As Tang Sui said, all of you here are our own people, so there is no need to hide anything. The siblings answered truthfully.

Tang Sui: "I'm level 74 now."

Tang San: "I'm worse, only level 67."

"Oh, 74 and 67, then you practiced pretty fast!"

Tai Tan nodded, with a look of "no matter what level you are, I will support you", he didn't take the level of the siblings as the same thing, but subconsciously exaggerated.

But the father and son Tai Nuo and Tai Long on his left stared at the two brothers and sisters in amazement, their jaws unconsciously opened wide and almost fell through.

After thinking about the number he just said, Tai Tan paused, his eyes widened in the next second, and he looked at the siblings in disbelief, "Wait, you just said, how many levels are you?!"

Tang Sui blinked, "My spirit power is level 74, and my brother is level 67."

The grandparents and grandchildren gasped in unison, and Tai Tan's hands trembled with excitement: "This! This! Even the master, when you are your age, you definitely don't have the strength you have now!"

Brother and sister are two minutes apart, have a good life, and are young, one has grown to be a soul emperor, and the other has become a soul saint!
What a terrible talent this is!

He stared at the two brothers and sisters with burning eyes, and murmured: "That's great, it's really great! It seems that my lineage of the Lizhi Clan finally has a chance to rise!"

He has been waiting for this day for too long!
Tai Nuo and Tai Long, who came back to their senses, also looked at each other, and silently nodded in agreement.

"So, don't be angry with me and my brother. Because now the three conditions are two-thirds fulfilled." Tang Sui said disapprovingly, "Except that my brother now lacks a 10-year soul ring and the level of soul power is worse. , on my side, except for the soul power, everything has been achieved. But I believe that in the future we will be able to complete the remaining conditions."

The three generations of grandparents and grandchildren suddenly said: "???"

This time, Tai Long, who was used to this outrageous pair of brothers and sisters, was also dumbfounded. He even raised his hand and gestured, and stammered, "Hit, kill the Titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall, and the 10-year-old Douluo!" Soul ring, also, did it?!"

Tang Sui smiled: "Otherwise my soul power wouldn't be so high."

Speaking of this, Tang San sighed, opened his hands and looked at his palms with very faint palm lines: "I also owe it to the second awakening of my martial soul and the soul bone of that Titled Douluo, after absorbing it, my soul power Such a breakthrough has been achieved."

"Although the proof of killing that Titled Douluo has been absorbed by my brother, as long as my brother uses the skill of that spirit bone, the elders of the sect must recognize it. What's more, a 96-level Titled Douluo has fallen, and they want to If you want to send someone to check whether the information is correct, you will also get news."

The brothers and sisters sang together one by one, and they had a tacit understanding.

The grandparents and grandchildren looked at each other, and in the end, it was Tai Tan who was the main speaker and asked Tang San about the Tang Sect that Tang San planned to establish.

Even though they have no feelings for Haotianzong, but in order to fight against Wuhundian, Tang San and Tang Sui had a detailed discussion last night, and the former also confessed that he planned to establish a sect. The matter of the door power.

Just like Tang Sui will inevitably be in charge of the Slaughter City in the future, although I don’t know whether the group of soul masters in the Slaughter City will accept it or not, but whether it is for my sister to rely on me, or to have more confidence to protect my companions, I want to build a world that is completely my own. All forces, he is imperative!
After discussing some cornerstone matters of the Tang Sect, such as the site selection of the Sect and the self-defense weapons of the Sect disciples, Tang San took out the Godly Zhuge Crossbow and had an exchange with Tai Tan.

Tang Sui was eating snacks leisurely at the side, chatted with Tai Nuo, Tai Long and his son, and waited for the two weapon idiots to end their discussion.

The consequences were naturally uncontrollable, Tang Sui half clenched his fists after eating a plate of dim sum, and coughed heavily on his lips twice, Tang San and Tai Tan, who were still not satisfied, restrained themselves.

"Well then, Elder, when the time comes, I will go to Gengxin City with you. I also want to see the splendor of this metal city."

Tai Tan nodded and said: "Good young master. You should know that today is the right time for you to come. If you come again tomorrow, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the old man."

"Oh? Elder, you want to go on a long journey?" Tang San asked suspiciously.

Tai Tan sighed, "Among the affiliated sects of the Haotian School, the four single-attribute sects, the Yuzhi Clan, the Minzhi Clan, the Pozhi Clan, and our Lizhi Clan, have the most numbers. After the closure of the Haotian School, we each make a living , agreed to meet once every two years."

Tang San understood, and then he pondered: "This time the Spirit Hall's action was destroyed by us, but the Spirit Hall still moves frequently, and there must be another trick in the future. Now that the Haotian School has been hiding from the world for too long, the new sect There are so many sects. If the upper three sects cannot be pulled down secretly, then Wuhundian may plan the re-election of the seven major sects, and directly kick the upper three sects from their heights."

Tai Tan nodded: "Because of this, and based on the sympathy for each other as members of the End of the World Sect, we will rotate to meet in each mansion every two years."

Tang San raised his head and said: "That's it. Elder Tai Tan, if I want to go with you, is it convenient for you?"

Tai Tan naturally knew Tang San's intention to get in touch with the other three sects, but...
He smiled wryly: "It's nothing to go together. But the other three clans have been severely injured these years because of the wrath of the Spirit Hall, and they have deep grudges against the Clear Sky School. If you hope to get their support, I'm afraid it will be in vain."

Tang San pondered for a moment, then looked at Tang Sui: "Sui Sui, I still want to give it a try and do something for them. After all, it was also the trigger for my father back then, which led to so many implicated follow-ups. You will stay in Shrek Academy for a while?"

Tang Sui shook his head: "I'd better go with you. I don't think they can 'convince' them just relying on your words."

Her "unconvincing" includes two levels of language and body.

This world understands everything in a relatively uniform way, and most of them will choose to fight for a fight, and enjoy enmity and enmity, which is different from the conspiracy and tricks of the previous life, because in this world, power is paramount.

The melancholy on Tai Tan's face dissipated, and he looked at Tang Sui with a smile: "Of course it's no problem. Sovereign, it seems that the eldest lady seems to be very familiar with this kind of thing. Although you handle things comprehensively, you can occasionally talk to the eldest. Miss exchange ideas and learn from each other's strengths."

As the old patriarch of the Lizhi clan, he has been in power for many years, and his vision is naturally vicious. It can be seen that Tang Sui also has a lot of experience in dealing with such matters.

Tang San paused, the corner of his mouth raised a helpless arc, and he responded.

He knew that Elder Tai Tan was worried that he was too soft-hearted, but what he didn't know was that his and Sui Sui's ways of dealing with things were essentially the same, and when it was time to be decisive, he would never be soft-hearted.


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