Chapter 491 VIP+1
Surging power poured into her whole body, flowing through every inch of meridians like a trickle, and that faint trace of Taoism made her soul truly sublimate, as comfortable as being in a hot spring, making Tang Sui reluctant to open her eyes from this mysterious place. Get out of the realm.

But in the end, she suppressed the power flowing in her body, opened her eyes, and met everyone's joyful, worried, or angry gazes.

Tang Sui: "."

It seemed that everyone knew what she was doing.How about closing your eyes and getting dizzy now?

But this thought was just a flash, after all, she is standing here intact and answering her friends is the best proof that she is fine.

"Sui Sui, how are you feeling?!"

Everyone surrounded Tang Sui.

Even with a terrifying Bo Saixi around, they couldn't restrain their impulse.

Bo Saixi moved back intimately, giving up enough space.

Tang Sui with rosy cheeks raised a smile on his lips and said, "I'm worrying everyone, I'm fine."

Hearing Tang Sui's words, the stones hanging from everyone's hearts fell, and then there was a rebuke.

"Sui Sui, you are too reckless! To know such a thing as proving the Tao, even Grandpa Jian, who already has a soul power of level 97, can't do it, and even got lost in the process of seeking the Tao. There is no hope of level [-]." Ning Rong Rong said, his eyes turned red, "You are the soul sage! Grandpa Jian said that the process of proving the Tao is very difficult. It may take hundreds of years or even a lifetime just to find the Tao! It may affect your future cultivation!"

Seahorse Douluo and Bo Saixi on the background board: ".?"

Their surprised eyes fell on the young Tang Sui. It was hard to imagine that Tang Sui had already reached the level of Soul Sage.

You must know that they are not young geniuses cultivated by the Spirit Hall, but that other forces can actually cultivate to the level of soul saints with their own talents without accepting the assessment of Lord Seagod. This is really, amazing.

From Ning Rongrong's words, the intention of Jian Dou Luo Chenxin is to hold her hand comfortingly with Tang Sui who asked Jian Wen, and originally wanted to warm her hand, but she forgot, and now her body temperature has already dropped She has no such ability at the level below ordinary human beings.

"However, I'm only 20 years old now. As the level of soul power increases, the lifespan of a soul master will also be extended. If you can't realize the Tao for decades, then it will be a hundred years, or even a thousand years."

A general soul master will have a lifespan of about three hundred years after entering the realm of Titled Douluo.After stepping into Title Douluo, each level of soul power increase can increase lifespan by 100 years.

If her future cultivation is affected because she cannot truly comprehend her own Dao, the problem of lifespan is not a problem in front of her inhuman blood.

And this is also the difference between non-human races and human beings.

If it is a human being, you can directly skip asking for relief, and go directly to seeking the way, that is, the second link of enlightenment, and then to the third stage of proving the way, and finally succeed in conferring the gods.

Non-human races need to obtain "qualification", that is, the point of the heavenly feedback on her body that condenses the weak will of her will.

That's why she said that the human race is the one that is favored.

Tang Sui took the lectures from his partners one by one, and Bo Saixi, who was standing in the outer circle, looked at Xiao Wu and the others as the atmosphere gradually calmed down, and a kind but majestic voice sounded: "As for your testimony, Miss, Lord Sea God has already Send down an oracle to make all Seagod believers do their best to help. From now on, you and Tang San will become the most honorable people in Seagod Island, and no one including me is qualified to bear the etiquette of your brothers and sisters."

"Proving the Dao is a more dangerous and difficult process than the God's Examination. If you are a little careless, the impact on your cultivation is minor, and the death of the body and the disappearance of the Dao are the most vigilant. Please work hard."

As soon as the words fell, the golden-red light lit up, making people close their eyes unconsciously, and when they opened them again, there was no longer the figure of Po Saixi, the great priest of the Sea God.

Without that absolutely oppressive aura, Oscar's tense nerves relaxed a lot, and he said with lingering fear: "Senior Seagod Douluo's aura is too strong, even though it has been restrained, even if it blooms even a little, it will not hurt you." It makes me feel like I can't breathe."

Bai Chenxiang also nodded, the clothes on the back were a little wet, because the cold sweat from the tremendous pressure that Bo Saixi put on her soaked the clothes.

The others also had lingering fears. Among them, Tang San's expression was a little gloomy. Not only did he not speak when he was not around Tang Sui just now, but he also did not say anything now, and his eyes even avoided Tang Sui.

Tang Sui, who noticed this subtlety, looked sideways, and only saw a side face of his brother.

She frowned slightly, and was about to speak when Seahorse Douluo on the other end said first: "Dear guests, it's getting late today, please stay with me in Seahorse City, and start the test tomorrow."

Sharp-eyed Dai Mubai, who noticed that Tang San's mood was not right, took a step forward and cupped his hands: "Then I'll trouble you senior."

Followed by the other two sea soul masters in yellow clothes, they walked through the jungle behind Hai Zhonghai, all the way in silence, and the atmosphere that Tang Sui finally relieved became subtle again.

Seahorse Douluo pretended not to see, walked in the front, led the crowd through the winding jungle path, and stood outside Seahorse City.

The walls of this small town are only five meters high.

Because they came out of the higher jungle, the Seahorse City in front of them was shrouded in a bubble-like transparent air shield, and they could see its appearance clearly when they looked up.

Compared with the cities of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Haima City in front of us is much smaller.But after all, it is made up of archipelagos, and the sea occupies a large area, so the area of ​​this small city is somewhat limited.

In the center of the city stands a tall building.The building looks somewhat similar to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, but it is much wider, and there is also a striking seahorse statue on the top of the building.

Seeing the city he was guarding, Seahorse Douluo's expression was tinged with gentleness, and he introduced: "Sea God Island has seven holy pillars and seven cities. Each city has about 1000 people, and they are the most loyal believers of Lord Sea God."

Walking in through the gate of Haima City, everyone could clearly see the whole picture of the city in front of them.

Probably because of the transparent air cover on the outer layer, the air in the city is humid, but there are groups of sea fish in the sky, or swimming whales flying alone, stretching their fins across the city buildings in the sky. Swipe across, like in the sea, come and go freely, and even spit out bubbles from the mouth.

The sea soul beasts that should have lived in the deep sea can be seen everywhere here, and they are not even afraid of people at all. When Xiao Wu curiously reached out and poked the parrot fish that swam close, the other party also touched it with a slightly pointed snout in a friendly manner. Xiao Wu's hand responded.

Most of them have a lifespan of a hundred years or less, but it is really rare to see such a scene where a sea soul beast and a soul master who are not afraid of people live together.

(End of this chapter)

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