Dai Mubai's expression turned serious, and he was about to step forward to see how impolite the other party was.

But as soon as this thought came up, Tang San stretched out his hand to stop it.

Dai Mubai glanced at Tang San who took a step forward, stepped back slightly, and handed over the home field to Tang San.

Facing the middle-aged man's indifferent attitude, Tang San's gentle and elegant face remained unchanged, and he said politely: "Can't Sea God Island pass the test to join? Why do seniors reject people thousands of miles away?"

The middle-aged man looked at Tang San with a sincere face, shook his head, his tone was a little more relaxed than before, but still cold, and stated: "Lord Sea God's test for land spirit masters is not something you can pass. If young people are reckless, just He will ruin his life in vain."

In a disguised form, he persuaded Tang San and the others to go back home.

The arc of Tang San's lips remained unchanged: "You are right. But if we lose our courage, we are not worthy of being soul masters."

The middle-aged man glanced at Tang San and the others with firm expressions, and his eyes fell on Tang Sui, whose eyes were slightly lowered, unable to see his expression clearly for two seconds, and then said: "You must know that once you accept the test of Lord Seagod, you can't quit halfway. Even if you lose your life because of this, you have to take part in the test, have you really thought about it?"

Tang San and the others looked at each other, Tang Sui who lowered his head also raised his chin, showing a delicate and peaceful face, listening to his partners saying in unison: "We are going to accept the test."

The middle-aged man who paid a little attention to Tang Sui naturally found that Tang Sui hadn't spoken, but looking at the same firm eyes of the other party, he just thought Tang Sui was introverted, shy and not good at speaking.

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, turned around, and the soul masters in yellow beside him consciously made way to the sides.

"Okay, I hope you don't regret it. Come with me."

The crowd followed the middle-aged man into the woods, and the salty and humid air gradually turned into the freshness of the grass and trees as the crowd went deeper. It was slightly damp, but without the salty taste of sea water. It miraculously filtered it in the periphery, as if It's like returning to the forest on land.

Along the way, Tang San accidentally discovered that the Sea God Island also had blue silver grass growing everywhere, and when he was quietly opening the Blue Silver Domain and wanted to explore the environment of the Sea God Island, his spiritual power was given by another invisible and strange force. Pushing back, the synaesthesia of the Blue Silver Grass was also blocked.

The middle-aged man in the lead turned his head as if feeling something, and warned in a serious manner: "Young man, this is Sea God Island, and everything is under the protection of Lord Sea God."

Tang San's expression changed slightly, and he reassessed the middle-aged man's combat power in his heart.

Tang Sui seemed very silent all the way, unlike his companions who looked around vigilantly, he was rather absent-minded.

Passing through the lush woods, you can see a huge pool of water.

Like a miniature sea area, the water surface will even produce the same waves as the sea.

There is a triangular platform in the middle of the huge pool, on which stands a stone pillar with strange patterns.

It is shaped like a pointed cone, with a strange pattern carved on the top.The lines on the entire column body seem to be chaotic and disorderly, but they can be connected into a special kind of ancient characters, exuding strange and sacred energy, but it does not make Tang Sui feel suffocated, which is within an acceptable range. …

"Welcome to the sea in the sea." The middle-aged man looked at the standing stone pillars, his eyes flashed with reverence and faith that Tang Sui was no stranger to, and his tone became more respectful and cautious, and he introduced, "That is One of the symbols of Lord Seagod's power, the Seahorse Sacred Pillar. The Seahorse Sacred Pillar is one of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Seagod Island."

After saying that, with him as the leader, the other three accompanying sea spirit masters in yellow bowed together, and performed a strange and strong pilgrimage towards the Seahorse Sacred Pillar. You who have come to spread the will of the Holy Pillar, you will be tested here."

Hearing this, Tang San looked at the sacred pillar standing far away, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a layer of purple-golden light flashed.

Through the Purple Demon Eye, Tang San could clearly see a man in a black suit sitting cross-legged under the huge stone pillar.

The man closed his eyes and turned his back to the stone pillar, as if he was meditating.

When Tang San's eyes touched him, the other party opened his closed eyes as if feeling something, the two distant gazes were like a deep pool in front of him, the moment he opened his eyes, a powerful aura spread out, Just an inadvertently released aura caused Tang San's condensed mental power to dissipate suddenly, and even suffered a slight backlash, and couldn't help being dizzy for a few seconds.

This is the aura of Title Douluo? !
Tang San was stunned, but the middle-aged man and the others acted as if they hadn't noticed the little trick here, injected their soul power into the voice, and transmitted it to the central platform 500 meters away: "Master Haima, there are foreign Land soul masters, come to accept the test."

"Oh? Land soul master, do you want to accept the test of Lord Seagod?" The man in black raised his hand, urging his soul power, and the huge sacred pillar behind him rose with faint blue lines, lighting up the seahorse saint all the time. The strange statue at the top of the column.

At the same time, a circle of translucent blue light swayed, covering the entire sea in the sea, and a special pressure fell from the sky. Bai Chenxiang, who had the weakest soul power level, was the first to feel this heavy pressure, and his expression couldn't help but dignified.

"If a land soul master from outside wants to accept the test of Lord Sea God, he must first pass through the sea in the sea and come to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar before he is qualified to accept the test." Said.

Tang San looked at the opponent's posture, his eyes became serious, "Before accepting the test of Lord Seagod, do we still have to accept the test of a Titled Douluo?"

The middle-aged man said as if he had experienced it: "Normal, young man. The test for land soul masters is different from that of sea soul masters, but all of this is done according to the will of Lord Sea God."

Dai Mubai turned his neck, made a crisp sound of "clack-cluck", took a step forward and said: "Then let me learn first!"

As the boss of the Nine Monsters, of course he had to be at the forefront.

"Come on, Boss Dai!" Ma Hongjun made a cheering gesture.

The corners of Dai Mubai's mouth raised, and his eyes looked straight ahead. In the next second, the peaceful aura around him changed, and a powerful, intimidating kingly aura swayed from him. With a loud shout, the evil eyes The white tiger spirit possessed his body, and six imposing spirit rings also floated from his feet, showing his powerful cultivation as a soul emperor.

The eight Shrek monsters all cast supportive and encouraging eyes, different from the surprised eyes of the middle-aged men who were surprised at Dai Mubai's such a cultivation level at such a young age.

And Seahorse Douluo, who was located, with a diameter of more than 200 meters and a pool of about 300 meters, a total distance of more than 500 meters, couldn't help showing a look of surprise after seeing Dai Mubai's spirit power level.

But Dai Mubai doesn't care what others think, all his attention is now on the sea in front of him.

"I'm starting!" Dai Mubai slightly bent his legs, exerted force on his feet, and at the same time as the third spirit ring lit up, he suddenly jumped out from the spot more than ten meters away.

"The third soul skill, White Tiger King Kong Transformation!"

—— Digression——

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King has filtered it, it’s so good to travel smoothly, I’m so tired from fighting (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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