Chapter 443 The Min Clan 3
The light in Bai He's eyes changed for a few moments, as he considered Tang Sui's offer.

Whether it was Tang San as suzerain, or the deputy suzerain in front of him, the conditions they offered were all stuck in his heart, making it difficult for him to refuse.

You must know that in the days when people in the Min family are not receiving subsidies from the Wuhun Temple, each person is equipped with at least 200 gold soul coins, and if [-] people come down, it will cost at least [-]. Thick and thick, coupled with the Zhaoan that Tang San threw out
Although he was suspected of being an empty-handed white wolf, Bai He was still moved.

Suppose this deputy suzerain also practiced the same miraculous footwork as that Tang San, but in front of absolute speed, the effect is limited.

After completing the psychological training, Bai He nodded and said: "Okay, I will bet this game with you. If I lose, the Minzhi clan will join the Tang Sect. But the ugly words are up front. If there is any connection, we will withdraw immediately."

Tang San paused, clenched the hand hanging by his side, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Tang Sui's eyes also turned cold, and the temperature of his voice dropped a lot, "The only connection between our Tang Sect and Wuhundian is hostility."

Having realized that there should be quite a lot of stories in it, Bai He nodded, and the coldness on his face became a little lighter, "Then how do you want to compare this competition?"

Tang Sui: "Conditions remain the same, it's still time for a stick of incense."

Bai He swept across the hall and said, "Okay. But the room is too narrow, let's compare it outside."

"Okay. Senior, please." Tang Sui made a gesture of invitation.

Bai He didn't refuse either, he stepped forward with his hands behind his back, followed by Niu Gao, Tai Tan, Tang Sui and Tang San in the same order.

"Sui Sui, this competition, you"

Tang San, who was walking side by side with Tang Sui, hesitated to speak.

Tang Sui knew what Tang San wanted to say, it was undoubtedly about her third soul ability that could be called cheating in this kind of competition.

She smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother, I have my sense of proportion. What's more, it's rare to compete with such a strong man. I still want to try my current limit."

A good whetstone is already in front of me, why not use it?

Tang San nodded and didn't say anything more.

A group of people came to the back courtyard of the Yuzhi clan, which is also the martial arts training ground for the disciples of the sect.

Those who watched the battle were all sitting on the terrace with a wide view, looking at Tang Sui and Bai He who were already in place below.

This time it was Tang San's turn to take out a burning incense to be the referee.

"The deputy head of the Tang Sect, Tang Sui, senior Bai He, please advise."

Tang Sui calmly stood on the spot and said.

The white crane stood with its hands behind its back, its hair fluttering gently with the evening wind.

"Bai He, Patriarch of the Minzhi Clan, young man, be careful."

After the two sides introduced, Tang San touched the tip of the incense with his fingertips, and the scarlet fire ignited, before he uttered the word "open", but the figure of Baihe had disappeared in place below.

The ripples in the air were so small that even the breath of the wind didn't have time to hit Bai He before he approached Tang Sui.

However, how could Mian Lingqi, who is known as a pimp in the game of Onmyoji, lose to the opponent in this kind of rush?

Almost the moment Baihe's figure disappeared from the field of vision, Tang Sui also moved.

When the last word "初" fell, a white crane was already standing at Tang Sui's original position, while Tang Sui was standing firmly on the stone lamp, as if he was not affected by gravity at all, and pointed at the sharp corner of the top. I found Tang Sui and stepped on it completely, but it was stuck in the air.

So fast!

Tang San's pupils shrank. Without the Purple Extreme Demon Pupils, he couldn't capture the trajectory of Baihe's movement at all. He only felt that in less than a second, he had already appeared at Suisui's position just now.

Tang San turned his head to look at the calm Tang Sui, his tensed nerves slightly relaxed.

Although he couldn't see the trajectory of senior Baihe, he also didn't see the trajectory of Sui Sui.

At the same time, Niu Gao and Tai Tan, who were watching the battle, were also relieved to see Tang Sui who was quickly avoiding Tang Sui.

Especially Tai Tan, he held his breath when Tang San shouted, staring at it without daring to blink,

"Oh?" Bai He, who touched the sky, glanced sideways at Tang Sui, who was standing firmly on top of the stone lamp, with interest in his eyes.

"It's not a soul skill, but just relying on speed, can you still keep up with the old man?" Bai He stood up straight, and laughed: "No wonder you are so confident. But, little girl, you can't beat the old man with this alone! Be careful! "

Bai He once again disappeared from Tang Sui's vision.

However, Tang Sui's eyes slanted, and he accurately caught the white crane that was going to grab directly from the right, and with a flash of his figure, he avoided it again.

Bai He squinted his eyes, feeling a little competitive: "It's ok, little girl. I want to see how many times you can dodge!"

The eight soul rings went from the inside to the jacket, and in the blink of an eye, only a faint afterimage was left across the field of vision. Even Niu Gao and Tai Tan, who are both Contras, could only see a very faint shadow. It became even less obvious under the night sky.

The quiet moonlight fell on the courtyard, and traces of moonlight invisible to the human naked eye continuously flowed into Tang Sui's body.

The time when the moon meets the devil is also the period when Tang Sui's demon power is at its peak.

Big fly out: 'Behind! '

Tang Sui lowered his foot and swept to another place. The next second he found the foothold, the voice of the ape face sounded again.

Ape face: 'Left! '

Every time he makes a sound, the reminder will directly stimulate the demon power, distort the space, and open up the shortest diameter for Tang Sui to reach the next foothold. This compressed space has the same effect as shrinking the ground to an inch.

The incense burned very quickly, and two figures kept flashing in every corner of the courtyard, even on the top of the beams.

Within 10 minutes, the two had moved more than a hundred times, but neither of them had a winner.

Ma Hongjun's eyes were dazzled, he rubbed it several times, and murmured: "This is too fast, although Sui Sui's moving speed is also very fast, but in the next second, Senior Bai He will always press on!"

"Hey." Tai Tan couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat for Tang Sui, "You must know that this is just the pure speed of the old white bird under the amplified martial spirit, and he hasn't used his soul skills yet!"

Tang San, who opened the Purple Demon Pupils to the extreme, was just watching the battle, fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his heartstrings were tense.

Senior Bai He really deserves to be the patriarch of the Minzhi Clan, his speed, even Ziji Demon Eyes can barely capture the trajectory of the afterimage.

If he wins this competition, it may take a while.

A drop of cold sweat rolled down his cheeks and fell to the ground.

Tang San's lips were tightly pursed, and Tang Sui, who was constantly moving, was nervous, and his demon power and spiritual power were also expanded to the extreme, not daring to relax at all.

In order to be able to control the overall situation and analyze the most favorable escape direction, she directly covered the mansion of the Yuzhi Clan with spiritual power, and then supplemented it with demon power to cast a net.

Under such circumstances, even if the white crane turns into a fleeting meteor, the three masks and Tang Sui can still catch each other's trajectory.

After all, strictly speaking, Tang Sui's soul power was only 81 levels lower than that of the 7st level Contra Luo Baihe, even though he was a whole realm behind, so it was at least within 10 levels.

In addition to the fox face, she and the masks work together to guard one direction, and those who are capable of the system work more in two directions, staring at 360 degrees without blind spots. I don't believe that Baihe can successfully attack!

- off topic -

See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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