Chapter 490 Self Examination

Although being used, Poseidon didn't mean to be angry at all, but looked at Tang Sui with a sigh, and said: "It's really a fearsome young generation. Back then, my sea god position was also made by the power of countless beliefs." It was only formed by condensing it. I never thought that you would be able to realize the Tao on your own and find a way to condense the god position without anyone passing it on and guiding you."

Tang Sui didn't panic when Slaughter City's plan was seen through, anyway, the next Poseidon and her were grasshoppers on the same rope.

She bowed slightly to the Sea God, but her tone was as flat as putting herself in the same position as the other party and treating her predecessors in the same period, "You are too famous. I am sorry for using you, but if you give me one more time Given the opportunity, I would still choose to do so.”

Poseidon looked at Tang Sui, who was unfazed and humiliated, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "It's okay, I just acted as a mediator. However, if I can become the guiding god of the new god, maybe I can get a little more merit. dying time."

He said half-jokingly, Tang Sui's eyes moved slightly, and he promised: "If I finally win the throne, if there is any difficulty in the future, I will help you with all my strength."

Whether it is the current Sea God or the future Sea God, as long as it is the "Sea God", she will help and return favors.

She is only asking successfully now, but she has not really enlightened.

And after enlightenment, there is the ultimate proof.

If the proof is successful, it is the real aspiration to the corner of the throne.

Knowing the relationship between Tang Sui's current identity and the successor of the next Poseidon he saw, the Poseidon smiled, and his figure slowly disappeared: "Although my current strength is only a breath, I can't provide much help, but my friend Before you succeed in preaching, all the people of Sea God Island will help you with all your strength for free."

"I wish my little friend a successful demonstration."

Sea God's residual consciousness slowly disappeared, but Tang Sui did not disappear, but calmly sat cross-legged in this emptiness and pure white space, stabilizing his own strength.

To the outside world, the time spent during this period was but a flick of a finger, because of the vision of the Holy Pillar, Tang San, who was looking at Tang Sui, was worried. However, Xi received an oracle from her superior god, the real sea god——

'Before this woman became enlightened, she was treated with the same etiquette as the successor of the Sea God.All needs are met by all my followers. '


The sound of these two words was thunderous, causing deep consternation to appear on Poseidon's flat and beautiful face.

Knowing nothing about Tang San and the others, they were still surrounding Tang Sui Baba who closed his eyes and settled in place, thinking that Tang Sui had failed, but they were still struggling to win the opportunity.

"The light of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar has actually gone out! Sui Sui is so talented, how could it be possible that she didn't even pass the lowest yellow-level assessment?!" Bai Chenxiang felt incredible.

"It shouldn't be, Sui Sui is the one with the highest spirit power and the best talent among us, how could he not be qualified for the assessment?" Dai Mubai deeply felt that something was wrong, there must be something tricky in it.

Xiao Wu also touched the red mark between her eyebrows, wondering: "Yes, I can accept the assessment, there is no reason Sui Sui can't."

She can accept the assessment as a soul beast, so why can't Sui Sui?
It was said that it was because of the mixed race, what did the mistress say?
Xiaosan has directly accepted the assessment of a god position!
"That's right! Sui Sui's soul power level is the highest among us. How could it be possible that he didn't even get the lowest yellow level assessment?" Ning Rongrong was also unwilling to accept this result.

According to what Seahorse Douluo said just now, the tests given by Seagod are graded.

The level is different, the difficulty of the test is also different.

The grades of difficulty are the same as the color of the soul ring, from low to high, they are white-level assessment, yellow-level assessment, purple-level assessment, black-level assessment and red top-level assessment.

It is agreed that the assessment will be conducted according to the strength and potential of the assessor?
"Senior Bo Saixi, why is my sister not qualified to be assessed by Lord Seagod?" Tang San also turned to look at Bo Saixi in doubt.

He didn't know Tang Sui's specific strength, but just based on the breath leaked from Tang Sui's body just now, he could feel the chills bursting. This girl, who was by no means a simple Seahorse Douluo, looked at their big priest in confusion.

Bo Saixi took a long breath, looked at Tang Sui who seemed to be immersed in some kind of mysterious realm, and comforted: "You don't have to worry. Although she did not accept the assessment of Lord Seagod, she accepted a greater , but an extremely difficult assessment.”


Everyone was stunned, and Seahorse Douluo was stunned.

"Senior Bo Saixi, what do you mean by that? Could it be that Sui Sui also accepted the assessment of the god position?" Tang San boldly guessed.

Bo Saixi didn't nod or shake her head, "You're half right. But what she accepts is her own assessment."

Seahorse Douluo immediately understood this, and looked at Tang Sui with amazed eyes: "This! Great priest, you said she wants to prove the Tao by herself?!"

"Prove it yourself?!"

Bo Saixi nodded, and under Tang San's blank gaze, she told a story about Sea God's life before he became a true god that all believers in Sea God Island knew.

It is said that there are hundreds of gods on the Douluo Continent.But only when you really reach level [-], you will know how hard it is to go from level [-] to becoming a god.

Back then, the Sea God spent hundreds of years and countless painstaking efforts to govern the huge chaotic sea area, so that the sea area changed from chaos to order, established order and clear rules and regulations on the sea, solved the problem of marine pollution, and made countless achievements. He found his own way and became a god.

As for Tang Sui, who is only in his early twenties, a first-year seedling, is it easy to talk about becoming a god?
Her own Dao had already been suspended when she chose to take over as the High Priest of the Sea God, and the final outcome was doomed to martyrdom.

this young man.
Bo Saixi's gaze was extremely complicated, did she know what kind of difficult and thorny road she was about to face?

The Shrek Eight Monsters, who came to their senses with hindsight, did not expect Tang Sui to be so bold and choose to become stronger in this way.

After Tang San heard this, he felt the urge to teach Tang Sui well, but thinking of everything Tang Sui had experienced from childhood to adulthood, he found that he seemed to understand why his sister made such a choice.

They can be mediocre, but they can't just stand by and watch the people they care about encounter danger without the power to protect them.

If Sui Sui hadn't arrived in time when he was in the Star Dou Great Forest, then his and Xiao Wu's fate would be nothing more than a separation between heaven and man forever.

It was also at that time that he realized that becoming compulsive was imminent.

Without strength, there is only passive beating and watching the next tragedy happen.

Tang San's lips were tense, his eyes were flickering, and his heart was covered with a cloud.

Feeling her lover's bad mood, Xiao Wu squeezed Tang San's hand silently, giving her silent comfort.

Although she was also full of worry and anger in her heart.

As the most eye-catching Tang Sui this time, his closed eyelashes trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes, not knowing what he was about to face.

—— Digression——

Hey, none of us will inherit the god position, we will fight for the god position by ourselves, this wave is a self-examination~
(End of this chapter)

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