In the few seconds after the voice fell, no one bid.

The auctioneer was bitter, but the auctioneer couldn't tell.

"It's just such a small broken potato, who would spend a thousand gold soul coins to buy it? It's not that the money is too much to burn!" Ma Hongjun dismissed it.

Tang Sui, who just put his hand on Ning Rongrong's shoulder, gave a pause, then swept Ma Hongjun coolly, but said to Ning Rongrong: "Rongrong, help me bid."

Ma Hongjun froze, and silently took a step back under Tang Suipi's staring eyes with a non-smiling smile, trying to hide his firm body behind the tall and slender Bai Chenxiang, and then smiled flatteringly: "That , Sui Sui, I didn't mean that!"

Dai Mubai shook his head, looked at Tang Sui and said, "Sui Sui, did you see something?"

Tang Sui shook his head: "No, but I think its usefulness is just that it hasn't been dug out, maybe I can dig it out later."

Tang San's attitude was also very conniving: "It's okay, it's just a thousand gold soul coins, Rong Rong, let's ask the price."

"Okay." Ning Rongrong was sure, raised the sign and began to call for the guaranteed reserve price: "One thousand gold soul coins."

As soon as this voice came out, it immediately attracted the attention of others, wanting to see which prodigal son was happy to spend this unjustly money.

It's a pity that the environment in the auction house is too dark, and everyone who participates in the auction will wear a mask to cover their faces, so they can only see the raised number plate in the dark. Exudes a faint fluorescence.

Hearing someone asking for a price, the auctioneer who thought this auction item was about to pass in the auction immediately had his eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to shout: "Okay! VIP No. 370 bid [-] gold soul coins! Is there any VIP who wants to increase the price?"

There were constant whispers in the venue, but no one bid for five seconds. The auctioneer immediately slapped the small hammer in his hand, and there was a hint of excitement in his voice, "One thousand gold soul coins once!"

"One thousand gold soul coins twice!"

"One thousand gold soul coins three times! Deal! Congratulations to VIP No. 370 for winning this treasure!"

As soon as the auctioneer's last word "treasure" came out, many people snickered and looked at Tang San and the others in the back row with gloating eyes.

Tang Sui didn't change his face, until the end of the auction, Ning Rongrong took the number plate to pay the money, and took back the lot they got this time.

Looking at the yellow potato held in the palm of Tang Sui, Xiao Wu poked it curiously, "Although it looks like a potato, this thing is as hard as a rock. Is it really a potato?"

"Yeah, Sui Sui, have you been tricked? No matter how I look at it, it's just an ordinary potato." Bai Chenxiang also touched the cold and hard touch of the yellow potato curiously.

The mediocre potato can swallow her spiritual power, demon power, and soul power without any reaction. Even if it is pinched in the hand, neither the system nor the masks can see it?
Tang Sui's eyes flickered slightly, and he made a gesture to put the potatoes away, and said, "Let's fix this later. Before the morning is over, brother, why don't we go directly to the pier and rent a boat to go out to sea."

Everyone else is fine.

A group of people walked to the pier of Hanhai City. The carriage was rented from the Great Spirit Arena, and they had already handed over the carriage when they entered the Great Spirit Arena. To a certain extent, the Great Spirit Arena is still a Qualified station. …

The salty sea breeze passed by lightly, and the sun shone on the sea, reflecting a sparkle. On the blue sea and under the blue sky, a few white seagulls sang and crossed the sky, gradually turning into small dots in the eyes of everyone. .

Tang San and Oscar, who has sailing experience, went to choose a ship.

The bright sunshine and the rustling breeze blowing from the direction of the sea form an extremely comfortable environment.

"The sea breeze is so comfortable."

Tang Sui squinted her eyes contentedly, raised her hand, her sleeves fluttered lightly, revealing a section of her white wrist, and the falling shadows temporarily covered her from the glare of the sun.

Bai Chenxiang who was standing beside her looked at the blue sea in front of her and nodded, "Yeah, it feels like my heart has calmed down."

Ma Hongjun, who was thrown aside, looked at Bai Chenxiang, who was hugging Tang Sui, showing the gesture of a little daughter-in-law biting a handkerchief, and Dai Mubai, who was holding his arms across his chest, shook his head without seeing it.

Tang San and Oscar came back not long after they left.

One of the sea-going ships they had chosen had a rather eye-catching appearance.

The whole body of the ship is painted in iron color, and only the deck is decorated with red and white paint.

The length of the hull is 50 meters, and the width is also more than 20 meters. Although the scale is not large among sea-going ships, it is also quite large.

And if you look closely, you can find that under the gray subway paint on the outside of the hull, there is a thick layer of iron armor, which protects the hull and makes people feel safe.

Looking at the boat, Tang Sui raised his eyebrows slightly, and was silently dragged by Xiao Wu to board the boat.

When they all boarded the deck of the ship, a middle-aged man wearing a black pirate hat greeted him with a decent and calm smile, made a gentlemanly "please" gesture and said:

"Welcome to the Sea Demon!"

Tang San, who had already communicated with the owner, turned sideways and introduced to everyone: "Partners, this is the captain of the Sea Demon, Mr. Haider."

Haider smiled gracefully: "Welcome to all the beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen. I am Haider, the captain of this Sea Demon, and I am very happy to serve you."

Everyone smiled politely and alienated.

And when he heard the "Sea Demon", Tang Sui looked at the gentlemanly captain with deep eyes, and said in his heart that he still came.

Haider began to introduce the Sea Demon to everyone with great interest.

The current crew totals eight.It consists of him as the captain, a first mate, and six crew members.

In addition, the Sea Demon has a total of three floors, two on the deck and one below.

As Party A's father, Tang San and the others naturally lived on the two floors above the deck, and the crew lived below.

The top floor can be viewed from a high altitude, and you can clearly see the sea scenery during the voyage, which looks unique.

There are only eight rooms on the upper floor, but there will be one person who will take turns to watch the night outside, which is roughly equal to one room or one person, and each room is not empty.

After all, most of this ship are outsiders, even though their strength does not seem to be higher than theirs, but they should not be taken lightly.

Tang Sui actually wanted to say that she doesn’t have to sleep in a room, and she’ll be fine if she has a place to sit and rest, but she thinks that her partners are not nerds, and they will definitely hang out on the deck during the sailing journey. Little hands are dating under the stars, and Tang Sui, who doesn't really want to be a light bulb every night, quits cooking.

As the last room allocation was completed, Tang San handed over the sea chart that he had copied and processed part of the address to Haider, letting him move forward according to the designated location.

With the order of the captain Haider, the Sea Demon, which is embarking on an unknown journey, officially set off.

—— Digression——

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(Extend your little hand jg.)——Can ink carp have comments and votes from cute people!

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