Seeing the easing atmosphere, Grandmaster who was standing aside walked up to Chen Xin who was behind him, "Let's all come together."

Everyone turned around and bowed to them: "Master, Senior Sword Douluo."

"Grandpa Jian, why are you here?" Ning Rongrong, the only one who didn't bow, took two small steps and stood in front of Chen Xin and asked in confusion.

Ma Hongjun looked at the master who summoned them here in confusion: "Master, why did you summon us?"

The master's eyes swept over everyone, and he said with his hands behind his back: "You have been separated for so many years, before you leave, I hope you can have a break-in and strive to achieve the best state of cooperation."

As soon as these words came out, Ma Hongjun subconsciously looked at Chen Xin who had come with him: "Master, the opponent you chose to match up with should not be."

There was a rare and kind smile on the face of the master, and the corners of Chen Xin's lips slightly raised, and the terrifying coercion around him suddenly appeared, and a sharp sword was held firmly in Chen Xin's hand. At the same time, his cold voice also it rang—

"Yes, your opponent is the old man."

Ma Hongjun suddenly frightened and changed color: "Ah?! Senior Sword Douluo is the number one attacking Douluo in the mainland!"

Especially now that Senior Sword Douluo has broken through to level 97, he is a peak powerhouse, not the same as ordinary Title Douluo!
He came to hone them, wouldn't their lives be on the verge of confession? !

The master was indifferent to Ma Hongjun's pitiful appearance: "You should feel lucky to have a master like Senior Sword Douluo come to fight with you."

You must know that other powerful Title Douluo are not just tempering, but really killing people.

Ning Rongrong raised his head, shook Chen Xin's arm and said: "Then Grandpa Jian, you have to show mercy."

Chen Xin smiled, but what she said made the hearts of the others sink, "Since I am the opponent, then I will not show mercy."

The corners of Dai Mubai's eyes twitched slightly, thinking that he would definitely be severely beaten this time.

Oscar also sighed in his heart, and looked into the eyes of Ma Hongjun with a bitter face.

It's over, you have to know that their daily practice these days is also fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, a little bit because of the comfortable environment and liking people around, they neglect to practice
Bai Chenxiang, who was standing behind Tang Sui obliquely, saw Ma Hongjun and Oscar's wry smiles, and sneered at the pessimistic attitude of these two before the fight started, but
She glanced carefully at Zhu Zhuqing, who was burning with fighting intent, and Tang Sui, who was full of calmness, and the favorability value in her heart began to be 1 1 1.

Not far away, Zao Wou-ki was sitting on a smooth rock, with a blade of grass in his mouth, and he smiled: "It seems that these little guys are very energetic! There is a good show to watch now!"

Flender, who was standing beside Zao Wou-ki with his hands behind his back, couldn't hold back and slapped Zao Wou-ki's bear's head, and shouted in a low voice: "Listen, listen! Is this what you should say as a teacher?! Student Don't you know the danger we are about to face? You are still talking sarcastic here!"

Zhao Wou-ki said "Oh", rubbed his head that hurt from being slapped, and said disapprovingly: "Boss, isn't this just to train with the children? Why are you being so cautious!"

Flender gouged out Zhao Wuji's eyes with hatred, and said, "Do you think Senior Sword Douluo is the kind of person who would fight casually with opponents?"


Zhao Wuji was startled, he reacted, turned his head to look at the Shrek Nine Monsters who were eager to try, and had no idea what they were about to face, the relaxed look on his face also disappeared, and he murmured: "That little one Aren't the monsters about to be beaten up?"

"Come on! I'm ready!"

Bai Chenxiang is full of energy. During this time, she and Ning Rongrong have received the master's devil training for a month, and she is not the same as before!
Unexpectedly, just after she finished speaking, the master looked at Bai Chenxiang and said, "Chen Xiang, you don't need to participate, just come and watch the battle with me."

"Ah?" Bai Chenxiang was stunned for a moment, looked at the other eight monsters, pursed his lips, and with some reluctance, exited the center stage of the courtyard, and stood aside to watch the battle with Grandmaster.

This slightly underestimated attitude caused a little dissatisfaction in her proud heart.

On the one hand, she said that she would let me go to practice together, and it has only been a month of running-in, but now she is not allowed to participate in the actual combat-type running-in, how can she be a soul sect, are you so unconfident about her?

With her speed, it is obvious that self-protection is no problem.

Tang Sui, who was extremely sensitive to such emotions, looked at Bai Chenxiang as if he had noticed a slight negative emotion, thought for a while, and said to the master: "Teacher, please let Chen Xiang participate in this game."

After all, Bai Chenxiang also wanted to join them.

not to mention.
She watched the stubbornness in Bai Chenxiang's eyes turn into a daze following her words, and sighed inwardly.

Once upon a time, she also came from being underestimated.

She knows that feeling of unwillingness and opportunities that have never been given to her.

Bai Chenxiang, who never thought that Tang Sui would speak for her, was stunned, and then subconsciously looked at the master beside him.

The master also turned his head and met the hope in Bai Chenxiang's eyes. After thinking for a few seconds, he nodded and agreed to Tang Sui's proposal, "Yes."

Bai Chenxiang's eyes lit up, "Thank you, Master!"

After finishing speaking, she couldn't wait to step forward and stood beside Tang Sui.

Ma Hongjun looked at Bai Chenxiang who was full of anticipation, he was a little worried, just when he was about to speak, Tang San's eyes slanted, and he also sent a heartfelt voice to him——

'Fatty, I know you're worried about Xiangxiang getting hurt.Although a man needs to protect the one he loves, don’t forget that the status between you is equal. Chen Xiang has her own pride, not a dodder flower. If you are together in the future, you must always fight side by side and support each other of. '

Tang San's words made Ma Hongjun's voice choke, he swallowed it forcefully, his eyes regained his composure.

Brother San is right.Xiangxiang should be on an equal footing with him, if he speaks now, it would be a real disrespect to Xiangxiang.

Thinking of this, Ma Hongjun puffed up his chest, looked at Tang Sui again, and gave him a look of "please help me pay attention to Xiangxiang".

Tang Sui, who received the signal from Ma Hongjun's eyes, blinked, expressing that he understood.

Chen Xin, who saw everyone's small movements clearly, smiled slightly, and walked forward with strides.

Seeing Chen Xin's movements, the nine people retreated subconsciously and stood where they were supposed to stand.

And Bai Chenxiang, who had a clear position on himself, stood decisively in front of Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Tang Sui in the last row after observing for half a second.

Tang San stood in the center, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing were on the left and right, Dai Mubai was in the front, Xiao Wu was behind. ωωw.oo.
Everyone's expressions were very solemn, without the slightest hint of laughter.

When Bai Chenxiang was still wondering why Ming Chenxin hadn't cast her martial soul yet and everyone's faces were so solemn, she suddenly noticed a subtle change in the air in front of her.

Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

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