Now the entire Heaven Dou Palace is in chaos.

The fierce battle outside the dormitory shocked the entire imperial palace, coupled with the impetus of the soul masters of the Wuhun Hall who mixed in with the forbidden army, it was chaotic both outside and inside the palace. The forbidden army was like a brick mover. Just move wherever.

Not far from the sleeping hall, they encountered the imperial guards who had heard the news.

The most important thing at this moment is time.

Before Yang Wudi could make a move, Tang Sui was already floating in the front, the demonic power poured into the ape's face, and in the blink of an eye it swelled into a huge mask, and the red pupils the size of lanterns stared at the forbidden soul masters in front of him.

The moment the four eyes met, the nightmare was activated, and the menacing soul master's eyes were suddenly dull, and he lost his fighting power.

The faces of the soul masters who had already experienced Wuhun Hall changed, and while they shouted not to look at the mask, the shadows under their feet suddenly sunken.

Among the Forbidden Army, soul masters with red ribbons on their arms were undoubtedly dragged into the domain and became new nourishment for the domain.

This wave can be said to save everyone's effort.

Especially when the cooling time of Tang Sui's second soul ability was up, she immediately set it on Dugu Bo first, then Yang Wudi, then Tang San, Master, herself, Liu Erlong, Flender, and then cycled.

As for why Tang San was moved to the back, it was because as long as Tang San's Xuantian Kungfu didn't stop, coupled with the fact that the wildfire of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone could not be exhausted, and the spring breeze would regenerate his characteristics, he would be able to recover his soul power, Mental strength and physical strength.Fun Court
In the limited and urgent time, with the assistance of Tang Sui, everyone slipped out of the palace gate of the side hall with minimal movement, and passed by a large number of Forbidden Army soul masters gathered towards the central square.

Everyone returned to Shrek Academy without any risk.

At this time, the air in Shrek Academy was full of the calm before the storm, and there were also embers and scars left by the attacks and battles.

Now in the entire Shrek Academy, including the students from the Four Elements Academy and the original Shrek Academy, as well as the disciples of the Tang Sect who arrived, the total number of gathered directly exceeded six thousand soul masters.

Emperor Xue Ye was still detoxifying, Tang San and Tang Sui found a quiet room to meditate to recover.

Compared with Tang Sui who still needs time to convert energy, Tang San's recovery ability is a bit stronger. Tang Sui stepped out of the quiet room first, and exchanged information with Ning Fengzhi who gathered outside the healing room of Emperor Xue Ye. Together with the master, the three People began to discuss countermeasures.

For a day and a night, after Tang Sui broke through the shackles of level 74 soul power and entered the quiet room at level 75, the outside was still in chaos.

The awakened Emperor Xue Ye had been cleared of the remaining poison, but after this poisoning, his energy was completely lost, his face was thin and haggard, no matter how you looked at it, he looked like he was dying.

After the succession to the throne with the identity of "Xue Qinghe" completely failed on the side of Wuhundian, they launched all the power of soul masters in the empire to destroy and attack the Heaven Dou Empire with all their strength.

Before the entire Heaven Dou Empire had time to react, it was attacked from both sides.

Countless soul masters who died on the battlefield and persisted to the end were also able to block the traffic with their arms in this large-scale destructive operation, and suffered heavy losses. The total number of soul masters and ordinary soldiers killed and injured exceeded [-].

Especially when Ning Fengzhi rushed back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's base and saw the bodies of more than 200 dead Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect disciples and the more than a thousand soldiers who had all been wiped out, he was almost unsteady.


The second Emperor Xue Ye who heard the news was unexpectedly calm and did not get angry. He just ordered the burial of these dead soul masters. He also abolished Xue Qinghe as the new crown prince, and made the fourth prince Xue Beng the new crown prince. He will be officially crowned seven days later.

In five days, the chaotic Tiandou City returned to calm.

The civilians just felt that the atmosphere in the city had become a little tense in the past few days, and they didn't suffer too much, because the attacks on the Wuhun Temple were mainly the disciples of the last two sects and those who had a deep entanglement with Shrek Academy.

On the surface, this turmoil has completely subsided, but the top management of the Tiandou Empire know that the struggle between the empire and the Hall of Spirits has truly begun.

Because after this incident, there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two, only you die and I die.

The entire Tiandou City was loose on the outside and tight on the inside, Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, was officially pushed to the front by Emperor Xue Ye, who appointed him as the imperial master, and together with the master, he controlled all the soul masters in the empire.

The more than [-] royal soul masters who had stayed in Shrek Academy to practice were also transferred back to the palace, and the master also entered the palace, and together with Ning Fengzhi, he trained the disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School and these royal soul masters.

During these five days, Tang Sui also went to deal with the scene after the assassination, witnessing the separation of countless blood relatives, the death of close friends, and the tragedy of eternal separation.

Standing on top of the ruins, she watched a soldier in fine steel armor dig out another corpse crushed by a boulder with red eyes, kneeling on the ground as if exhausted, his shoulders trembling violently, and a sound Repressed sobs overflowed from his mouth, whimpering, like a trapped beast ushering in a catastrophe.

'Are you feeling sorry for them? '

The gentle female voice sounded in Tang Sui's heart, and it was the lucky face who had finally chosen and obtained the voice.

Tang Sui lowered his eyes, and there was a trace of confusion in his voice.

'Maybe but more, it seems to be a kind of sad feeling'

Because there are countless soul masters who died under her hands.

Although they are enemies, if they change their positions, they also have countless fetters, and some people will feel sad and sad for them.

I am obviously an executioner too.
For a split second, Tang Sui seemed to see sad and resentful faces again, which made her heart tremble slightly, as if she had touched boiling water, and was scalded back into her protective shell, not wanting to go back again. Think deeply.

In the spiritual space, she never noticed that the light in the eye sockets of the four masks gradually dimmed as she evaded, and only a distant, long sigh echoed.

On the sixth day, the situation of the Heaven Dou Empire was settled, and everything seemed to return to the original track.

In Tiandou Imperial Palace, Tang San and Tang Sui sat on the sofa opposite Grandmaster. Grandmaster picked up the brewed tea, put it on his lips and took a sip, and said in a clear voice, "There is nothing serious about Tiandou here. , what are your plans next?"

Tang San thought for a while and said: "Xiao Wu sent a message to Sui Sui the day before yesterday that he had cultivated to level [-] and entered a stable period. Even if he came out, he would not be discovered by a titled Douluo level soul master, so I want to share with Sui Sui Go pick up Xiao Wu first, and then go to Haotianzong."

"One is to pass back the situation here, and the other is to send Senior Master Lou Gao to the Clear Sky School, and ask uncle to help him smelt stronger hidden weapons."

The master nodded: "Yes. Then what?"

Tang San exhaled a turbid breath, smiled wryly: "Then, in the battle with Qian Renxue, I have already discovered many shortcomings of myself, especially in terms of attack power, Sui Sui was suppressed by the opponent's sacred breath , I was also beaten by the opponent to the point where I was almost powerless to fight back, and my Blue Silver Emperor's strongest single-target attack was also broken, and the only way to survive was to rely on the chaotic cloak and hammer technique."

"So after going to the Clear Sky School, I want to stay there to practice for a while, to see if I can learn some attack methods and use it on the Clear Sky Hammer. Otherwise, if Sui Sui and I are separated and we are alone, I'm not even sure of escaping."

—— Digression——

Tomorrow will be a big explosion~ Can today's ink carp reach out and ask for a lot of comments and votes~
ps: The first wave of explosive updates will be at 0:20~

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