The space around Tang Sui rippled layer upon layer.

Four pitch-black masks emerged.

The quantity is still right, but the last mask looks like
"Look quickly, the mask on the far right is not a fox mask, it's in the shape of a human face!" Ning Rongrong pointed at the pitch-black face of the old man, wondering and uncertain.

The jet-black masks surrounded Tang Sui, his footsteps were flimsy, or it would be more appropriate to say that he floated in the air to the edge of the Qiankun mask in the vast sea.

Then they watched Tang Sui raise his hand, and groped for a while on the translucent barrier covered by the vast sea, as if looking for an exit.

However, once the first skill of the Vast Sea Cosmic Shield is used, once the Vast Sea Barrier is used, although the people inside can be protected, they cannot get out.

Unless the owner withdraws the skill, or is shattered by a stronger force.

Tang Sui, who groped for a while but couldn't find the exit, lowered one hand, and kept the other hand still that was touching the thin wall. The rich and deep black-red demon power was condensed under the palm, and then she photographed it. When the cover of the vast sea and universe was put on, the entire triangular body shook, without breaking a single gap, it was very strong.

Tang Sui, who couldn't move the protective cover, also lowered his last hand, his fingers were naturally half-curled without using any force, and he kept facing the wall in thought, with his back to Ning Rongrong and the others.

The three of them looked at each other, and after confirming that they didn't feel any abnormality from Tang Sui who was in a wrong situation, Xiao Wu looked at the changing color of the mask before asking tentatively.

"Black. Are you, another spike?"

Just when they thought another "Tang Sui" would answer them, another old and strange female voice sounded: "Of course not."

The three of them were stunned for a moment, then they all turned their heads to look at the smiling old man's face suspended in mid-air.

It was obviously a kind and kind smile, but now, the old man's mask made their hearts tremble with laughter.

"Martial soul. Talked.?"

Zhu Zhuqing spoke with difficulty, looking at the empty eyes of the four masks in front of him, they all slowly lit up with a faint green light
On the other side, Tang San, who took the lives of three wolf thieves while walking, paused, looked at the direction they came with condensed eyes, and said in a deep voice to Dai Mubai who was facing him back to back: "Not good, Sui Sui woke up, but something is wrong! I have to get rid of them and go back!"

As the owner of the Vast Sea Universe Cover, the changes in the cover naturally cannot be hidden from him.

Tang San, who was originally happy that Tang Sui had woken up, became serious when he "saw" the four black masks and another strange old man's mask.

It's fine if the mask can speak, and it turns out to be the voice of an old woman!
Tang San only saw this kind of weird scene a few years ago, when he absorbed the fourth ring of ten thousand years, his soul fell into the soul of the man-faced demon spider.

Those who wear masks are not, it should be said, the consciousness of those masks themselves!

They must be uneasy!

Thinking about it, Tang San's strikes became more and more swift and ruthless, almost every time he struck, he would take away more wolf robbers' lives!

When Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun in the air heard this, they became more ruthless, they didn't even care about their wounds.

"You scare them. If she finds out, she won't be happy."

The second one to speak was Fukujin.

It spoke in a gentle tone, as if comforting them who were frightened, but Xiao Wu and the others didn't feel comforted at all, they just felt another chill rushing from their feet to their heads.

"Why are you doing such fancy things? I'm going to starve to death!" Da Feichu, who has been in a state of hunger and dissatisfaction since his energy was diverted by the newly-appeared noodle, directly grumpy brother.

Xiao Wu's pink eyes were dyed with a layer of pink light, and she asked vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

"Little girl, don't worry, we won't do anything to you." Grandma said softly in an old voice,
"It's nothing to say, anyway, they haven't woken up now, even if we do, we won't—!" The ape-faced gloomy voice stopped abruptly.

In the pitch-black spiritual space, the fox eyes that were also lit up looked at the ape's face with a smile that was not a smile, and his soft voice was a little threatening: "If you want to die yourself, don't drag us down." '

The huge red pupils on the ape face flickered, and he closed his mouth unwillingly.

Seeing Yuan Mian closed his mouth, under the vigilant stares of Xiao Wu and the others, Grandma, who knew everything that happened in the mental space, came out again to pretend to be a good person, and said, "Little girl, let your companions open this protective cover. Bar."

"We don't have any malicious intentions, it's just that we waited too fast, and we don't have the patience to continue waiting." Fu Shen's gentle voice made people feel chills for no reason.

Ning Rongrong's gaze immediately became more vigilant.

These masks have been obscuring the purpose of their coming out since the conversation with them, and they want to go out wholeheartedly.
If they could talk all the time, why didn't they make a sound after Sui Sui woke up, but endured until now?

Maybe they have a deep connection with Sui Sui, but... these masks, she doesn't trust them!

If he knew what Ning Rongrong was thinking, Fushen might be very wronged.

It's clearly just stating the facts, so why think of it so badly?
It was almost time to arrive at the port, and since Tang Sui's memories and thinking were interlinked, they naturally knew how dangerous this trip to sea would be in their original fate.

After Grandma's return, a lot of energy from the little master was taken away, but it has not been replenished.

After finally waiting for the red moon, which is rare in several years, seeing the smell of a large amount of food not far away, it is a good opportunity to replenish energy, of course they cannot hold back.

Anyway, the little master and the other guy haven't woken up yet, if we don't rush now, when will we wait?
Ning Rongrong pursed her lips, and said: "You haven't answered me yet, what are you going to do after getting out of the protective shield?"

Honestly, God of Fortune: "Of course it is to help the little master wake up. Don't you want to see the little master?"

They have ghosts in their hearts.

Ning Rongrong, who still didn't get a positive answer, didn't believe that they wouldn't cause trouble after they went out.

"The owner of this protective cover is not here, it's useless even if we want to ask someone to untie it."

Xiao Wu who exchanged a glance with Zhu Zhuqing said calmly.

Of course she knew Tang San was clear about the situation inside the shield, but she wouldn't say it now, but was testing them.

Even though Tang Sui had been in a coma and never woke up, the ape-face who was clear about what happened around Tang Sui immediately snorted coldly, and said darkly: "Little girl, you don't have to play tricks on us. We all know what happened these days." He knows it all."

These human beings have so many hearts!

Tougher than fox noodles!

With the same mind, he listened to the ape face's inner thoughts, and the real fox face said: "?"

—— Digression——

Honestly Fushen (grievance): I am obviously doing it for the good of everyone, why do you want to play Tai Chi with me to fool me?Ignorance is bliss don't you know qaq
Finally, the unbearable masks came out.

See you tomorrow~

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