The last bowl of herbal medicine was also packaged, Tang San wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a bowl of herbal medicine and walked to Xiao Wu who was still cleaning the wounds of the fainted villagers, and while handing the herbal medicine to her, his voice slightly Low asked: "Xiao Wu, did you feel any discomfort after waking up?"

Xiao Wu shook her head blankly: "I don't think there's anything wrong. What's the matter, Xiao San, why do you ask?"

Tang San frowned, suppressed the worry in his eyes, found an excuse and said:

"I'm just afraid that the mind control of the ape face will still affect you a little bit, and we've been busy for so long, I'm afraid you won't feel well."

It turned out that I felt sorry for her.

Xiao Wu was sweet in her heart, and replied with a smile on her face: "I'm fine. I'm still the Soul Emperor now. And I didn't participate in the previous battle, but you, Xiao San, fought hard against those wolf thieves for so long Now I have been busy for most of the night, why don't you take a rest too?"

Tang San shook his head, his smile added a touch of softness: "I'm fine. Have you forgotten that after my Blue Silver Emperor awakens, as long as my exercises continue, can I continue to recover myself? Alright, I'll give it to you." A person took the medicine."

"Okay!" Xiao Wu agreed without hesitation, and turned her attention back to the injury she was taking care of, and carefully lifted his head to feed him the medicine.

Seeing Xiao Wu forgetting about this matter, Tang San stood up and glanced calmly at Tang Sui who was bandaging the wounds of the surviving villagers.

That ape-beast mask was extremely good at mind control, and although he checked Xiao Wu and the others with the Purple Demon Eye and found nothing abnormal, he still didn't quite believe that those masks that had two faces had no back hand.

Tang Sui lowered his head and carefully helped the woman clean up the bloody wound. The blood stains on her forehead were wiped away under her handkerchief little by little, revealing a hideous cut.

The woman opened her eyes vainly, and what she saw was a beautiful young girl who bent her eyes and smiled comfortingly at her.

The woman's chapped, bloodless lips moved, and before a trace of gratitude floated up, her pupils suddenly shrank due to strong fright.

Tang Sui looked at the woman who was suddenly frightened, a little puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"No, no" the hoarse and out-of-tone voice overflowed from her lips, the woman closed her eyes, covered the bottom of her eyes, and threw out another distorted phantom image behind the smiling girl from her memory. I would like to think about it again.

But Tang San, who had been staring at this side all the time, changed his expression in an instant. Looking at the phantom wearing a fox mask behind his sister, he turned his gaze back from the woman, and fell on himself from the air. He raised his hand, his slender The index finger was raised up, and it was lightly placed under the long and pointed snout of the mask worn on the face, making a gesture of silence.


Don't say it.

The consequences will be something you don't want to see.

The curvature of the man's lips brought a trace of cruelty, which made Tang San's heart sink suddenly.

With a movement of his fingertips, the purple-gold light in his eyes had just become intense, and the next second the illusory figure dissipated like a flower in a mirror, and Tang Sui, who sensed a bit of murderous intent and turned his head but found nothing, frowned , doubts remained in his eyes.

Tang San's lips were tightly lined, and a trace of anger rose in his heart.But not to his sister, but to himself.

What is their purpose?
No sleep for one night.

The Shrek Nine Monsters, who had been busy with their hands and feet for six or seven hours, were all a bit sluggish.

They looked at the entire two to three hundred people in silence, and now there are only less than sixty people who survived. They looked sadly at the earth tombs dug with the help of the Shrek Nine Monsters. Loved ones, weeping in grief.

The Imperial Cavaliers have already had villagers report to them.

Tang San and the others were not natives, they didn't really want to make troubles, and after saying hello to some villagers, they drove the carriage and left the village.

Ma Hongjun and the others were so tired that they fell asleep in the carriage.

After a short rest for the spirit and nerves, Tang Sui, who has the cheating ability of monster power, recovers very quickly, drove the carriage for about thirty miles, until it was almost dark, and finally came to a remote barren valley, and put the carriage on the ground. stopped.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Tang San, who was practicing sitting cross-legged in the carriage, opened his eyes suddenly. After looking at the surrounding environment, he asked suspiciously: "Sui Sui, why did you come to the canyon? Didn't you go straight before?" ? How did it go astray?"

He was full of doubts, his sister should not have the attribute of Lu Chi.

"Ah? What's crooked?" With his eyes closed, Ma Hongjun's head suddenly tilted forward. The heavy head made his brain sound the alarm, and he woke up just as his body fell forward, and stabilized his center of gravity.

With such a movement of Ma Hongjun, Oscar, who was sleeping next to him, also woke up, and then Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu on the sofa seat next door also opened their eyes one after another.

"what happened?"

Ning Rongrong rubbed her sleepy eyes and couldn't help but yawned.

"Brother, can you first use the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover to cover the carriage and the surrounding open space?" Tang Sui didn't answer his companions, but looked at Tang San and said.

Tang San was puzzled, but still according to what Tang Sui said, use the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover to cover the carriage and the area with a radius of five meters around the carriage, completely isolating their aura from the outside world.

"Sui Sui, what do you want to do?" Tang San asked puzzled, his blue eyes filled with trust and gentleness.

Tang Sui smiled, and spread out his plain white palms, the sudden cyan brilliance swept away the drowsiness of everyone.

"I forgot to tell you when I was in the village. After the wolf thief group was destroyed by me, it condensed into a piece of soul bone. It is a right leg bone. If you judge according to the wolf thief's ability to increase the strength of the group in the field, The ability endowed by this spirit bone should be to greatly weaken the virtualization function of physical attacks, or the bloodthirsty ability similar to the increase in rage."

"I personally think that this spirit bone is more suitable for wearing the boss. If Fatty's evil fire phoenix is ​​filled with violent power, I'm afraid he won't be able to eat it and explode to death."

Tang Sui threw out the deep-water torpedo with a smile, and successfully woke up the fish in the pond.

"Okay, good guy, you can forget such an important thing"

In the end, Oscar tremblingly raised his finger and said, pointing at the soul bone.

Tang San also looked at Tang Sui helplessly, and said: "It's not that you forgot, but you just felt that it was not safe to take out the spirit bone for one of us to absorb under the circumstances at that time, so you offered to drive the carriage when you left the village." , and did not hesitate to take a detour, the purpose is to find a remote place to absorb the soul bone safely, right?"

Tang Sui blinked: "You found out~"

Ma Hongjun yawned, and looked at Dai Mubai: "Boss Dai, if Sui Sui has said that, you should quickly get off the carriage and absorb your soul bones. I'm really tired, I'll sleep for a while, I have something to do calls me."

Dai Mubai hesitated for a moment, but looking at the trusting eyes of his companions, he let out a breath, got off the carriage, took the blue soul bone from Tang Sui, walked aside, and melted the soul bone For the energy, he pressed into his right leg, then sat cross-legged on the spot, and began to absorb the spirit bone.

Although there is a Vast Sea Cosmos Shield to ensure that the strong spirit power will not leak out, Tang Sui and the others still take turns to help Dai Mubai protect the dharma.

—— Digression——

The reason for being late today is because I finally touched the original god.

So, open the desert, liver "desert book", from noon to eight o'clock in the evening, after the liver is finished, the black carp is in a trance, with only two words in his mind: terrible.

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