A protracted voice from far to near interrupted Tang Sui's words.

However, after hearing the sound, Tai Tan and Niu Gao's eyes lit up, and they looked at the place where the sound came from. It was people from the Min clan who had arrived.

Eight people from the Min family came, and the old man who walked in the front was tall and slender, pacing with his hands behind his back, his white hair was loose on his shoulders, his cheeks were flushed, he looked older than both Niu Gao and Tai Tan.

The girl walking obliquely behind him was about the same age as Tang Sui, with a beautiful appearance and a tall and slender figure, but she could feel the power accumulated under this slender body.

"Hahaha, old white bird, I didn't expect you to arrive early!" Niu Gao laughed, with genuine joy on his face.

The patriarch of the Min clan, Bai He, saw the two old friends, and responded with a smile, and asked the girl who was following him to come forward and salute Tai Tan and Niu Gao.

Seeing this, Tai Long approached Tang San and they introduced in a low voice: "This is Bai He, the patriarch of the Minzhi Clan, and his granddaughter Bai Chenxiang."

Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up, and he glanced at him quietly with his small eyes, feeling that his heart, which was stagnant like stagnant water, began to beat again.

"Come on, let's go in and talk!" Tai Tan made a "please" gesture, Bai He nodded, and followed Niu Gao with his granddaughter Bai Chenxiang, while the other accompanying clansmen were taken to the other side by the Niu Ben sub-office side hall.

People from their Yuzhi Clan and Lizhi Clan gathered there.

Every year, there is a chamber reception, and the main hall is reserved for the four patriarchs and the future designated heirs, and the other clansmen are on the other side, and they can also exchange ideas with each other.

After taking their seats one by one, Ma Hongjun stood up consciously and stood beside Tang Sui, while Tai Long stood beside Tai Tan, both like a door god.

Asked why Ma Hongjun didn't stand beside Tang San but beside Tang Sui?

Because Ma Hongjun felt that Tang Sui felt more secure (bushi).

Bai He seemed to inadvertently glanced over Tang San, who was seated first, and Tang Sui, who was seated second, and looked at Niu Gao, who was seated first, and said: "I saw Hu Yanzhen on the way here. Old Rhinoceros, is he here to look for you? "

The smile on Niu Gao's face disappeared, and it became a little more ugly.Tai Tan also frowned, and his face was also not very good-looking.

Realizing that things might not be that simple, Bai He frowned and said, "What happened?"

Niu Gao sighed bitterly and said: "Hu Yanzhen came this time to recruit our family on behalf of the Wuhun Palace. I refused, and I was worried that I would be retaliated by them, so I decided to move my family to Tiandou City, and follow the old man. orangutans together."

He looked at Baihe again, with a little apology in his eyes, "Old Bainiao, we may not be able to help you in the future."

Bai He also sighed when he heard the words, and said: "Without your help for so many years, our Min clan would have ceased to exist long ago. I am ashamed that our clan still exists."

He clenched his hands on the support seat into fists, his eyes fell on the ground in front of him, thinking of the difficult financial situation of the Minzhi Clan and the troubles made by the Wuhun Hall over the years, his fists could not help but tremble with force.

Niu Gao and Tai Tan looked at each other, the former changed his dignified expression, and blinked at Tai Tan, Tai Tan understood and nodded slightly.

This handover only happened in a split second, even Bai Chenxiang who was following Bai He didn't see this scene, because she was looking at her emotionally overflowing grandfather worriedly.

"Old White Bird," Tai Tan said suddenly, "I'll introduce someone to you."

The grandfather and grandson who lowered their heads raised their heads, looking blankly at Tang San who stood up and approached them.

"My little brother is a rising wizard in the foundry world. He has made some weapons, which I think are very suitable for your family."

And in Tang San's hands, there was already an inconspicuous black box that he had never seen before, it was the Godly Zhuge Crossbow.

Bai He took the strange black box and began to examine it, while Tang San took the initiative to introduce: "This thing is called the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, and it contains 48 arrows, including the arrows, which are all made of fine iron. After the machine is in place, it can instantly fire sixteen crossbow arrows from the front hole, which is powerful and can break through defensive soul skills below level forty."

"Furthermore, the crossbow bolts are highly poisonous. If the opponent is unprepared and uses it as a sneak attack, even a spirit master of level five or sixty will not be spared."

Bai He suddenly felt that Tang San might not be playing him, and asked suspiciously: "It's just such a small box?"

Niu Gao, who had witnessed the demonstration effect before, added: "Old White Bird, don't underestimate this thing!"

"You must know that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect had this thing back then, so it survived the disaster and minimized the losses of the disciples of the sect. And I have tried it, and its power is not exaggerated at all!"

Niu Gao gave a thumbs up to the Godly Zhuge Crossbow.

Bai He's pupils shrank, and his thoughts turned quickly: "If it's about that battle, this thing really shouldn't be underestimated."

Bai Chenxiang thought of the hole in the gate he saw when he entered, and said clearly: "Grandpa Niu, could it be that it pierced through the gate of your house?"

Niu Gao laughed: "Exactly."

"So powerful." Bai Chenxiang was also a little moved.

To know how strong the mansion built by the Royal Clan is, she knows it all too well.

Because the mansion of the Min clan was also built by the Yu clan, she couldn't break it by herself.

Bai He was also moved.

But he touched the smooth surface made of fine iron, and felt that this thing is not cheap.

So he decided to be cautious, and asked, "What is its effective killing range?"

Tang San: "Within 50 meters."

Bai He and Bai Chenxiang's eyes lit up at the same time.

This thing is indeed very suitable for their family, and even with it, they can make up for their disadvantages in attack.

"Okay!" Bai He's eyes showed excitement, "I bought this thing. How much is it, I want two hundred!"

Although it is made of fine iron, this thing is so small, it should not be too expensive, at most twenty or thirty gold soul coins, is it capped?
Bai He thought about their current financial situation.

A sly look flashed in Tang San's eyes, the elegant smile on his face remained unchanged, he also had a small calculation in his heart, and said: "Then, since you and Senior Titan are friends, then 120 gold soul coins."

A look of joy flashed in Bai He's eyes, unexpectedly, it was more favorable than expected.

He immediately took out a bag of gold soul coins from the soul tool and said, "Here is 100 gold soul coins, and the remaining 20 gold soul coins will be cleared when the Po Clan arrives."

When the watching Tai Tan heard this, a subtle expression appeared on his face, and then he thought that this was still in front of everyone, and covered most of his face with his big palm, and also covered the twitching corner of his mouth.

Tang San also looked embarrassed when he heard this, "Ah, senior, you seem to have made a mistake. I said 120 gold soul coins per frame."

"What did you say?!"

The smile on Bai He's face disappeared suddenly, and his eyes were stained with anger: "Are you kidding me?!"

120 gold soul coins? !

Isn't this killing him!
—— Digression——

If there is a manuscript, it will be updated at noon~

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