Chapter 493 Brother and Sister Night Talk
Next, everyone shared their thoughts about the Seagod's Light, and finally decided to gather here at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, and formally go to the core forbidden area to start cultivating.

After eating and drinking, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Although it was said that he was recharging his energy and having a good rest, Tang San tossed and turned on the bed for a long time, but he still didn't fall asleep.

Too many things happened today, and the impact on him was extraordinary.

Thinking of his sister who was boldly asking, Tang San sighed, sat up from the bed, looked at the monotonous wall, his eyes were out of focus, as if he was in a trance.


There were two light knocks on the door, Tang San turned his head, the purple-gold light in his eyes just lit up, when he heard a familiar voice from outside the door: "Brother, it's me."


Tang San was slightly stunned, then got up and went to open the door.

When he saw that it was really Tang Sui, he pursed his lips and didn't say anything. He just turned sideways to let Tang Sui in. After closing the door, he directly opened the Blue Silver Domain. peep.

"Brother, are you still angry?" Tang Sui put his hands behind his back, and where Tang San couldn't see, his pink fingertips touched each other and clasped tangledly.

Tang San looked at Tang Sui, who looked a little nervous, exhaled, with a gloomy look on his brows: "I'm a little angry. But after thinking about it carefully, I found that I have no position to blame you for taking the risk, because it was my fault. That's what got you to this point."

Tang Sui was startled, "Brother."

Hearing Tang Sui's address, Tang San smiled wryly, took off his disguise in front of his younger sister, sat on the edge of the bed, put his elbows on his knees, hugged his head, and said in a low voice: "When I was young, I thought I can have the power to protect you, but with the awakening of my martial soul, I realized that my knowledge is still in front of me. In the eyes of others, the power I possess may be rare and not worth mentioning at all. So, you imagine Another powerful ego emerged to protect itself."

The last sentence Tang San said was vague, Tang Sui's lips parted slightly, but they still closed.

"Although I never put myself on the side of absolute advantage, I also feel that I am not without the power to protect myself and the meager power to protect you." Tang San put down his hand, his eyes dimmed, "But as a big brother, no matter in your body Before you recover, or now, every time you encounter danger, I can't be your reliance to protect you, on the contrary, I have been protected by you all the time."

"It's not wrong for you to seek a stronger power to protect yourself, but I am not qualified to interfere with you every time I am protected by you, because this is indeed a better choice, I"

"Brother, that's not the case."

Seeing that Tang Sanyue's words were getting more and more wrong, Tang Sui couldn't help stretching out his hands, holding Tang San's face from left to right with cool and soft palms, making him forcefully raise his head to meet her gaze.

"Brother, my goal and yours are the same. I am constantly pursuing to become stronger, and I also want to have the power to protect my family. And if my family is stronger, I will also be happy, not just for your achievements, I'm also happy." She paused, her voice lowered slightly, "There are some things that I can do with my hands free, without any worries, and even come back to find support."

Speaking of this, Tang Sui's eyes lit up: "I never thought that brother, you have no right to interfere with my affairs. Because we are blood relatives, family members, and even if we are far apart, we will stand together Family members. Family members must support each other."

"From childhood to adulthood, along the way, even if we encountered danger, we never doubted each other! Just like when we were young when we met a violent wild boar in the cub stage, I was weaker than you, and I was your drag , but you did not ignore me, you will discuss with me, and then we will work out a strategy together to kill the wild boar, which is a huge monster for us, right?"

"So brother, what are you doubting? It's not that my sister is stronger than my brother, so my brother is qualified to interfere and advise my sister's affairs. On the contrary, many times, I need your advice more so that I can better improve my strategy. "

Tang San's heart trembled slightly, under his sister's sincere and clear eyes, he suddenly felt that his doubts were all self-inflicted nonsense.


So what if the younger sister is stronger?

They are still a loving family.

Just like what Sui Sui said, if you encounter a strong enemy, you can't beat them alone, but you can come back and file a complaint. At worst, the whole family will fight in groups.

The messy and muddy thoughts were swept away, and all thoughts became clear.

He let out a breath, and the light in his eyes regained.

Sensing Tang San's emotional change, Tang Sui let go of her hand, looked at the red finger marks on her brother's face, as if she had received two symmetrical slaps, a little cautious.

She forgot to pull back.

Tang San, who didn't feel anything strange about his face at all, smiled again, and said in relief: "I understand, Sui Sui. I'm sorry, my brother was just thinking about it before, and his attitude during the day was very indifferent, did it hurt you? gone?"

"It's okay, brother, I didn't take it to heart. Now that you've recovered, I'll go back to my room and sleep." Tang Sui looked away and walked towards the door naturally.

When Tang Sui was about to touch the edge of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover and the Blue Silver Domain, Tang San took it back instantly.

After the door closed with a "click", the room returned to silence.

But Tang San, whose mentality had been readjusted, no longer felt difficult, because his heart was very peaceful now.

Early the next morning, everyone gathered in the VIP room on the third floor.

When Tang Sui and the others almost arrived, Ning Rongrong opened the door anxiously and entered the room, glanced at his companions, and frowned: "Have you seen Xiangxiang? I knocked on Xiangxiang's room when I got up, but There was no one for a long time, I thought she came first!"

But now it seems that people are not here!
Where can she go then?

Everyone's expressions changed.

Ma Hongjun, who missed Bai Chenxiang the most, was startled at first, and then thought of something. He who always had a playful smile just pursed his lips this time, and said, "There's no need to look for her. I know where she went."

"She has already gone to the sea monster by herself." Tang Sui took the words with a sigh.

Ma Hongjun didn't deny it, but Ning Rongrong worried: "Will Xiangxiang be in danger if she goes there alone?"

"There are dangers for sure. But if you stagnate like this, you won't be able to grow." As a girl, Xiao Wu, who roughly understands Bai Chenxiang's current psychology, sighed, then raised her hand and patted Ning Rongrong. Shoulder: "Rongrong, trust Xiangxiang. She is also our partner."

Ning Rongrong hesitated for a while before nodding.

Waiting for the girls to finish speaking, a purple-clothed sea spirit master that Tang San invited also arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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