Niu Gao looked Fan Tailong up and down, patted Tailong on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Well, not bad. You are very strong, Tailong, with the demeanor of your grandfather back then! In the future, your achievements will definitely surpass your father's."

Tai Long smiled shyly. Niu Gao looked at Tai Long, as if thinking of his father, and sighed: "Speaking of which, the last time I saw that kid Tai Nuo was six years ago. That kid is very talented. It's just a little thinner. Tai Long, you have to work hard to grow up, you can't be so thin!"

As soon as these words came out, Tang San and the others in the back immediately blushed, recalling Tai Nuo's solid figure, even Ma Hongjun couldn't compare to him!

Tai Tan slapped Niu Gao's shoulder, "Let's go, if you don't take us in, why don't you let us drink the northwest wind here?"

Niu Gao waved his hand cheerfully, made a "please" gesture, and walked in and said, "I'm so happy to see you, I forgot about it for a while! I've prepared your favorite spirits for you Ah, tonight, we brothers will never return home drunk!"

Under the leadership of Niu Gao, everyone entered the main hall of the Yuzhi Clan one after another.

Just as Tai Tan said, the architectural style of the Yuzhi Clan is almost the same as that of the Lizhi Clan, and there is a familiar feeling as soon as you enter the door.

Everyone sat down as guest and host, with Tai Tan and Niu Gao sitting at the top.

Tai Long didn't sit at the head of the guest table, but made a gesture of invitation, and gave this seat to Tang San, and he and Ma Hongjun sat in the third lower seat, Tang Sui's seat was naturally next to Tang San's .

This move of his caught the attention of Niu Gao, the head chief, and immediately squinted his eyes.

He originally thought that the three new faces were because that girl had something to do with Tai Long, but Tai Long's attitude was obviously respectful rather than equal.
Niu Gao's personality is similar to that of Tai Tan, they are both straightforward.

He immediately looked at Tai Tan and asked, "Old orangutan, you haven't introduced these three to me yet. Leaving aside this little girl, although the other two boys are pretty handsome, they don't look like your Li Clan. what!"

Hearing Niu Gao's question, Tai Tan looked at the calm-looking brothers and sisters, thought for a while, and introduced: "Oh, these three are my grandson's friends, and they came from the same academy. This time I will take them Come out and see."

Niu Gao wrote "Do you think I believe your nonsense" all over his face, and he said angrily: "Old orangutan, do you still have to hide me from my brother?"

Although other forces know a thing or two about the gathering of the four single-attribute clans, the content of the gathering is very confidential.

They are just friends, and they are still outsiders, how can they participate in the internal gatherings of their four clans?

What's more, don't think he didn't see it, Talon was very respectful to the blue-haired boy and the other delicate little girl.

Tai Tan didn't say a word, but Tang San and Tang Sui quickly exchanged glances, Qiqi stood up from their seats, and raised their hands to slightly salute Niu Gao who was seated first:
"Senior Niugao, hello. This is Tang San, this is my younger sister Tang Sui and my father Tang Hao."


Upon hearing this, Niu Gao shouted loudly, and the whole mansion seemed to be shocked.

He suddenly stood up from his position, the smile on his face completely darkened, and he turned his head to look at Tai Tan next to him: "Old orangutan, what do you mean? Could it be that the Haotian School didn't hurt us enough?" Is it miserable? If it weren't for that Tang Hao, how could we have fallen to this point!"

Tai Tan sighed inwardly, stood up and said: "Old Rhinoceros, calm down. Could it be that Wuhundian would let Haotianzong go without the matter of the original master?"

The last two attacks, especially the heavy losses of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex family, after half a month, things have spread throughout the entire continent.

Ordinary people don't know who the murderer is, but can they, the old sects, know who is the force with such strength and courage to attack the two powerful sects?
Niu Gao's face was dark and he didn't speak.

Tai Tan looked at Niu Gao with clear eyes and said: "I also hate Haotianzong. It is certainly hateful that Haotianzong treated our affiliated sects as abandoned sons, but what does this have to do with Tang San and Tang Sui brothers and sisters? "

Niu Gao didn't want to hear this.

He glared at Tai Tan, shook his hands, and said in a cold voice with his back to everyone: "Old orangutan, if it wasn't for your sake, I would have kicked them out a long time ago! You tell them to leave quickly, I don't want to see any People related to the Haotian School, otherwise, don't blame me for not being merciful to you!"

"You!" Tai Tan was also a little angry.

You must know that Niu Gao's move is also a very embarrassing behavior for Tang San and Tang Sui, who are extremely important to him, not to mention that their Li Zhi clan has already pledged their loyalty to their brothers and sisters, this move is undoubtedly a slap in the face his face.

He also turned around and said angrily, "That's good! Let's go together. We, the Li Clan, don't have to attend this party!"

After speaking, he strode towards the door.

When Niu Gao, who was facing away from them, heard this, his face changed slightly, he turned his head to look at the angry back of his old friend, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't pass the hurdle of Haotianzong, his face turned blue and black, As the head of the clan, he couldn't bear to take back what he just said, so he could only stare at his old friend's back.

"Senior, wait a minute."

Tang San jumped out with a ghostly shadow, and the moment Niu Gao raised his hand to touch the door, he grabbed Tai Tan's arm, and looked at Tai Tan who was suppressing his anger.

At the same time as this glance, another slightly cool temperature also lightly rested on Tai Tan's other arm.

Tai Tan turned his head and met Tang Sui's comforting gaze.

But Tang San had already turned around, bowed deeply to Niu Gao, and said: "Senior Niu Gao, I apologize to you for the trouble Haotianzong and my father brought to the single-attribute four clans back then."

After the ceremony, he straightened up, lowered his tone and attitude, and said softly: "I know, this kind of apology doesn't mean anything. My sister and I came with Senior Titan this time, hoping to find a way to make up for the loss of the four clans." Methods."

Tang San's words also gave Niu Gao a step down.

He put away the wonderful colors on his face, his eyes shot out a sharp light, looked at Tang San carefully and said: "You Haotianzong, are you unsealed?"

"The sect is still closed. This time, my sister and I only represent our father, not the Haotian School."

Tang San told Niu Gao of their position side by side.

Niu Gao snorted coldly, the hostility in his eyes was less than before, but still there.

"Whether Haotianzong is unblocked or not, it has nothing to do with our Yuzhi Clan! We are living a good life, and you don't need to make up for it!"

Even if they weren't sent by the Haotian School, in the final analysis, Tang Hao is also responsible, and he still doesn't want to see these two brothers and sisters.

How can the hardships of the Yuzhi clan and the other three clans be explained by a single apology and compensation?
Thinking of this, he looked at the young siblings, and said, "Besides, you are just young people, so what can you make up for?"


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