Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 429 Unlocked, the Avatar of the Artifact Soul

[Di——The demon power has reached the critical point, and the soul power has broken through level 70, and it has begun to transform energy.Please pay attention to the host, the absorption of the sixth spirit ring is about to begin! 】

Only Tang Sui could hear the system sound, but Tang Sui, who was immersed in another mysterious state, could no longer hear other sounds.

"cluck cluck"

Under the internal and external pressure, Tang Sui's body bones made a crackling sound, as if they were constantly breaking bones and then reshaping them, reborn from the inside out.

The demon power continued to rise, rising to a terrifying concentration.

That gradually changing long hair spread out with the floating demon power around him, and under the huge pressure, the power began to inject every inch of bone.

The unspeakable pain pierced the nerves, and Tang Sui's whole body overflowed with bright red blood, and in just one breath, the dress was dyed scarlet.

The strong rust smell mixed with the scorching breath, melting into the surrounding orange-red lava.


There was the sound of swallowing.

The ten-headed blazing sun snake struggled to move its head away, trying not to let itself go to see Tang Sui again.

The blood with extremely high energy concentration makes the current Tang Sui look like a top-notch tonic with complete color, fragrance, and taste. Even if it has the urge to drool, the sharp fangs are a little itchy, and it really wants to rush up and take a bite.

But it held back.


A few seconds later, Tang Sui's tender body, which was undergoing earth-shaking changes, trembled, and the majestic demon power floated away. Tang Sui's body appeared extraordinarily thin in the bloody light that bloomed like a red lotus. Floating, the halo gradually dyed blood red from translucent colorless indicated the end.


The crow-black slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and Tang Sui slowly opened them.

The blood overflowing from over nourishment slid down her cheeks, and the pain in the aftermath made her slightly narrow her dark blue eyes, which revealed traces of blood.

Four jade-white masks with different postures swayed, and the edges of their incomparably hard masks added a touch of coquettish blood color silently.

This is the passive bloodthirsty feature obtained after absorbing the Batwing Soul.

The overflowing blood gradually stopped, because Tang Sui had fully adapted to his current body.

With a thought, the current personal information form clearly appeared in front of her eyes.

【Name: Tang Sui】

[Race: Mixed race (the blood of the European Emperor will also have some troubles)]

[Soul Power Level: 74 (Congratulations)]

[Monster power level: unknown (theoretically, there are four pits after the batwing)]

[Health volume: 60000/60000 (blood-sucking and imperial soul is well-deserved)]

[Spiritual power: 80000/80000 (spiritual power also has the effect of eating)]

[① Martial Soul: Spirit Face

The first soul ring: Millennium soul ring (purple)
(限制条件:每次增幅等级差10级内消耗10点精神力,20级20点,n 1次递增)

Second Soul Ring: Millennium Soul Ring (Purple)
Soul Skill: Good Face (one target is completely healed, and 70% of the soul power is restored, and all negative buffs are cleared)

(Restrictions: Each cast is limited to a single person, cooldown time: 75 seconds)
Third Soul Ring: Millennium Soul Ring (Purple)...

Soul Skill: Face of Nothingness (ignore all physical attacks, and cause a mental impact to stun the enemy for 6 seconds, reducing its mental power by 20%, time limit: 10 minutes)

Fourth Soul Ring: Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring (Black)
Soul skill: Existence (the soul skill is locked and must hit. The hit person will receive 4 times the critical damage of their own total soul power)
(Additional condition: the multiplier of critical strike damage increases according to the number of monster power masks awakened)

The Fifth Soul Ring: Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring (Black)
Soul Skill: Face of Reincarnation (Add 25% speed, 20% crit damage, 30% defense, and the surrounding white mask can absorb 33% of the damage and convert it into vitality, soul power or demon power);

Sixth soul ring: 10-year soul ring (red)

Soul Skill: Forbidden Face (designate a single attack target, on the basis of the automatic enhancement of each mask's boost attribute, each mask's attack will be increased by 45%)

Seventh soul ring: 10-year soul ring (red)

Soul skill: Artifact soul avatar (normal state effect: the previous soul skill restrictions are all eliminated;

Attack form effect: second disabled.Attack power superimposed 100%, crit superimposed 100%)

② Martial Soul: Haotian Hammer (No soul ring, net weight 500 catties. Pick up the hammer, cub.)
[Demon power development degree:
Realm—Twin Realm (Darkness and shadows paved the steps of glory, thorn birds sing your sinful poems in the ruins, chaotic world, you are the only truth.)
Fox face (it is said that the fox face symbolizes wisdom)

Ape face (it is said that the ape face brings fear to people)

Big fly out (It is said that big fly out shows anger)
Fukujin (It is said that Fukujin brings good luck)]

[Equipment: Amethyst Jade Bracelet (now it is a storage place for sundries), Royal Soul·Sea Moon Fire Jade (one piece is a four-piece set effect), Royal Soul·Bat Wing (don't disappoint the expectations of the elders)]

[Soul Coin: * (For you now, money is something outside of you)]

The familiar brackets.

Tang Sui lowered his eyes and asked the system.

"Retaining the soul. In fact, it is the same as the soul bone that the soul beast turns into after death, and it is also transformed from a big demon."

The voice of the system is calm: [Yes.But because of the differences in races, although the big monsters can be turned into imperial souls, not all big monsters can. 】

[The bigger difference is that Yuhun is alive.The soul bone only has soul consciousness, or no consciousness at all. 】

Tang Sui was startled, his eyes lit up, and finally the boulder hanging in mid-air also fell to the ground, feeling at ease.

So this is ah
A knot in his heart was untied, and Tang Sui's frowning brows were relaxed. A smile appeared on his delicate and white face, and he looked at the ten-headed blazing sun snake who pretended not to see her, "Uncle Snake , I have successfully advanced."

Ten Lieyang Snakes turned their heads, looked at Tang Sui, who had a lot of demon power, and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, although there is still a distance from the real big monster, but this pair was born only 50 years ago, so it is reasonable to say that they are still there." It’s not bad for you who have entered the growth stage ahead of time in your infancy.”

Doubt appeared in Tang Sui's eyes, "Am I growing up now?"

The ten-headed blazing sun snake said "Huh", "Didn't the old bat tell you?"

Tang Sui shook his head: "No. Grandma only supplemented me with the knowledge of the Yaozu, but she didn't tell me which period I was in."

The Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake understood and said: "Although I don't know how the soul power of this world is determined, the infancy of the monster race is just a boundary point, which is the boundary point for monsters whose monster power grows slowly, that is, Fishing also has an end that can be reached one day."

"But if a demon suddenly gains powerful power after it is born. No matter whether it is newborn or not, after it absorbs that powerful power, the demon power will rise and break through a layer of confinement, similar to how a human soul master breaks through the realm. If you succeed, you will be able to step into another realm. For human soul masters, it is called an advanced stage, and for monster races, it is called entering the growth stage."

"Now you are a mature young monster."

—— Digression——

Note: The effect of the 2-piece set of Batwing increases attack power by 15%, and 4% of the damage caused by the 20-piece set is converted into its own life (commonly known as the blood-sucking set, in the text, it is converted into absorbing soul power and converting it into blood volume or soul power or demon power. la~)

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