Chapter 442 The Min Clan 2
"120 gold soul coins, why don't you grab them!"

Bai Chenxiang also stared at Tang San angrily.

Tang San was not intimidated by Bai He's angry look, and said sincerely: "Senior, calm down, our Tang Sect does business without deceit."

Tai Tan also interjected at the right time: "I can prove this for him. Old White Bird, this price is really close to the cost price. If you want, you can buy one for your granddaughter to defend herself."

Bai He frowned and did not answer.

Because he is really attracted to this Godly Zhuge Crossbow, but at this price
Seemingly seeing Bai He's hesitation, Tang San smiled slightly and said: "Well, there is no righteousness in buying and selling. Let this Zhuge God Crossbow be given to senior as a meeting gift."

Bai He was stunned for a moment, the solid coldness around him dissipated, he looked down at the truly precious Zhuge Godly Crossbow in his hand, and then at Tang San with a kind smile.

"This..." He struggled in his heart, but he also understood that 120 gold soul coins was not a small amount.

It is one thing for the Min clan to accept support from the other three sects, but it is another thing to accept gifts from others.

Even though he was very reluctant in his heart, Bai He still ruthlessly refused, and returned the Godly Zhuge Crossbow to Tang San, "I won't be rewarded for no merit, I can't accept it."

Tang San didn't answer either, but came up with another set of excuses: "That's good. The younger generation has always admired the amazing speed of the Minzhi Clan. Why don't I compete with your granddaughter, Miss Bai. If I win, the 100 gold The soul coins belong to me, if I lose, how about this Godly Zhuge Crossbow as a bet to senior?"

Tang San's words moved Bai He's heart again.

It's like finding a good product while shopping, but it's hard to get it because of the price. At this time, the witty shopping guide started the routine of buying one and getting one free, catching him openly.


"If you want to compare speed with our family, I accept it, and I will compare with you."

Bai He was still hesitating, but Bai Chenxiang, who was extremely confident in their clan's speed, stood up and agreed to Tang San.

Bai He glanced at his granddaughter, but still nodded.

It seemed that he didn't think that the speed that his clan was most proud of would lose to a young lad.

Bai Chenxiang, who got his grandfather's consent, suddenly became more confident, raised his chin reservedly and said: "How do you want to compare?"

Tang San smiled slightly: "Time burns incense, right here in this living room. As long as you can touch any part of my body, you win, otherwise, I win."

"Okay! Bai Chenxiang of the Min family, please enlighten me!" Bai Chenxiang said loudly.

Tang San gracefully made a "please" gesture, "Tang Sect, Tang San, please advise."


Bai He fell into thought when he heard this strange sect.

Tai Tan and Niu Gao stood beside Bai He, smiling and putting their hands on his shoulders.

Niu Gao: "Old White Bird, let me tell you this Tang San is amazing."

Tai Tan: "That's right, he established the Tang Sect and is about to confront the Wuhun Palace."

They approached Bai He, brothers, you squeeze me and said: "I and the old orangutan have joined the group, look"

Bai He's eyelids twitched, and he stood up from his seat, getting rid of the troubles of these two bad friends, "You two are really, okay, I still want to see who he is!"

On the other side, Tang Sui had already taken out a stick of burning incense from the soul guide, looked at the two sides who were in place, flicked his fingertips, and the tip of the burning incense sparkled with sparks: "Then, the match begins."

The moment the last sound fell, Bai Chenxiang had already rushed over at an extremely fast speed.

Tang San's eyes were also covered with a layer of purple-gold light, and the ghost shadow under his feet jumped, and he avoided Bai Chenxiang nimbly.

So fast!

His heart trembled, he didn't dare to underestimate the opponent's speed, and responded with full vigilance.

Tang Sui watched her brother and Bai Chenxiang coming and going, narrowly passing by several times, almost being bumped, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Although with the speed of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, it is more than enough to deal with Bai Chenxiang when paired with Ghost Shadow Mizong, but...
Tang Sui glanced vaguely at Bai He, who was stroking his white beard and watching the competition between the two intently, his eyes changed for a moment, and before the other party noticed her gaze, he quietly withdrew his eyes.

And Bai He, who looked at the sky, had a little doubt in his eyes.

The result of this competition was no surprise, Tang San won.

Bai Chenxiang, who had used all her soul skills but still couldn't touch Tang San's hair, looked sideways at Burning Incense, and met Tang Sui's eyes for a moment who was next to Burning Incense, Tang Sui returned a friendly smile.

Bai Chenxiang bit her lip, turned her head, looked at Tang San who seemed to have not moved just now, and was still standing at the very beginning, and said unconvinced: "Tang San, if you have the ability, let's compete again! Compare long-distance speed! "

"Enough." Bai He, who was standing with his hands behind his back, stopped him, and threw the bag of golden soul coins towards Tang San, only to feel that in a blink of an eye, others had already stood beside Bai Chenxiang, and even Tang Sui didn't see him clearly. How did it move here? Even the wind flowing in the air is not rushing.

Not very easy to do.

Tang Sui fell into deep thought, while Tang San and Bai He at the other end started a business exchange.

After blowing, Tang San showed his fangs towards his prey, smiled, threw an olive branch and said: "The Minzhi clan, it's just that there is no suitable space for the noble sect to display it. Senior Baihe, why don't we compete again?" field?"

"If senior loses, I hope that senior can join the Tang Sect. The Tang Sect will provide your sect with a full set of equipment and all necessary resources, and will not make any imperative demands on your sect. What do you think?" ?”

With a flash of eyes, Bai He finally understood Tang San's biggest attempt to appear here.

His eyes suddenly became sharp, with scrutiny.

"Young man, you have a big appetite."

he said coldly.

Niu Gao, who was watching the play, couldn't help standing up when he heard this, and said, "Hey, suzerain, I didn't blame you. It's okay for young people to be a little arrogant, but if they are too proud, they can only ask for bitter fruit!"

He said earnestly, "You must know that the speed of the old white bird is unmatched by anyone!"

"Then, how about letting me, the deputy suzerain, compete with Senior Bai He?"

Tang Sui's smiling voice stepped in, attracting the attention of others, who noticed Tang Sui who had been serving as the background board.

Tang San was stunned, and looked at Tang Sui, who was taking the initiative to do the work. The eyes of the two brothers and sisters met in the air for a moment. Tang San pondered for a second, nodded invisibly, and gave up the home court to Tang Sui.

With the affirmation of his own brother, Tang Sui didn't have any scruples anymore, and said, "If I lose, Tang Sect will provide Guizong with a full set of hidden weapons and equipment for free, including a Zhuge God Crossbow and two sets of silent sleeve arrows." How about a tight-backed flower crossbow, an insinuating crossbow, and two leg crossbows?"

Tai Tan frowned slightly, "Deputy Master, this set of equipment will cost at least five hundred gold soul coins per person, and there are more than 200 people in the Minzhi Clan!"

Tang Sui's smile remained unchanged: "There are only more than 200 people, and my small coffers are more than enough."

Over the years, the capital of the Slaughtering City has amassed a terrifying amount of dead money, not to mention the support of a group of believers who are crazy about her.

After all, money is not important in the capital of killing, and some people's assets are not as expensive as a glass of Huangquanlu.

(End of this chapter)

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