Who is Xiaosan (third brother) talking to?

Dai Mubai and the others were startled, their eyes shifted up vigilantly, and then fell on the wolf thieves around them.

One after another, the wolf thieves who were lying down on all fours followed Tang San's gaze, only seeing the huge and weird blood moon above his head.

The blood-colored moonlight was hazy and coquettish, like flowing thick blood, diffused a thick and cold atmosphere, like the god of death raised the sickle in his hand, and the death knell rang.

Taking advantage of the dark night to hide himself among the ordinary gray-clothed wolves, the blue-clothed wolf's long and pointed kiss twitched, as if smelling the breath of death, the wolf's ears stood up, and a warning overflowed from the slightly gapped mouth. With a low growl, the surrounding wolf thieves also raised their ears one by one, looking up at the sky.

This scene is very similar to the wolf clan Chaoyue.

Different from human beings, in the vision of the wolf thief with excellent eyesight at night, the blood moon in the night sky suddenly twisted, as if it moved and stretched its waist.

But the moon, how could it stretch?
The ruthless pupils of the blue-clothed wolf thief shrank suddenly, and a demonstrative roar mixed with human language came out from the open mouth——

"Watch out for the top!"


The shadows under the feet of the wolf thieves suddenly surged like a swamp.

The wolf thieves standing on the field were caught off guard by the strong suction force from their feet and were dragged into another unknown space.

Among them, the blue-clothed wolf thief who reacted first, and the leader of the wolf thief, immediately noticed the strange shape of the shadow under his feet.

The beast's intuition caused the shadow on the ground to move, and a layer of illusory light and shadow was cast on its body. Stepping on the body of another clansman, it leaped high and violated the normal inertia in mid-air, making a second jump , and then the huge wolf body arched like a big bow drawn into a crescent moon.

The two claws were closed on the top of the head, the blue light condensed, and a huge green blade with a diameter of three meters was slashed towards the blood moon above the head.


The cyan light blade hit a layer of translucent black-red enchantment.

The wolf thief leader's eyes became more and more fierce, and when he was about to attack again, a sense of oppression and fear rose from his soul from top to bottom, causing the others to scatter and try to escape. The wolf thieves who came out of the shadow trap also froze, and the coercion from the bloodline level made them all froze there.

Including the leader of the wolf bandits who wanted to launch the second attack immediately, he was also stiff, and he could only keep his head up and fell from a high altitude. There was a hint of thick in his cloudy eyes full of ferocity and animalism. Fear, and confusion.

Because it didn't understand how the human beings they hunted had any connection with this overlord soul beast.

Don't soul beasts hate and respect humans?
Until he was dragged into the field by the shadowy strip that jumped up from the ground, the leader of the wolf bandit was also full of shock, anger and bewilderment.

And Dai Mubai and the others also saw the familiar figure that almost merged with the blood moon.

Tang Sui was still the same Tang Sui wearing a mask, but the mask on her face had changed from a grandma face to an ape face, and those round pupils emitting scarlet light were looking down at them on the ground. …

"Sui Sui." Oscar murmured.

When Ma Hongjun, who was full of pain, saw the black mask hovering around Tang Sui, his pupils shrank unconsciously, and tremblingly said: "Mian, the color of the mask!"

"Is that...another Sui Sui?" Dai Mubai looked at Tang Sui who had a completely unfamiliar temperament in surprise.

Bai Chenxiang, who didn't know why, remained vigilant, looked puzzled at Tang Sui who was not quite right, and then at Tang San and the others who were incomparably dignified, and said awkwardly: "What do you mean by that?"

No one answered Bai Chenxiang.

The next second, Tang San and the others seemed to hear a soft snort, and behind Tang Sui in the void, a jet-black crack in space suddenly opened, like the entrance of a bright trap, and Tang Sui flew backwards and sank into it. The black crack disappeared before their eyes along with many wolf thieves who were dragged by her.

The night wind blows coolly.

In the current field farming, only the four of them and a few wolf robbers who escaped the engulfment of the domain by chance, are rushing to escape to the dense forest.

"Don't let any of them go!"

Condensed light flashed in Tang San's eyes, and the Eight Spider Lances on the back stretched out, bouncing off the spot like a ghostly man-faced spider, the Blue Silver Emperor Coiled and activated, and the one that ran the farthest When the wolf thief was temporarily restrained by the Blue Silver Emperor, others had quietly approached the wolf thief.

With a sound of "shua", the Eight Spider Lances on his back had already pierced that wolf thief's body, and the other wolf thief Oscar and they didn't ignore them, they also chased after Tang San without saying anything, and they wouldn't let One of them ran away.

The reason why wolf thieves are called wolf thieves is because they are hybrids of human beings and spirit beasts like Gale Demonic Wolf.

But they obviously have extremely high human intelligence, but they cannot be called human beings. Instead, their bloodthirsty animal nature has the upper hand. Their whole life is no different from that of real beasts. They are cruel and bloodthirsty, burning, killing and looting villages. kindness.

Moreover, this wolf bandit group is notoriously united, as long as one clansman dies, it will attract other wolf bandits to die endlessly.

It is impossible for them to stay in this village forever, and these wolf thieves may turn around and come back to loot the village again at any time, so they must not be let go!

Because when the domain lacking power sensed the fall of these "blood dumplings", the dormant shadows turned into countless thorns and ferocious beasts, tearing the "food" that fell into the "belly" into pieces. Crushed, chewed and devoured.

In another space, the last leader of the blue-clothed wolf bandits who fell watched the clansmen being torn apart and slaughtered like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Thick blood appeared in his eyes, and he let out a long cry from his mouth, symbolizing The howling of wolves.

In an instant, the wolf thieves inside and outside the domain swelled up again, with long howls coming out of their mouths, and their claws became even bigger. Zooming in infinitely, using the bodies of his companions to build a long bridge out of gravity, he kept trying to rush upwards.

This is the unique ability of the leader of the wolf thief. It is similar to the increase effect of group rage, which makes all the clansmen enter bloodthirsty, and their attack power, speed, and strength are all doubled!

"Hee hee hee—how naive."

"Such a cute wolf, it would be nice to have more."

"A lot of energy, ah, no, it's actually quite little."

"Young people don't waste."

"Cunning guy, didn't we agree to distribute energy evenly?"

"Hey, it's all mine!"

The sound of laughter resounded throughout the dark field, stimulating the brain nerves more than howling wolves.

Because the howling of wolves is just sharp, with a little mental stimulation effect.

But these voices are noisy and chaotic, like countless mouths speaking at the same time, forming a wall of sound around their ears, mentally polluting their brains, and the value of an is crazy!
—— Digression——

see you tomorrow!

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