Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 466 Shrek Nine Monsters VS Sword Dao Chenxin 9

She found that when Sword Douluo took the first step, his whole temperament had undergone an earth-shaking change.

The original him stood there with a straight figure, like a vigorous landscape.

But now, even if he hadn't released his martial spirit yet, his body released a sharp aura that cut even the space, and she, who was belatedly aware of it, also reacted, and her face changed suddenly.

Well, what a terrifying coercion!

It turns out that the battle has already begun!

Like the rushing waves beating against the reef, waves of coercion hit her body, making her whole body stiff. Under such coercion, she couldn't even cast her martial spirit.

Bai Chenxiang's optimistic attitude at the beginning was somewhat crushed by this overwhelming coercion.

At this time, another voice came from beside him: "Concentrate your energy, don't be afraid of this coercion. Think about your goal, your attachment, if you are not willing to stop here, then try your best to break it."

"Even if you are exhausted, as long as you are still conscious, don't stop breaking through it."

Bai Chenxiang was taken aback, then turned his head with difficulty, and met Tang Sui's dark blue quiet eyes.

There is no disappointment or contempt in it, but only encouragement and earnestness.

An inexplicable sourness rose from his heart.

Bai Chenxiang exerted a little force, his white teeth bit his lips, and a little bit of blood spilled out.

Under such pain, Bai Chenxiang's eyes became more and more determined, and he began to gather the strength of his whole body to break through the confinement of this coercion.

But just relying on the strength of a soul sect level is not enough to break the coercion of a limit douluo.

Chen Xin, who hadn't moved, watched this scene, and although he admired Bai Chenxiang who was trying his best to break through his coercion and confinement, he was not interested in the results of Bai Chenxiang's efforts.

Because he knew that the final result could only be failure?
Chen Xin's eyes narrowed slightly, and they landed on Bai Chenxiang, whose forehead was covered with beads of sweat not long ago. His five keen senses allowed him to capture the spatial fluctuations caused by the coercion that did not belong to him near Bai Chenxiang.

Taking a closer look, Chen Xin noticed that the shadow under Bai Chenxiang's feet that was irradiated by the sun and slanting towards Tang Sui seemed to be a little strange.

It's like being alive.

Chen Xin, who suddenly reacted, looked at Tang Sui, who noticed his gaze and looked over.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air for a moment, as if they were conveying some message, they diverted their attention to Bai Chenxiang, most of them were staring at Chen Xin's Tang San, and they were keenly aware of the curious curvature of Chen Xin's lips. , the rare ones did not continue to attack, but stood in place cooperatively, only exerting pressure on them with coercion.

But only Chen Xin knew that most of the coercion belonging to him had been cut off by Tang Sui's domain ability, leaving only the coercion that Bai Chenxiang could withstand and break through at the current level of soul power.

She is helping Bai Chenxiang grow up.

It was originally for the purpose of getting in touch with them, so that everyone could gain more Chenxin silence in the actual battle, and also cooperated with Tang Sui, pretending to be the coercion exerted by himself, and exerted pressure on Bai Chenxiang.

Time passed minute by minute, 5 minutes seemed short, but to Bai Chenxiang it was very long and tormented.


Finally, Bai Chenxiang, who was already drenched in sweat, erupted a burst of soul power fluctuations. With a loud shout, she broke free from the restraints, and her soul power also went from exhaustion to full in an instant, breaking through the bottleneck of level 45 in one fell swoop. Entered level 46!
The joy of being promoted and the restoration of soul power and physical strength made Bai Chenxiang happy, and turned her head to look at Tang Sui very happily, "I have broken through to level 46!"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Chenxiang suddenly realized something belatedly, looking in surprise at himself who was still able to move freely under the huge coercion, and carefully found that there was a layer of black and red light on his body, like Like a membrane, it envelops and protects itself.

"Xiangxiang, congratulations!" Ma Hongjun raised his hand and gave her a thumbs up.

"I..." Bai Chenxiang raised his head, looked at the faint radiance emanating from Ma Hongjun and the others, and saw the same layer of light on Tang Suiying's white skin as his own, and immediately understood the source of this layer of light, "This is."

The latter smiled slightly: "This is the boost effect of the domain, and then you can ignore a certain degree of coercion and launch an attack."

This sentence was like a signal, a huge and terrifying sharp aura instantly swung from Chen Xin's body, sweeping everyone.

The powerful sword aura made the master retreat quickly, and he retreated to a place as far away as Flender and Zao Wou-ki, before he escaped from the range covered by the sword aura and was able to stand firmly and observe the battlefield.

"It's coming! Brothers, open martial arts!"

The tyrannical sword energy came towards him, Dai Mubai knew that this was the signal to start the battle.

He strode forward, and let out a tiger roar, a strong white light enveloped him immediately, and a phantom of a white tiger with the word "King" on his forehead appeared behind him.

At the same time, Dai Mubai also completed the spirit possession in an instant, his body swelled rapidly, black lines and white hair of tiger beasts appeared on his body.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black.

Six soul rings emerged, and Dai Mubai's aura immediately rose to a higher level. The powerful aura and kingly pressure erupted disrupted the terrifying sword aura for a moment, and the other companions who were able to move also instantly released their own spirit rings. Martial soul and soul ring.

Zhao Wuji looked at it, and said hey: "Good boy. Mubai's soul power has improved again, it seems that he should have reached level 65!"

Flender and You Rongyan adjusted their glasses frames, and looked at the children who cast their martial spirits one by one with a smile.

What appeared behind Zhu Zhuqing was a black cat, the nails on both hands extended, turning into sharp claws of cats, with a cold aura, the number of spirit rings floating beside her was exactly the same as that of Dai Mubai, but it was even more gloomy a feeling of.


The clear cry of the phoenix sounded, the five soul rings spun, and the red flames of the phoenix rose up, condensing into wings, allowing him to fly up from the spot and into the air, with the phantom of the phoenix covered in flames above his head.

The same six rings flashed, and Ning Rongrong held the resplendent Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda on her right palm. The dazzling precious light set her off like a fairy, adding a hint of elf temperament.

Oscar is also the soul emperor of the sixth ring, and now he can become a soul master of the assault type and other types. Holding his sausage martial soul, he is extremely vigilant, ready to play by ear.

Because now he has many choices, and he plans to choose the blood of his companions to copy the martial soul depending on the situation.

Xiao Wu, who has now entered a mature stage, showed the six rings, and the pink mist lingered around her.

Bai Chenxiang also rose into the air, surrounded by four top matching spirit rings, but among the powerful companions, she looked immature and petite like a baby swallow.

The same six rings flickered, and the Blue Silver Emperor after the second awakening was held in the palm of Tang San, exuding a condensed temperament all over his body.

However, Chen Xin's eyes locked onto Tang Sui who was beside Ning Rongrong.

Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

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