Chapter 489 Who's Assessment
younger sister
So, is this child also Tang Chen's great-grandson?

Bo Saixi looked over with kind eyes, "Son, come here, I will start the Holy Pillar test for you."

This sudden kindness, those who didn't know it might think it was because of Tang San.

But Tang Sui knew that it was because she was also a direct descendant of the Haotian School and had half blood relationship with Tang Chen, so she was loved by Wu Jiwu.

Tang Sui nodded and stepped forward.

The golden scepter in Bo Saixi's hand trembled, and the diamond-shaped gemstone inlaid five inches from the tip of the spear emitted a golden-blue light.

The seahorse sacred pillar is poured with inclusive and deep soul power like the sea.

With the infusion of soul power, the dim ancient characters on the sacred pillar light up again, reaching the top.

The blue beam of light shot straight into the sky, and the next moment, another colorless beam of light returned, passed through the clouds, and shrouded Tang Sui's body.

Tang Sui felt her mind go blank for a moment, as if a voice was asking her, "Are you willing to accept my assessment?"

The deep and turbulent breath of power like the sea enveloped her soul, and a feeling of being scanned from the inside out rose from the bottom of her heart.

The five masks in the mental space shook together, including the entire pitch-black space, shaking as if it was about to collapse.

—'I don't want to'.

For the first time, countless noisy voices spoke the same words so uniformly and neatly.

Like the tidal waves undulating layer upon layer, resounding above the soul.

The Tao remained in the Seahorse Sacred Pillar and belonged exclusively to Seagod's consciousness. It seemed that he didn't expect that someone would come to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar and reject his assessment.

Then why are you still standing in front of the Holy Pillar?
The answer will be revealed soon.

The time elapsed here was no more than a second for everyone, or even shorter, but it seemed to Tang Sui that it had passed for a long time.

Because just finding her own will and uttering the voice of rejection, she has spent a lot of effort.

In the outside world, Bo Saixi, standing obliquely in front of Tang Sui, focused his eyes slightly, and looked sideways at the slowly dimming Seahorse Sacred Pillar. The radiance was covered by a more transparent ray.


The sacred pillars standing on the Sea God Island composed of different islands all resonated and trembled.

No one injected soul power, and no one touched it.

The seven holy pillars were instantly covered by that kind of colorless and brilliant light, as if they stood between the heaven and the earth, like the real pillars that reach the sky, with the main body of the holy pillar as the starting point, an indescribable explosion erupted. The beam of light leads to the sky, connecting the whole world!
Tang Sui, who had regained her own will, suddenly shot out a pitch-black light from her eyes, and the accumulated majestic energy exploded instantly, pouring into the colorless holy pillar, and penetrating into her own will.

She wants to——with the soul of the demon clan, with the flesh and blood body, try to ask the way!

The light of the seven holy pillars connecting the heaven and the earth became more intense, and the space leading to the existence of the dark was opened, and the existence of eternal rotation felt the call. to watch.

At this moment, everything seems to have entered an absolute static state, the wind is no longer flowing, the whole world has pressed the pause button, the scene in front of him has changed, and it is back to the scene that Tang Sui saw before accepting the divine test. The scene of the four pillars.

Only this time, the light of the four prisms is very low-key, restraining all the arrogance.

In an instant, the consciousness and will belonging to Poseidon melted before Tang Sui's eyes like a withered leaf, and was suppressed by another unspeakable thought.

— can't be said, can't be seen directly.

Like the iron-blood law engraved in the soul.

But Tang Sui wanted to raise his head and look directly at this existence.

"cluck cluck"

The bones of the body made an overwhelmed crack.

That invisible energy seemed to destroy all the pride in her body, forcing her to retreat.

It doesn't matter whether it is a human, a soul beast, or a demon.But why, an inhuman body is doomed to suffer many injustices? !
what is godWhat is a disaster again?
The Dao is ruthless, the way of heaven is fair, and all living beings are treated equally.Then why in today's world, non-humans cannot become gods? !It's a monster race, a soul beast, or a foreign race, so it's natural to be a dwarf, so should it be suppressed by the human race?

A sound of questioning, as if it was a voice that had been accumulated in the depths of the soul for a long time, was awakened and turned into a hand that knocked on the avenue, knocking on the 'door door' one after another.

One after another, jade white masks were condensed around her, like slowly lit candles.

The faint light connected together, and finally lit up the lengthy darkness.

It doesn't matter whether you are looking for more powerful power or constantly plundering the power of others, all living beings want to survive and welcome a brighter tomorrow.

Three thousand roads lead to the same destination.

All living beings want, but only longevity.

Her wish is to live to death!

In the next second, a mighty light shines from under Tang Sui's feet, instantly covering her and covering the masks.

This light is not divine light.

It's a cloudy black red.

It contains a shockingly rich darkness, but it is also mixed with an astonishing sprout of vitality, forming a more mysterious existence.Contradictions do not conflict, just like the Tai Chi of Yin and Yang, which are endless and interdependent, just like rain nourishing all things, her body riddled with holes was instantly repaired, and it was as good as ever.

This is - "Tao Yi".

These two words inexplicably appeared in Tang Sui's mind. After understanding why the meaning of Tao appeared on her body, her pupils shrank fiercely.

Dao, recognized the Tao she wanted to seek.

From now on, even the law of this world's constant trajectory of fate cannot exclude her existence!

Excitement surged up, but was quickly extinguished by reason with cold water.

Now, just getting a ticket qualification, no longer being regarded as "evil and alien", without Tianke,

But to completely let the divine power suppress and disappear the negative and dark energy mixed with the evil spirit of blood, it depends on whether she can win a glorious crown for herself in this involution full of powerful enemies. Facing Qian Renxue, she was still on the weak side.

However, after all, the first step was successfully taken, right?


Hot water drops swirled and fell to the ground.

Only then did Tang Sui feel the moistness of her cheeks, and raised her hand to touch her face, it turned out that she was already in tears.

"I didn't expect you to dare to ask with an inhuman body."

A steady voice came to Tang Sui's ears.

She turned her head sideways, and a faint blue light floated out from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar in front of her eyes, which had returned to blue, and condensed into a very faded phantom.

His majestic and handsome face, a blue-gold costume, long sea-blue hair, and Tang Sui's familiar divine power all reveal the identity of the existence in front of him—Poseidon, the god of the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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