"Old Rhinoceros, do you know why I want to join the Tang Sect?" Tai Tan's eyes lit up, and Niu Gao let out a "hmm" from his nasal cavity, then turned around, "Why?"

He should listen carefully to the reason of the old orangutan!

Tai Tan looked at the two brothers and sisters with a smile, and said, "What I like is the 'strength' displayed by the suzerain and the deputy suzerain."

This strength has the talent of cultivation, the length of vision and the level of soul power as the cornerstone.

"Did you know about the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition five years ago?"

Niu Gao nodded: "Naturally. A few boys from our sect also participated, but it's a pity that the rankings are not as good as the same."

Hearing this, Tai Tan laughed and said: "You are not as good as me! My Tai Long is one of the members of the final champion team!"

Niu Gao's eyes showed surprise, and he took two steps forward and patted Tai Long on the shoulder, with an expression of looking at the precious species: "Okay boy, you are so good! I have heard that the competition has been going on for decades. , the most classic session!"

The golden generation of Wuhundian who is too strong to change (harmony) can also be defeated!
Tai Long scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I'm just a substitute player, and I didn't play in the final game."

He looked sideways at Tang San and Tang Sui, "The reason why our team can win is all thanks to the young master and eldest miss."

Another main force immediately came over, pointed at himself and said, "Hey Tai Long! I am also the main force! Why don't you praise me!"

Tai Long quickly added: "Yes, Fatty is also the main force, and he is much stronger than me."

The joy on Niu Gao's face faded to a pensive one, as if he was still evaluating whether Tang San and Tang Sui brothers and sisters were worthy of their Royal Clan's entrustment.

[Di——We detected members of the Elephant Armor Sect, the suzerain Hu Yanzhen, and the sect's disciple Hu Yanbei.]

The system's notification sound suddenly came to mind.

Tang Sui glanced at her brother, frowning slightly: "Brother, there is a powerful breath of soul power approaching outside the gate of the Yuzhi Clan."

Tang San was taken aback, and was about to speak when Niu Gao's son Niu Ben ran in panting, shouting: "Dad! It's not good! The lord of the Elephant Armor Sect, Hu Yanzhen, is here!"

"Hu Yanzhen?!"

Ma Hongjun's expression changed, and he looked at Tang Sui nervously, "No, the other party probably got the news from somewhere, knowing that we are here, so come to ambush us?"

One must know that in the battle of the Qibao Glazed Tile School that night, they had met Hu Yanzhen head-on.

Niu Gao was taken aback, looked at Tang Sui who looked like a good girl, guessing the conflict between Tang Sui and Hu Yanzhen.

Tang Sui shook her head, "It's not like that. If you knew we were here, you should have brought the people from Wuhundian even more arrogantly. The other party's target" her eyes fell on Niu Gao, "it's more like trying to protect us." from a family."

Tang San looked at Ma Hongjun reassuringly, "Then Xia Sui and Fatty will stay in the hall temporarily, so as not to run into Hu Yanzhen head-on."

Niu Gao looked at Tang San and the others who were playing riddles, frowned, but said nothing, strode out of the hall, ready to see what kind of medicine was sold in Hu Yanzhen's gourd.

Ma Hongjun and Tang Sui stayed in the hall and looked at Tai Tan and the others who walked away with Niu Gao, the former was a little worried: "Nothing will happen, right?"

Tang Sui's eyes were deep for a moment, "There may be friction, but there will be no accidents. If I'm not wrong, the Elephant Armor Sect should completely stand on the side of the Wuhun Palace. This time, the clan who came to the imperial court will either be disarmed, and they must be recruited in this way. "

Ma Hongjun hissed, "I feel that the two situations are not very friendly."

"It's okay. In the battle with Hu Yanzhen half a month ago, part of the opponent's injuries were caused by me. I guess it's not over yet." Tang Sui raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "There are senior Tai Tan and Niu Gao. With the seniors together, the other party can't get anything good."

You must know that the erosion of demon power is not so easy to get rid of.

Hearing what Tang Sui said, Ma Hongjun felt a little more at ease, but he couldn't stop pacing back and forth in the hall.

After a while, the floor of the hall vibrated slightly, and the tyrannical spirit power also swayed from outside the door, making Ma Hongjun even more uneasy.

The vibration lasted for more than ten seconds, and it took about half a minute before it stopped.

Ma Hongjun heaved a sigh of relief, slumped on the chair, looked at Tang Sui who was leisurely eating fruit, and sighed: "Sui Sui, you are really not worried at all."

"Those who don't know are fearless. What's more, I trust my brother and them. Just wait at ease. By the way, this crystal grape is not bad. You should try it, fat man. It's seedless and very sweet." Tang Sui bit a juicy grape, not panicking at all. .

Ma Hongjun absent-mindedly ate the fruit for the guests, worrying about going outside the door.

It took a while before the heavy door of the hall was opened again.

The two raised their heads, and saw Niu Gao and Tai Tan who had a happy chat with Tang San, and the three walked in front of the door, talking and laughing.

Tang Sui blinked at Tang San, and Tang San took the time to return a reassuring smile. Tang Sui immediately understood that the fact that the Yuzhi Clan joined the Tang Sect was settled.

All kinds of hot delicacies are served, and the rich aroma of wine spreads in the room.

Tang San was caught by Niu Gao with a bitter face, and he and Tai Tan fought wine together, while Tang Sui silently sat in a corner eating the crispy outside and tender inside, turning a blind eye to his brother's eyes calling for help, and focused on the delicious food in front of him.

"By the way, when Hu Yanzhen came to the door today, why did you think Tang Sui girl came to see you?"

After drinking to the top, everyone here is also a member of his own clan anyway, Niu Gao had doubts, so he asked.

Tai Tan and Tai Long, who had never heard of Tang Sui's story about the night of the battle at Qibao Liulizong, were also puzzled. They only heard Tang San and Tang Sui say that they had delivered the news and broke the good news of the Wuhun Palace raid, but they didn't know. More detailed thrills.

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun gnawed on a chicken leg, looked at Tang Sui, Tang San also looked at Tang Sui worriedly.

Tang Sui swallowed the crispy duck meat, and wrote lightly: "It's nothing. It was the night when the Qibao Liulizong was attacked by the Wuhun Temple. I was also there, and I fought against Hu Yanzhen. The other party saw me. appearance."

Tai Tan's pupils shrank, and he was both shocked and angry.

The chopsticks in Tai Long's hand were not steady, and "pata" fell to the ground, while Niu Gao, who had tasted the content included in it, looked at Tang Sui with horror on his face: "You, you actually participated in that battle!"

Not only did he fight against Hu Yanzhen, he probably suffered a lot from him, but he also survived the siege of so many powerful soul masters!

Wait, how high is Tang Sui's soul power? !

Niu Gao thought of this question belatedly, looked at Tang Sui curiously and asked: "Well, girl Tang Sui, can I ask, what level is your soul power now?"

Tang Sui looked over meaningfully, "My soul power!"

"Ouch—old rhino, old orangutan, you two, don't wait for me if you have a drink!"


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