The other elders looked at each other, and they could see doubt and thought in their eyes.

They have too many questions in their minds.

First of all, how strong is Tang Sui's "noble man" in order to kill a level 96 Limit Douluo?

They ruled out Tang Hao first.

Because two months ago, the brother and sister gave back the two soul bones stripped from Tang Hao's body. Although Tang Hao is still tyrannical, he can't beat Title Douluo, let alone kill a 96-level Title Dou. Ro.

Then there is a strong man they don't know who helped the brother and sister, and seeing Tang Sui's confident attitude, their relationship may be unusual, and it is very likely that it has something to do with the Tang Sect they established
On the one hand, they wanted to uncover the vest of that "noble man", but on the other hand, they were afraid that after getting to the bottom of it, the brothers and sisters who had entered the door halfway would be completely divorced from Haotianzong.
After all, judging from the fact that Tang San and Tang Sui founded a new sect together with other powerful people, although it was compensation for the single-attribute four clans that were rejected by them at the beginning, it can also be seen that the two brothers and sisters are paired with each other. The Tianzong's affiliation is not very deep. Now is not the time to discuss matters based on personal emotions. It is still necessary to show the goodwill of the sect. It would be better if you can poach corners. Anyway, the Tang sect also has several other titled Douluo level The strong are there, aren't they?
Due to the nobleman who can suppress the 96th-level Titled Douluo with a shot, and other unknown, but also Titled Douluo-level powerhouses, several people exchanged glances, did not express their opinions on Tangmen, but agreed with Lou Gao temporarily settled in Haotianzong.

Then there are other trivial business discussions.

After finally settling down upstairs, Tang Xiao took his brother and sister to the back mountain to talk.

As for Xiao Wu, she will be received by Tang Yuehua who has returned to the sect for the time being.

Tang Xiao intends to teach the two brothers and sisters the unique knowledge of Haotian that can only be learned by the direct disciples of the Haotian School, but neither Tang San nor Tang Sui refuses.

Looking at Tang Xiao who was focused on thinking about their siblings, Tang San hesitated for a while, and communicated with Tang Sui through voice transmission in his heart, and finally told Tang Xiao about the Tang Sect that he hadn't mentioned in the meeting hall before.

Tang Sui's impression of Tang Xiao was not bad, but more complex, because although Tang Xiao was the current patriarch of the Clear Sky School, when dealing with them, he always considered them from their standpoint.

Sincerity is exchanged for sincerity, so Tang Sui's attitude towards Tang Xiao is also respectful.

After Tang Xiao listened to it, he understood the cause and effect, and sighed: "It turned out to be so." It seems that the wishful thinking of the elders is doomed to come to nothing this time, Sui Sui and Xiao San's hearts are obviously in the Tang Sect, not Haotian Zong.

He didn't say these words, looking at the brothers and sisters with clear eyes, he said again: "I see. What you just said should be kept secret. Speaking of it, it was indeed the Clear Sky School that was sorry for the four single-attribute clans. If it can develop well, it can be regarded as an explanation for them."

Tang San nodded: "Uncle, after going back this time, I have left a letter from my parents, Sui Sui and I will go to a place with pressure to practice with our partners, and we may not come back for a few years. "

Tang Xiao was taken aback: "Where are you going to practice?" It will take a few years before you go, could it be that you are going there to retreat?

Tang San said truthfully: "Sui Sui and I plan to go to Sea God Island to practice. I don't know if you have heard of it."

"What?!" Tang Xiao shrank his pupils, put down his hands behind his back, and pressed Tang San's shoulders a little excitedly: "Why would you think of going there?"

Tang San felt the strength on his shoulders, and said carefully: "Do you know where it is?"

"How could I not know!"

Tang Xiao told his great-grandfather Tang Chen, who was a generation of geniuses back then, whose whereabouts are unknown, and Qian Daoliu, the adjudicating elder of Wuhundian who has now become a great priest, and broke into Sea God Island. Hearing that the great priest of Sea God Island Tang San was shocked when he dispatched the power of the sea to suppress two level 99 Peerless Douluo who had stepped into the realm of demigods by one person.

After being surprised, Tang Sui was thoughtful.

Tang Xiao also talked about the special rules of Sea God Island, which was the same as what the master told them.

The land soul masters outside have to pass their test after arriving at Sea God Island, but if they pass the test, they will be considered as members of Sea God Island and cannot leave there.Unless one has enough strength to break out of Sea God Island and escape under the hands of the seven Titled Douluo-level elders and the Sea God Priest, then he can leave. oo.
After speaking, Tang Xiao waited for the brother and sister's reaction.

And Tang San was only surprised from the beginning to the end, but never flinched.

Tang Xiao was even more confused by Tang Sui's reaction.Because she was not surprised at all, with a thoughtful look on her face, as if she had been thinking about something.

"Uncle, we understand your worry. But since we are going, we will definitely pass the assessment and find a way to return safely." Tang San never wavered in his desire to go to Sea God Island for training.

Tang Xiao looked deeply at Tang San, raised his hand and patted the younger generation on the shoulder, and said: "Okay, you young people are really confident. This is something neither your father nor I thought of. I just told you, Let me teach you some of the secrets of my sect, starting in the afternoon."

"This set of self-created soul skills was created by your great-grandfather. Although none of your Clear Sky Hammers have attached soul rings, I believe that with this set of skills, it can also give you brothers and sisters an extra source of self-protection." force."

Tang Sui froze for a moment, looking at the serious Tang Xiao, he felt a little complicated again.

Tang San's eyes lit up, he raised his hand, and bowed together with Tang Sui who was bowing towards Tang Xiao:
"Thank you uncle."

Ten days later, when Tang Sui, Xiao Wu, and Tang San returned to Shrek from Clear Sky School, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai who were far away from the Star Luo Empire had already handled the affairs of the Star Luo Empire in the academy.

In addition to the five monsters gathered together, Bai Chenxiang, the granddaughter of Master Mintang, is going to Sea God Island with them this time.

Ma Hongjun was the happiest one after hearing the news.

The return of the three of Tang Sui made everyone happy. Ning Rongrong watched them look at Xiao Wu who hadn't seen him for five years, and hugged him excitedly. Zhu Zhuqing, who was always calm and reserved, also raised his arms this time. arms around people.

Bai Chenxiang followed behind Ma Hongjun, after seeing this scene, she hesitated for a moment, and still cupped her hands at Tang San and Tang Sui: "Sect Master, Deputy Sect Master."

Tang San looked at the hesitant Bai Chenxiang and smiled: "Chen Xiang, you don't have to be so restrained. Now you are also a member of our Shrek Nine Monsters, and we will all be partners in the future, so you don't need these vain gifts."

Nine monsters.
Dai Mubai, who had only been here for a day, looked at Bai Chenxiang with a slight scrutiny. Although because of Ma Hongjun, they were forced to listen to Ma Hongjun's big plan of chasing someone for a long time, they didn't go to Bai Chenxiang to meet him. Join them here to think.

Ma Hongjun, who sensed the subtlety of the atmosphere, leaned forward shyly and said, "Third brother is right, you don't have to be restrained, Xiangxiang, everyone can get along well!"

Being interrupted by Ma Hongjun, the tension in Bai Chenxiang's heart also dissipated, and he glared at Ma Hongjun: "I told you, don't call me Xiangxiang!"

Ma Hongjun: "Good Xiangxiang, no problem Xiangxiang."

Bai Chenxiang: "."

Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

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