After visiting the Lizhi Clan, Tang San and Tang Sui went back to the academy to pack up, and by the way, told Ning Rongrong and the others about the plan, and asked their opinions on Tangmen.

Everyone is a fateful friendship, and they are naturally happy to hear about Tang San's founding of the sect.

After finalizing the alliance and joining the gang, early the next morning, Ma Hongjun and his brother and sister set out on the road in the carriage sent by the Lizhi Clan.

Tang San and Tai Tan continued to discuss the casting of hidden weapons fascinatedly in the same carriage, while Tang Sui was in the same carriage with Ma Hongjun and Tai Long, this time Tai Long's father Tai Nuo left the headquarters of the Clan of Management Power.

Along the way, everything was safe and sound, and Tang Sui spent almost all of it in meditation.

It was the first time for Tai Nuo to witness King Juan in person, looking at Tang Sui who was sitting cross-legged not far from the orange-red bonfire, basking in the moonlight and still practicing, with a daunting expression.

"Oh my god, Missy is working too hard. In the past five days, I haven't seen her take a break!"

Practicing during the day, not sleeping at night, even after the moon is still full of energy the next day, it is completely different from their long-term practice, sometimes they can't sit still or feel exhausted from cultivation!

"Young Master, can Missy really bear this?"

Tyrone said worriedly.

What if the person is exhausted?
Ma Hongjun patted Tai Long on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry. The third brother and Sui Sui are both monsters who become more spiritual as they practice. There is no need to worry about whether they will collapse from exhaustion."

Tang San smiled helplessly, looking at Tang Sui who was bathed in the quiet moonlight, the smile in his eyes dissipated, a little suddenly.

His Xuantian Kungfu can run on its own, endlessly, and meditation can sweep away his mental and physical fatigue.

Sui Sui can't practice Xuantian Kungfu, but presumably there must be another way, which is probably related to another magical blood in her body, and the effect of practice is also similar to his Xuantian Kungfu, and she won't get tired because of practicing .

But it's not okay to continue practicing so monotonously. He still has to think about how to plan his own cultivation after they return from here.

Tang San had already started to worry about what would happen after they came back.

Tang Sui, who couldn't get Tang San's idea at all, was cultivating, absorbing the moonlight, and enhancing the demon power, while communicating with the fox-faced masked consciousness in the spiritual space, using both minds.

During this journey, except for a little trouble before arriving at the destination, Longxing City, everything else was safe, and no robbers were encountered.

Longxing City is a border city located in the northern part of the Star Luo Empire. Strictly speaking, it is not under the direct jurisdiction of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, but a territory under a kingdom.

It is only less than two hundred miles away from the junction of the two empires. The location can be said to be very remote, but because of trade, not only is this place not poor, but it is even more prosperous, especially the passing merchants, there is an endless stream.

After being slaughtered according to the price of gold soul coins for entering the city, everyone finally entered Longxing City.

Arriving in a new city, Tang Sui finally did not practice, but raised the curtain and looked at the Linlang stall outside the carriage, with people coming and going.

No matter what time it is, shopping is indeed a girl's shopping instinct.

Let's take a stroll when the matter of the four clans is settled.

Tang Sui silently wrote down the shopping in a small notebook, and lowered the curtain with unfinished thoughts.

After the carriage entered the city, it soon arrived at the destination of their trip - the residence of the Royal Clan.

Tang Sui and the others got off the carriage one after another, seeing that the architectural style was very similar to the mansion of the Li Clan, they just changed the word "Li" hanging on the building at the entrance to the word "Royal".

Tai Tan explained with a smile: "The architectural design of our four clans was done by the Yuzhi clan. Although the overall building looks rough, there are actually many defensive mechanisms hidden inside."

"You must know that the architectural talents of the Yuzhi Clan are not inferior to our Lizhi Clan's in the foundry industry. It is said that the City Lord's Mansion of Longxing City was also remodeled by them, and it was because of that project that they were able to build The roots are laid here."

As soon as he spoke, two tall men ran out of the gate of the royal family's mansion.

They looked shorter than the members of the Lizhi Clan, but their bodies were equally strong, and they looked like they were good materials for heavy work.

One of the burly men hurried forward, clasped his fists, bowed slightly and respectfully said, "Hello, respected chief of the Titan clan, welcome to the Lizhi clan to our clan."

Tai Tan waved his hand and laughed, "You're welcome. Is the old rhino in the sect?"

The two strong men who suddenly heard their suzerain's nickname paused invisibly, lowered their heads, covered the twitching corners of their eyes, and said in an unchanged tone: "The suzerain is here, please wait a moment, when we saw the Lizhi clan's carriage earlier, we Someone has already been sent to report back."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a thick voice coming from behind the strong man——

"Well, you old orangutan! I heard your loud voice before I got to the door! You old orangutan, how dare you call me a nickname in public!"

Hearing this voice, a sincere smile suddenly appeared on Tai Tan's face, he raised his head, and replied with a smile: "Aren't you convinced? If you have the ability, let's compete. If you win, I won't call you an old rhinoceros. How about it?" ?”

An old man who was only half a head shorter than Tai Tan walked out of the mansion quickly.

His complexion is red, his short hair like a steel needle is as gray as a titan, his eyes are piercing with big copper bells, his broad shoulders prop up his robe, like a copper wall and an iron wall, his whole person has a kind of An indescribably calm and heavy feeling.

As soon as the two old men met, they opened their arms almost at the same time.

The solid chests slammed into each other heavily, making a dull bang, as if it was not a collision of limbs, but a hard stone.

Tang Sui, the only girl present, looked around at the tall and strong men, and silently moved behind her brother, who was relatively tall and slender, and watched the two of them laughing and cursing. Let's talk about the old days.

Ma Hongjun also looked at the two old men with a smack of tongue, while Tai Long beside him looked familiar, and explained to them in a low voice: "It's good to get used to it. Among the four single-surname clans, we and Yu The Yi Clan has the best relationship, Grandpa and Grandpa Niu are close buddies, they grew up together, and they do this every time they meet."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Tai Tan on the other end greeted Tai Long, "Tai Long, come here, and greet you, Grandpa Niu Gao!"

Tai Long hurriedly stepped forward, raised his hand and bowed to Niu Gao, the patriarch of the Yuzhi Clan: "Hello, Grandpa Niu."

—— Digression——

Update on time today!
At the end of this month, the internship period will end and I will go back to school. After I go back, I will probably be in the rough period. I can add one more chapter every day. There is still a good news that is still being discussed. I will talk about Wuhu in a few days.


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