This right leg spirit bone is actually called the Hurricane right leg bone of bloodthirsty madness, the ability endowed to Dai Mubai is bloodthirsty, after using the spirit bone skill, he can enter the berserk state in an instant, attacking and defending , and speed are all increased by [-]%, but during this period, other soul skills cannot be used, and the sanity problem is even more related to Dai Mubai's own mental strength, so there is still a certain risk.

But the good news is that after absorbing this spirit bone, Dai Mubai's spirit power level jumped two levels, successfully promoted to level 67.

After Dai Mubai absorbed the spirit bones, everyone rested for a day, and drove the carriage to the target city in Haikou—— Hanhai City the next day.

Everyone didn't rush to go to sea, but went to the big soul fighting field in Hanhai City first.

The big soul fighting field here is a bit special, because it is close to Haikou, the soul masters who compete are almost all sea soul masters.

The reason why sea soul masters are called sea soul masters is because their own racial blood is not just human beings, some soul masters have even acquired their own martial soul characteristics due to the awakening of martial souls, with horns on their heads and necks. There are gills, big pincers and claws on both hands can be found everywhere here.

And this kind of soul master's training methods and fighting methods are also very unique, different from ordinary soul masters fighting, more like classifying themselves as a branch of martial soul, with primitive combat methods that resemble sea soul beasts.

But this time in the Great Spirit Arena, Tang San and the others didn't fight, but Bai Chenxiang and Ma Hongjun went into battle together.

Tang Sui knew that this was creating opportunities for the two of them in a disguised form, because since the first battle of the wolf robbers, although Bai Chenxiang's attitude towards Ma Hongjun was still punching your chest with small fists, but he was no longer as repulsive and alienated as before, gentle a lot.

The sea soul master's more unique and original fighting method caused Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang, the two bird-like martial souls, to be suppressed a lot. Fortunately, Ma Hongjun's evil fire and phoenix flames were strong enough to forcibly evaporate the flames created by the opponent sea soul master. Sea Tornado, Severe Scald using the Flame Burn effect narrowly won.

Tang Sui looked at Bai Chenxiang's complicated expression, and followed his brother and future sister-in-law without looking sideways, heading to the next destination - the auction house.

What happened to the three of them walking away in a row?
As long as she is fearless, it will not embarrass her.

When they put on masks with camouflage and confusion skills and entered the auction site, this auction had already started for a while.

The lobby filled with the smell of salty sea water was pitch black, only the central platform where the auctioneer stood was illuminated, and with the sound of the auctioneer's quotations being lifted from the surrounding VIP seats, there was a faint glow. The number plate lights up.

Because they were late, they had to sit in the last row.

The items in the auction are all rare items. When the Longyuan boat that can dive and sail, and can even withstand the attack of century-old spirit beasts appeared, Tang San raised the sign without hesitation, and offered [-] gold spirit coins. Priced to snap up this gem.

After the Dragon Boat, one auction item after another was presented, not only the Shrek Nine Monsters lacked interest, but also the other guests.

The tray covered by a piece of black cloth was presented, and the auctioneer looked at the introduction of the auction item on the list, and the stiff smile on his face was even more ugly because of the few transactions of the auction item, but he still cheered up. Take a deep breath, manage your personal expressions, and start to create suspense:…

"The treasure that will be auctioned next is a bit special."

As soon as the word "special" came out, the uninterested guests immediately looked up, wanting to see what kind of special method it was.

"This treasure is a family heirloom of the provider's family. It is confirmed that it will not be burned by fire, it will not be damaged by water, and even under pressure, it can withstand the attack of our Contra-level appraiser intact. It proves that its bearing pressure is very likely to be further improved!"

Speaking of this, his tone was full of excitement, and other guests who were aroused by the auctioneer also looked over.

An appraiser at the Contra level can't break it, and if it goes up, isn't it a Title Douluo? !
Thinking of this, many people's breathing quickened, and the number plates in their hands were eager to try.

Tang San and the others who originally thought that there was nothing good in this auction were also attracted.

"Is it still intact against Contra's attack? Could it be similar to the golden silk soft armor made by Senior Lou Gao?" Ning Rongrong guessed.

Oscar thought it was impossible, pointing to the tray that was not even shoulder-width apart and said, "I don't think it's possible. Look at the size of that thing, it doesn't look like armor at all."

Tang Sui also looked thoughtfully at the tray covered by the black cloth, and secretly poked the system in his heart.

'System, can you scan out what this auction item is? '

The system didn't answer, just a crisp "ding", and then it rang with a hint of surprise: [I can't scan it? 】

Tang Sui said "Huh" in his heart, something that even the system can't scan out must be something extraordinary.

Gotta pat it down.

Not only Tang Sui had this idea in his heart, but everyone else was also gearing up to raise their bids.

The auctioneer who drew everyone's curiosity to a certain height had a subtle smile on his face, and his voice was completely opposite to what he thought in his heart, and he raised his voice and said:
"And this magical treasure, it is—!"

The auctioneer endured the pain of his death, and kept a passionate tone to reveal the mystery of this auction item:

"A magic potato!"

Shrek Nine Monsters: "."


Other guests: "."

The auction fell into the silence of a black crow flying by, and many people showed disgusted expressions of "this is it" after being stunned.

The power to stop the soul sage is certainly exciting, but——

Looking at the palm-sized mashed potatoes on the tray, they felt that they had been cheated.

Can this little thing the size of a palm block the whole body?
Can you guarantee that the soul saint who will deal with you will definitely hit this potato?
King Kong is indestructible, so what if water and fire are invulnerable?This is simply deceptive consumption!

Da Fei came out and quacked that the system had changed after not seeing it for a while, not even a single potato could be detected.

Then it was squeezed face-to-face against the air wall by an invisible force, and it was punished by justice from heaven.

"I thought it was something, a potato? Could it be a deliberate gimmick?"

"Anyway, the reputation of the Dadou Auction House is here, and there should be no fakes."

"It's just such a thing, you can say it's small, but it's almost the size of a palm, and it's still a sphere. Even if you put it on your chest, you can see it right after you put it on! Block it!"

"It's boring."

"That's it?"

There were sighs, the auctioneer's heart was extremely bitter, and he shouted with hope on his face: "The bidding starts now! The auction starts with one thousand gold soul coins!"

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