Hearing this, the master frowned slightly, and said: "It is necessary for you to go back to Haotianzong, but I don't agree with you staying there to practice. The same is true for Sui Sui."

Tang Sui paused, and said: "The most important cultivation method of Haotian School should be Haotian's unique knowledge. I think the teacher is right about the others. What's more, the current situation of Haotian School is still in a closed state, and the cultivation environment There is no change day after day, in terms of opponents, to be honest, brother, I don't think that disciples other than elders and uncles can beat us brothers and sisters."

Tang San was taken aback, with a bit of annoyance on his face, "That's right, it's impossible to keep practicing with those sect elders all the time. Then teacher, do you have any suggestions?"

A look of hesitation appeared on the master's face, "Yes, but to be honest, I don't really want you to take risks."

"Teacher, you once taught us that the greater the pressure, the easier it is to stimulate our potential. If we don't improve our strength earlier, how can we compete with Spirit Hall in the future?" Tang San said in a serious tone.

The master looked helplessly at Tang San who was eager to try: "I knew you kid would say that. What about Sui Sui, do you think so too?"

Tang Sui bent his eyes: "Danger and opportunity coexist, I agree with what my brother said."

"Okay, then I'll tell you." The master nodded, and said, "My suggestion is to let you go to a place where you will face fatal danger and quickly improve."

Hearing the master's words, Tang Sui already had a score in his mind.

Tang San's eyes brightened: "Where is it?"

"That place is called Sea God Island." A trace of reminiscence and longing appeared in the master's eyes, "Sea God Island is an island of soul beasts, if you can pass the test and return successfully, then your strength will have made great progress in all aspects. But it’s certainly a place of danger and opportunity.”

"Teacher Sea God, Sea God Island, if the island is named after this, does it mean that it is related to God?" Tang Sui's voice was extremely soft.

The master glanced at Tang Sui in surprise, and said: "It is indeed related to Sea God. When I was still in Wuhun Temple, they sent two thousand strong soul masters to Sea God Island, trying to recruit the soul masters there. But it failed But Gui also lost two titled Douluo. After that, Wuhundian never dared to think about it again."

"Sui Sui is right. The one called 'God' is a level 99 powerhouse among soul masters. He has crossed the [-]th level of the sky and has truly reached the realm of gods. And the stalwart existence The island is the ruins left by that level [-] powerhouse, Sea God."


Tang San's pupils contracted, and his heartbeat lost balance for a moment.

Tang Sui lowered his eyes, and there were also quite a few ripples in his heart.

'Level 95 to 98 is a qualitative leap, and level 99 is the realm of demigods. Although I don't know the exact level of level 99, I am sure that you will have to reach level [-] before you can enter the adulthood of the demon clan. Body, become a big demon. '

The words of the ten blazing sun snakes came to mind, and Tang Sui's eyes flickered.

One thing, Uncle Snake was wrong.

Between the adult body and the big demon, there is also a first-order sky.

Otherwise, Uncle Snake wouldn't have been in the adult body for a long time, but he was still so restricted. He had beaten his brother and Hu Liena in Hell Road before.


Like what Uncle Snake said, although she failed to hit the adult body before, she didn't know the reason, but lack of strength was one aspect, but she always felt that there was another reason.
Tang Sui was dumbfounded, and the master and Tang San had already talked about letting the other six Shrek monsters go to Sea God Island to practice together.

After the two of them finished discussing the affairs at this stage, Tang San discovered that Tang Sui was in a daze.

"Sui Sui, is there something wrong?" Tang San asked suspiciously.

Tang Sui came back to his senses and shook his head, "It's nothing, I was just thinking about whether I should use the Haotian Hammer's attack method or something after going to the Clear Sky School this time."

Tang San laughed: "Of course it is necessary. Although Sui Sui is your role as an assistant, that's just one of your spirits, and the Clear Sky Hammer is a real assault weapon spirit."

Tang Sui smiled absently, "Then I'll learn too."

Three days later, after Tang San dealt with the sect's affairs, together with Tang Sui who came back with Xiao Wu, Tang San and the three of them entered the domain, and Tang Sui pretended to go to the Clear Sky School at full speed .

Stepping into the ground mirror of Haotianzong again, the village is still that unpretentious little village.

However, the person in charge of the outpost today is a disciple who has met the brother and sister.

After seeing Tang San and Tang Sui, he immediately jumped out from his hiding place and went to deliver the news.

Tang Sui glanced at the outpost disciple who left, waved his hand, the shadow on the ground fluctuated, and spit out Xiao Wu and Lou Gao with slightly pale faces.

After Lou Gao came out, seeing the beautiful mountains and rivers in front of him, tears almost filled his eyes, but he just glanced at Tang Sui with fear, and then took a big mouthful of fresh air, almost crying that he was alive again.

Tang San looked puzzled, "Xiao Wu, what happened to Senior Lou Gao? Also, why is your face so pale?"

Xiao Wu reluctantly twitched the corners of her mouth, and looked pitifully at Tang Sui whose gaze was drifting, "Sui Sui, next time, why don't we go on our way together. Your domain aura is too domineering. It's like releasing countless surprises It’s like a blind box, so haunted.”

She and Lou Gao are like trapped prey in the field. Many shadow monsters of different shapes protrude from the surrounding darkness, turning into ferocious monsters from time to time, releasing a strong negative darkness. To scare them with breath, her little heart can't bear it too much.

Tang San was taken aback, "Haunted?"

Tang Sui, who was well aware of the situation in the field and ordered them not to go too far, lowered his head and stared at the green grassy ground, and said vaguely: "Next time."

To be honest, with the increase of her strength, the evil breath in the domain, even if she deliberately avoided Xiao Wu and Lou Gao in the domain, they were still eroded by the breath of space, and their mental strength was affected a little.

Xiao Wu: "."

No, there must be no next time!
While talking, he got the news that the sect disciples who came to lead the way for Tang San and Tang Sui had arrived.

These two were still acquaintances, they were Tang Long and Tang Tian whom they had met before.

When they saw two more people, they looked puzzled, it was Tang San's explanation, and they hesitated to walk ahead and want to lead the way.

But Tang San didn't want Lou Gao to have any accidents on the road, not to mention that time cannot be wasted now.

So, Tang Sui watched with regret that Lou Gao, Xiao Wu, Tang Long and Tang Tian were all entangled and strung together by Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor vines, using the flying characteristics of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone to fly ahead. Choose to experience a hot wheel with one leg.

Ape face: "?"

Do you have to torture us before you stop?
The fox smiled and said that he was not there, Da Fei came out to curse and dare to step on it, it would kill people.

Fushen thought for a few seconds, and said gently: "Although I am not willing to contact other humans, I will not be rebellious like them, because as long as it is the order of the little master, I will complete it." '

Other masks: "???"

Where does the fragrance of tea come from?

Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

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