The moonlight is like gauze, casting a layer of mysterious blood on the earth.

After clearing out the surviving wolf robbers nearby, Tang San and the others returned to the field and waited for another 10 minutes before the "swamp" on the ground started to move.

The familiar black mask emerged first, followed by Tang Sui with his eyes closed slowly flying out of the surging darkness. Even if they were still a few meters away, they could still smell the strong smell of blood wafting from Tang Sui's body .

The glow of the blood moon fell on Tang Sui, as if she had put on a feather coat, and the black-red light visible to the naked eye was absorbing the energy contained in the moonlight.

Still vigilant, Ma Hongjun, who was holding on to his energy, looked at Tang Sui who was absorbing the moonlight without blinking, his voice was slightly hoarse: "What do you think, who will be Sui Sui who wakes up this time?"

Oscar stared at the four black masks that helped Tang Sui gather the moonlight, and felt that Tang Sui had little hope of returning to normal.

When Bai Chenxiang was waiting for the movement in the field together, Tang San and the others briefly explained the situation of Tang Sui in a few words, and Bai Chenxiang, who knew clearly from his partners that Tang Sui was not easy to mess with, unconsciously mentioned, She began to pray that the one who would wake up would be Tang Sui, whom she felt very kindly.

Neither Dai Mubai nor Tang San said anything.

The former felt suspenseful, while the latter silently stared at Tang Sui floating in mid-air with his eyes brimming with purple-gold light, the eyes flickered on and off.

Finally, when their eyes were staring a little sour, the radiance overflowing from Tang Sui's body gradually subsided, and the rich blood energy all over his body seemed to be washed away, along with the slowly fading mask.


Tang Sui landed slowly, and even the boulder that was blocking everyone's heart also fell to the ground with a grunt, feeling that the wave was stable.

The slender crow-black eyelashes trembled, and the dark blue pupils were still hazy and confused. After feeling the rust smell in the wind, she subconsciously raised her head and met several pairs of worried eyes. , I was stunned for a moment, "Brother? Boss Dai, what's the matter?"

Hearing the familiar tone and seeing Tang Sui's familiar pupils, everyone secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Tang San also exhaled lightly, watching Tang Sui look at the unfamiliar fields around him in confusion, then frowned slightly: "Where is this place? Is there such a remote place in Tiandou City?"

Oscar gave a wry smile, and slumped on the field as if exhausted, not caring about the Yanyan seedling that was crushed to death by his own butt, and said weakly: "It's a long story."

Tang Sui looked at the exhausted Oscar, raised his hand, and used his soul power. The second soul skill fell on Oscar. He felt much more refreshed after using the mirror sausage after being exhausted.

"Well, I think I probably guessed what happened. We should be on the way to Sea God Island or the port right now?" Tang Sui glanced at the four masks flying around her. Chicken, a little suspicious in his heart, called the system.

'System, do you know what happened during the time I was unconscious? '

System: [.It’s nothing, it’s just that after you fainted they set off step by step, and now they are attacked by wolf thieves. 】

The system that knows the ins and outs from the memories of the masks doesn't want to speak.

Tang Sui, who didn't see the corpse of the wolf thief, was thoughtful.

Well, if nothing else, they should have become nourishment for her to wake up.

'Why is the situation different after Grandma's awakening and after Fox's return? '

Tang Sui had a new doubt.

The system replied slightly bluntly: [No, they are all the same.You also know that the mask is the awakening of demon power.A more apt description would be to treat the mask as an avatar of demon power, and each mask actually needs a huge amount of energy to support it. 】

Hearing what the system said, Tang Sui remembered that the fox faces appeared like this every time they appeared, but she was wrong.

But—'Why are you so quiet today? '

Tang Sui, who knew the nature of the troublemakers of the masks, said suspiciously.

After eating and drinking, Da Fei said lazily: "Is it strange?It's just digesting energy. Don't people want to sleep when they are full? '

Well, makes sense.

On the surface, this incident was lightly exposed. Tang Sui followed Oscar and the others as they talked about what happened during the time she was asleep, and walked towards the position of the Qiankun hood.

After listening to what Dai Mubai and the others said, Tang Sui slowed down a bit, stood shoulder to shoulder with the last Tang San, and whispered: "Brother, during the time I fell asleep. Did nothing really happen?"

Tang San, who was asked, paused for a moment, glanced at his younger sister pretending to look at Tang Sui in front of him without a trace, and said slowly: "...No."

Tang Sui frowned, then relaxed again.

Well, since my brother said so, there's no need for her to hold on to it.

After the group returned to the hidden position of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, Tang San released the first skill of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, and the three fainted companions came into view immediately.



Dai Mubai and Oscar, who had never expected such a scene, their eyes were about to burst, they quickly squatted down, lifted them up gently and carefully, and then probed their necks with their fingers.

The beating of the pulse was strong and powerful, and it was extremely stable, and it didn't look like he was injured.

Compared to Dai Mubai's and Oscar's reactions, which were much calmer, Tang San squatted down, lowered his eyes, the purple-golden brilliance flashed away, his hand rested on Xiao Wu's pulse, penetrated a trace of internal energy, and swept over Xiao Wu The meridians in the body relax slightly: "Xiao Wu and the others are fine, they should just be temporarily stunned by Sui Sui's power."

"The culprit" Tang Sui heard the words, touched the tip of his nose embarrassingly, pulled out the ape face with mind control ability, turned his mental power into an inflatable hammer and smashed it hard at the ape face.

Well, she found the reason why they are so quiet, right?

Sensing Tang Sui's thoughtful ape face: "..." It's not telling the truth, and it's not if it doesn't tell the truth, so it can only be beaten? !

The other masks watched Yuanmian being beaten by Tang Sui without saying a word, as if they had nothing to do with themselves.

Tang San from the outside world began to talk about the fact that after "another Tang Sui" woke up, the mental power of Yuanmian accidentally injured Xiao Wu and the others and knocked them out.

And the three of Xiao Wu who were awakened by Tang San and the others were still a little dizzy, they had a strong sense of déjà vu for what Tang San said, and nodded in agreement.

After all, there is no doubt about the mind control ability of the ape face, and Tang Sui in another posture that Oscar and the others saw undoubtedly became the best proof of Tang San's explanation.

The people who still had some doubts in their hearts stopped being entangled immediately, simply treated their injuries, took some of Tang San's refining medicine to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the origin, and then began to rush to the survivor villagers, at a faster speed Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang searched nearby to see if there were any other villagers alive.

Tang San took out a cauldron from the soul guide and used the existing resources to cook herbal medicine. Dai Mubai was responsible for searching for some usable clothes and fabrics to make a simple sleeping mat. Ma Hongjun, Tang Sui, and Xiao Wu helped transfer them. The wounded, then treat the wound and bandage it.

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