave the way for you and assist you on the real road in a disguised form."

"But you, are you ready for a hard fight?"

Fighting against the sky, wrestling with fate, the process must be extremely bumpy, if you don't pay attention, what awaits her is doomed.

This is cruel to Tang Sui who managed to survive to this day and even has a relationship with Destiny's Child.

Cruelly stripped away her future that could have been safe and sound by riding the east wind of the Child of Destiny.

Because once she agrees, what awaits her will be covered with thorns and thorns, and she can't see the direction and the end of the future.

Tang Sui opened his eyes, which seemed to be suppressing some deeper emotions, and said in a very soft voice: "I have already been in the mist of this endless night."

The body of the ten-headed blazing sun snake shook again, staring at the pessimistic little cub with an indescribably complex gaze, "You"...

As soon as it uttered a single word, the space around Tang Sui suddenly opened shallow ripples. Under her slight stupefaction and the shrinking pupils of the ten-headed blazing sun snake, the eyes of the four masks lit up at the same time .

Fox's soft voice sounded: "There is indeed no guiding lighthouse around you. '

The ape face stated coldly: "I can't tell the right direction either. '

Da Feichu laughed loudly: "You only have yourself!" '

Fushen answered the words gently: "There is still a lamp." '

The voices of the masks overlapped and symphony in his mind, Tang Sui was stunned, and heard the final sound from the system:
[Although I cannot be your guide, I can be a lantern in your hand and witness your way with you. 】

There is indeed no guiding lighthouse around her and wherever she can see, only the lantern illuminates herself, and the direction of advancement is at her feet.

Tang Sui's tense nerves suddenly broke.

She suddenly laughed, with a certain sense of relief and understanding in her smile, special energy fluctuations swayed from her body, and something began to loosen from her body.

The ten blazing sun snakes made a "huh" sound, watching the Yuhun who was held in the palm of Tang Sui Anfen suddenly fly up, and resonated with Tang Sui who had fallen into an epiphany.

Soul fusion begins!
The ten blazing sun snakes rolled up their snake tails and floated behind Tang Sui obliquely behind Tang Chen, a little further away.

Tang Sui, whose vision was suddenly dyed blood red, slowly blinked his eyelashes, feeling sticky and wet all over his body, as if being soaked in a pool of blood.

The blood mist lingered, and suddenly, Tang Sui met six vertical pupils gleaming with scarlet blood.

The pitch-black bat wings stretched out, and the three huge bat heads roared upwards.

The ferocious animal shadow kept changing in Tang Sui's eyes, and finally turned into a woman with bat wings on her back, a red robe with a white background, and long dark blue hair.

Tang Sui's pupils trembled, his lips moved, and an inaudible voice escaped from his lips, which was clearly heard by the woman.

Tang Sui called her "Grandma".

The woman laughed, and the pair of inhuman blood-colored vertical pupils shone with joy, and a hoarse female voice mixed with a low laugh: "So, didn't I say it, little guy, don't feel sad for me. "

The woman raised her lotus root arm, and her slender and cold fingertips touched Tang Sui's cheeks that shed tears at some point, her appearance was clearly reflected in her scarlet vertical pupils, and her almost whispering voice floated into Tang Sui's ears——

"Now, are you ready to accept the power?"

Although it was a questioning tone, it was more like an announcement.


Under the lava, under the watchful eyes of the ten blazing snakes, Tang Sui's petite and exquisite body with her eyes closed suddenly erupted with an unimaginable force, forming an extremely large air current in an instant, blowing people in all directions The magma blows turbulently.

The ten blazing sun snakes knew it, and the fusion began.


A strange sound came from the increasingly blurred ears.

It was as if the mysterious ice was shattered, and the shackles were broken inch by inch, and finally turned into a scream of a fierce beast, as if it finally broke through the cage, the blood flowing in the body accelerated, like the turbulent lava around it.

In the rapidly flowing blood, its temperature was obviously decreasing, but Tang Sui felt a feeling of being scorched by the flames, as if the blood in his whole body was about to boil.

As the surrounding blood mist continued to rush into Tang Sui's body, Tang Sui's pale face was gradually stained red due to the severe pain and the alternating torture of ice and fire.

In addition, the still white skin seems to have a glimmer of brilliance flowing quietly on the surface of the body, like a bat absorbing enough blood, absorbing the energy of the blood, and transforming it into its own energy, its own Life is full of strange beauty.

But on the contrary, Tang Sui's blood has gradually become warmer and colder, and it is no longer the heat that human beings should have.

—— Digression——

In another sense, "I pamper myself" can also be a happy group pet (?)

The original concept was originally: Other people's cheats are the real system, and my cheats are my petting myself√
Then Mo Li's friend: Good guy, this little chic is a bit of a cheat.

See you tomorrow~

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