Chapter 494 Swordfish School: Make Me Healthy
Seahorse Douluo had spread the order of the Seagod to worship Bo Saixi yesterday, and the purple-clothed sea spirit master who came with Tang San was also notified early in the morning.

Hearing that everyone planned to go to the core forbidden area of ​​Sea God Island, he led the way for them without any hesitation.

Under the leadership of this purple-clothed sea soul master, the crowd left Haima City, walked through the dense jungle, and headed straight to another mountain surrounded by sea water——Sea God Mountain.

"Everyone, welcome to Sea God Mountain." The purple-clothed sea soul master turned sideways, revealing the magnificent scenery behind him.

The ring-shaped water area is in the middle, and the terrain alone is 500 meters high.The entire island is shrouded in a faint golden light, but it is not the sun's rays, but the brilliance of freedom on the island.

On the peak of Sea God Mountain, there is a palace carved like white jade, hidden in the sacred golden light, even Tang San with excellent eyesight can't see the detailed appearance of the palace.

"This is the forbidden area?" Dai Mubai murmured looking at the scenery in front of him.

He thought the forbidden area was a majestic and gloomy environment, but how could he have imagined such a magnificent scene?
The purple-clothed sea soul master's expression was extremely pious, his eyes filled with faith: "Yes. This is the forbidden area of ​​our Sea God Island, the Sea God Temple dedicated to Lord Sea God."

He introduced the stone steps leading down from the temple at the top.In the rays of the sun, the jade-white stone steps are reflected crystal clear, like a jade belt connected, and like a ladder to the sky, as if there is no end in sight.

"What we are facing is the stairs to the island, and it is also the place where all distinguished guests need to pass the test. There are a total of one thousand and one steps. The stairs to the island are only available to the guardians of the Sea God Island who have passed the purple-level assessment lowered by the Lord Sea God. Those who are qualified to set foot on it and worship the Seagod Temple, otherwise they will be blocked by the Seagod's Light."

As he said that, the tone of the purple-clothed soul master became serious: "Dear guests, although the Seagod's Light is the only one that is not considered dangerous among all the assessment content sent by the Lord Seagod, please be careful and don't force it too much. At the same time, Please also be careful of the ring sea."

Dai Mubai immediately understood the content of the first test, and performed a noble courtesy to Ziyi Hai soul master: "Thank you for your guidance."

The purple-clothed sea soul master nodded.

Tang San looked at the peaceful ring-shaped sea in front of him, and said: "Come on, let's go to the Sea God Temple mountain."

Oscar consciously started making sausages, Tang San and Tang Sui, who didn't need it, rushed out first, and Ma Hongjun followed closely behind.

The others also flew up together after eating the mushroom sausage, heading towards Sea God Mountain.

Sensing the presence of a strange aura, the swordfish schools that had disturbed the sea water began to stir.

Leaping out of the sea one by one, they saw everyone's appearance in their eyes.

Swordfish Group: Tell me, Kangkang, which thug is here to break into the forbidden area?
Oh, those who were given the assessment by the Lord Seagod, all of them have the honor of the Lord Seagod, huh?How come there is still a fish that slipped through the net!
The school of swordfish jumping up from the sea was like a shark chasing after smelling the smell of blood, aiming at Tang Sui with its sharp and hard snout like a rapier.


Xiao Wu's expression changed suddenly, and she rushed towards Tang Sui, trying to push her away.

No one expected that the school of swordfishes who were "welcoming guests" a second ago suddenly rushed towards Tang Sui and launched an attack.

Although the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake flies extremely fast, there is still a little distance between Naihe Xiaowu and Tang Sui.

Looking at the purple-black spikes and the school of swordfish following the excitement of their prey, Tang Sui's eyes lit up with a dark red light, resembling the mighty pressure of the overlord soul beast swaying from Tang Sui's body.


The school of swordfishes rushing forward froze, and under the astonished eyes of the purple-clothed soul master who was looking anxiously at the shore, after falling from mid-air, they stopped jumping out of the sea, and the swordfish stayed peacefully under the water one after another. , the swarthy Doudou looked at Tang Sui's position, gurgling and spitting sea bubbles, but didn't dare to stand up again.

Xiao Wu, who came to Tang Sui's side at night, was also shocked, and then stood in front of Tang Sui vigilantly, looking at the swordfish schools that became calm after falling into the sea, a little puzzled: "What's wrong with them? ? You were still welcoming one second, and you started attacking Sui Sui the next second."

Ma Hongjun who got close flew up and down, and found that the swordfish were obediently sinking in the sea, and did not jump up again, scratching his head: "Yeah, it's really crazy. The eight of us are here, and we didn't attack. The third brother at the front stares at Sui Sui to attack, why is that?"

"Could it be related to Sui Sui's failure to pass the test of Lord Seagod?" Ning Rongrong raised her hand with exquisite thoughts, and her eyes fell on a layer of light red light on her snow-white skin who didn't know when.

Looking up at Dai Mubai and the others, they were all black light.Tang San was golden light, but Tang Sui didn't shine.

"It looks like it should be. But they won't attack us again, let's keep flying." Tang Sui glanced at the swordfish school that suddenly calmed down and said.

Dai Mubai nodded, and continued walking.

It's just that the flight speed is a little slower this time, and even the formation is no longer scattered, but a group that can launch defense at any time.

The group of swordfishes, who were left far behind by the crowd, regained their restlessness, spitting water bubbles one by one, and communicating with each other using the unique contact method between the soul beast group.

Swordfish No. 1: Who said that the two-legged beast just now belonged to the overlord soul beast?stand out!I poked it to death!

Swordfish 2: What is an afterthought?Didn't you rush just now?
Swordfish No. 3: It's a strange two-legged beast, its aura is neither human nor beast, but its coercion is truly terrifying.

Swordfish No. 4: I know that the pink two-legged beast is a soul beast, and the other one has the aura of Lord Sea God.

Swordfish No. 5: It's like who doesn't know.

Swordfish 6: What if they come again?
This question made the swordfish group quiet for a while, and then began to chatter, the melancholy that could be felt across the sea.

The people who didn't know the content of Swordfish's entanglement arrived at the foot of Sea God Mountain unimpeded this time.

The moment they set foot on the island, a majestic and sacred atmosphere permeated their mood, unconsciously stained with a trace of heaviness and depression.

Tang San, who is the core soul of the team, turned his head to look at Dai Mubai who suddenly looked solemn, and said softly: "Boss Dai, let's try together first."

Tang Sui, who obviously had this strength, had a thought, and stood beside Xiao Wu honestly instead of going with him, giving Tang San the opportunity to test the waters.

Well, it is also very important for my brother to feel his own importance and responsibility at the right time.

On this side, Dai Mubai had already nodded heavily, and in the next second, he and Tang San flew up from the spot, rushing towards the high steps.


Two dull sounds sounded almost simultaneously.

Tang San and Dai Mubai who rushed out were bounced back heavily by Tang Sui's unsurprised and worried eyes of others, and even retreated 30 meters before stopping.

—— Digression——

Cowardly and timid Swordfish: Next time, definitely next time.

(End of this chapter)

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