After dealing with Haider and his group, everyone scattered to check the ship, cleared the food and fresh water supplies, and checked whether the hull was damaged or there were any fish that slipped through the net.

After confirming that it was correct, Dai Mubai and the others returned to the second floor, watched as Tang Sui touched the rudder and pressed the mechanism, and the stalled Sea Demon immediately started driving in the correct direction of the chart.

"The ship is really moving! Sui Sui, this is you!" Ma Hongjun gave Tang Sui a thumbs up at the helm.

Ning Rongrong and the others surrounded Tang Sui who was sailing the boat, and Dai Mubai, who was squeezed into the outer circle, elbowed Tang San who was beside him, and asked jokingly: "Little San, have you and Sui Sui really never met?" Have you ever touched a boat? Sui Sui is too quick to get started, as if she has experience in sailing a boat."

Tang San laughed and said: "Sui Sui and I have grown up in a small mountain village since we were young, even if we have seen boats before, they are self-made wooden paddle rowing boats, how have we ever seen such advanced sea boats?"

Dai Mubai looked at Tang Sui who was already familiar with the ship's rudder mechanism within a few minutes, and was amazed, "It seems that Sui Sui's learning talent is even more terrifying than yours."

Tang San's eyes were full of smiles, "Sui Sui has always been excellent."

Tang Sui, who was surrounded in the center but heard the conversation clearly, silently praised Dai Mubai's sensitivity in his heart.

Although the words were half-joking, Dai Mubai was really right.

She was born in a wealthy family in her previous life, and grew up under an elite education. She is full of all survival skills. Even if you ask her to fly a plane—she can still fly a helicopter for you.

The experience of sailing is that when I was bored later, I specially asked someone to teach her to drive different sea boats, such as yachts, but the layout of the sea boats in Douluo Dalu is more artificial, not as advanced as in the previous life, but the general operation is similar , so she can get started so quickly.

As the excitement of chattering passed, Zhu Zhuqing quickly thought of another important thing.

"By the way, Sui Sui, when I was chatting with Haider the day before yesterday, I curiously asked what to do if I encountered a powerful sea soul beast when I went to sea. He replied that every captain who goes to sea has a powerful soul beast in his mind. Territory chart, now that Haider is dead, what if we drive to the territory of a powerful soul beast?"

She was full of worry, Tang San also frowned, remembering this.

Tang Sui said "Oh" and reassured: "It's okay. The sea chart in Haider's mind has been drawn under the mental control of Yuanmian, and other information that needs attention has also been dug out."

She's certainly not that imprudent.To deal with the unknown, of course, one must first find someone who is familiar with the unknown area, and dig up all the information that can be dug before taking action.

Tang San paused, thinking to himself that he was indeed the leader of the Slaughter City, in dealing with things, even without personal emotions, he can be called comprehensive.

So, relying on the special medicine smeared on the hull and the powerful soul beast territory map provided by Haider, combined with their current route and the direction planned by the system, everyone drove on the sea for another four days, all the way without any danger. Came near Sea God Island.

It is said to be nearby, but it is still a thousand meters away. …

But within this kilometer, there are countless powerful soul beast races guarding Sea God Island—— Demonic Great White Sharks.

After mooring the boat about 500 meters away from the territory of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, Tang Sui woke up the resting partners in the room.

"Go straight in this direction, and you will find Sea God Island. But I learned from Haider before that there is a group of extremely fierce sea soul beasts in the waters near Sea God Island, guarded by the demonic great white shark." Tang Sui will not change his face. The cauldron fell on the dead Haider's head.

"He said that a great white shark with a hundred-year-old demon soul can match the fighting power of a thousand-year-old sea soul beast, and this group is very united. As long as one member of the group is injured, they will be retaliated by the entire group. So I temporarily parked the boat in a safe place. It’s still a bit far away.”

"It's okay Sui Sui, your decision is correct." Xiao Wu patted Tang Sui's head habitually.

Everyone nodded without the slightest doubt, and then Oscar consciously began to create delusional mushroom sausages.

There are ten mushroom sausages in total, except for Tang Sui, Tang San, Bai Chenxiang, and Ma Hongjun who can fly by themselves, the others each have two, just in case.

With the improvement of his soul power, the time limit for the disappearance of fantasy mushroom sausages has disappeared, and the flight time has also been extended, but to be on the safe side, each person is equipped with two.


Or soft, or roaring waves ringing in the ears.

In addition to the warmth of the sun above the head, the air is mixed with the salty sea breeze that is unique to the sea, and the snow-white foam and golden sand are intertwined. Gone with the swaying of the waves.

The mountain peaks rising from the sea are located in the field of vision, and the vibrant greenery is blooming in the eyes. It is obviously an island, but it is as large as a land forest and full of vitality.

A cleansing atmosphere enveloped the Shrek Nine Monsters, and even Tang Sui's heart calmed down.

Xiao Wu took a deep breath, took Tang San's arm, leaned close to Tang San and said: "Xiao San, the scenery here is so beautiful, if you are free in the future, it's not bad for us, uncles and aunts to go out to sea together."

As for Da Ming and Er Ming, their bodies are too huge, although they can sneak into Sui Sui's domain, but she thinks, that domain is not friendly at all now, so forget it.

Tang San nodded softly with eyebrows and eyes: "This place is really beautiful. After we finish what we have to do now, it's good to pick up our parents and come to the elderly together. Sui Sui, do you like this place?"

When he said the last sentence, he looked at Tang Sui with a smile.

Tang Sui nodded on his face, but in his heart he complained that it might not come again.

Before appreciating the seascape in front of them enough, everyone with keen senses noticed several strange auras approaching.


Tang San squinted his eyes, looked at the several figures jumping out from the bushes, quickly stood in all directions, surrounded Tang San and the others, stared at them vigilantly, feeling as if they would strike at any moment.

"Who are you?"

One of them, a middle-aged man with wheat-colored skin in light yellow clothes, asked coldly.

The people surrounding them were of different appearances, ranging in age from young to old, but they were all dressed in uniform light yellow clothes.

Everyone immediately realized that they should be the local sea soul masters of Sea God Island.

As the captain, Dai Mubai cupped his hands politely, and replied: "We are soul masters who admire the prestige of Sea God Island, and hope to join Guidao."

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged man who spoke first frowned slightly, looked the Shrek Nine Monsters up and down, and said, "You are land spirit masters, right?"

Can you see this too?
Dai Mubai thought in his heart that the other party had good eyesight, his face remained calm, he just nodded, trying his best to express his friendliness and harmlessness.

But the middle-aged man's attitude towards the soul master who came to surrender was very cold, and even showed a trace of hostility: "Sea God Island does not welcome your land soul masters, leave here quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

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