The atmosphere of the real world froze.

The narrowed fox eyes of the fox glanced over the ape's face faintly, and only their soft audible voice sounded in the dark spiritual space: "Ape's face, I always thought you lacked a brain, after all, you have no brains in the first place. '

Ape face: "???"

'What do you mean? ! A dangerous scarlet halo shot out from the huge red pupils of the ape face.

The fox face said quietly: "Although it is an emergency, if the little master wakes up and finds out that you have almost revealed her bottom, what do you think will happen to you?" '

As soon as the fox face said this, the other masks froze, and the glowing light on the angry ape face dimmed as if being extinguished by ice water.

What Humian said makes sense, when she hasn't fully grown up, she can't add to her burden.She will be more repulsive. ' Grandma said slowly.

Ape has no expression on his face: "At this time, you stand up and be a good person again?"I don't know who was the one who spoke first. '

The sarcasm is so sarcasm, but the ape face also knows what to do now.

For Xiao Wu and the others, the conversation between the masks only passed for a few seconds, and Xiao Wu and the others, who had no idea of ​​the imminent danger, were still spinning their brains to think of a solution.

But Yuanmian will not give them another chance to prevaricate.

The buzzing of the black ape hovering in the void immediately aroused Xiao Wu and the others' vigilance.

"what happened
The sound of the last word disappeared in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes that became hollow.

Zhu Zhuqing, who had low mental strength, was the first to catch the trick suddenly. Ning Rongrong, who possessed the spiritual skull of illusion wisdom, and Xiao Wu, who possessed spiritual soul skills, also met those faint red pupils.

not good!That is the ape face that can control the mind!

When the alarm sounded in my mind, it was too late.

Ape Face, who has completely suppressed the consciousness of Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu with a mental power that is absolutely higher than theirs, will directly delete the memory of grandma's opening. This memory is forgotten and will never be unsealed.

As for this blank memory——

The three of them rolled their eyes and fell to the ground one after another.

Da Feichu looked at Xiao Wu and the others who had fainted, and felt a little unwilling, "Does this layer of window paper have to be stuck like this all the time?" '

The God of Fortune said softly: "Hasn't the facts proved that the Huairou strategy is more effective than fighting poison with fire?"At least the current little master has not collapsed. '

Grandma: "Although I really don't want to admit it, it's true. '

Ape Mian chuckled inwardly, you can spoil her.

Other masks with connected minds are also smiling.

The fox's face swept over his colleagues, and the light of the fox's eyes flickered, "Okay, stop arguing."Now there is one more crucial question. '

--Tang San.

The eyes of the other masks also began to emit a hazy light.

The suspended grandma's face suddenly disappeared into the air, and the next moment it slowly condensed on Tang Sui's face, covering the original delicate outline.

Like a marionette, Tang Sui raised his head, and the dark old man's mask on his face was exposed in the air.

Grandma, who gained control of her body, manipulated Tang Sui's body, turned her stiff neck, and looked at the mask that exuded glowing blue light. Under the mask, a voice sounded: "Tang San, I know you're listening here!" movement."

An old and hoarse polyphony was added to Tang Sui's timbre, mixed into one strand, giving people a strong sense of disobedience.

"Don't worry, they're fine. It's just that this memory is gone."

Grandma is controlling people, like a seasoned negotiator, continuing to talk to Tang San in the air without haste.

"My little master now needs a lot of energy to support this weak body. It just so happens that you are also in trouble now. Letting us out will not only wake up the little master, but also solve your current urgent needs. It is obviously a win-win situation." Why don't you agree?"

She said as if she was asking and answering herself, and suddenly realized in the next second: "Could it be possible, are you worried that we will harm her?"

"You don't have to worry about that. The last thing you want her to do is us."

"Make a deal, Tang San."

The poisonous hidden weapon flew out, and in the blink of an eye, several wolves died under the poisonous hidden weapon that sealed their throats with blood.

"Everyone move towards the entrance of the village!"

Tang San raised his hand, the huge spikes from the Blue Silver Emperor Vine bursting out from the ground fiercely pierced through the wolf thief's chest standing on that piece of ground.

Ma Hongjun and the others, who were also wounded a lot by the wolf thief's wind blade spirit ability attack, nodded, and retreated little by little in coordination with Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor trap.

Dai Mubai's two thick and thick tiger palms moved together, pressing down on a wolf thief's wide open mouth, with both palms facing outwards, the wolf thief's eyeballs popped out, and in the next second his whole body fell out like a piece of paper. The middle was violently torn apart, organs mixed with scalding blood scattered all over the ground, and a lot of blood even stained Dai Mubai's clothes red.

Although Bai Chenxiang's attack power is insufficient, but with the help of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow and its extremely fast speed, it turned into a light purple streamer and passed among the wolf thieves surrounding her. The air, the powerful momentum brought the wolf thief's body back.

Those pale but resolute faces and the murderous look in their eyes became the last sight they saw.

He has the advantage of high altitude, but lacks the speed. As a result, he was forced to hide by the wind blades from the wolves. Ma Hongjun was nervous, always paying attention to the battle situation around him, and jumped onto the eaves with his hot phoenix flames. Burn out the wolf thieves one by one, try to reduce the number of wolf thieves, and cooperate with Oscar to make up for those wolf thieves who pounced.


Where Tang San passed behind, the blue silver grass on the ground grew wildly, quickly entangled the wolf thieves closest to them, the spikes on the vine body swelled, nailing the wolf thieves trapped in the middle. became a sieve.

The four of them kept their feet on the ground, opening up a path of thorns and blood, retreating amid the dozens of cyan wind blades surging behind them, and swept towards the entrance of the village.

The ridge is a large open space with nowhere to hide.

Behind Tang San and the others, the four-legged and running wolf thieves let out a sharp howl from their mouths excitedly, because the wolf thieves whose companions had been killed one after another rushed towards them frantically, and the other companions who were called They also landed on all fours, using roars to exchange information, and began to form a half-surrounding trend of hunting, surrounding Tang San and the others with a faster beast speed.


The wolf howls one after another came together with the large number of wolf robbers who quickly filled Tian Geng's station.

Tang San and the others' path was cut off, and they were forced to stop.

"Little San, fight hard!"

Dai Mubai looked at the enemy vigilantly, with killing intent in his eyes.

Tang San took a deep breath, looked up at Yekong's floating blood moon, and shouted: "I attracted them as you said. Now it's almost there, why don't you do it!"



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